Applications Of Artificial Intelligence MBA 1st Year Semester Short Question Answers Study Material Notes Sample Modal Practice Papers Study Notes Unit Wise Chapter Wise Syllabus Notes

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Q.1. What do you understand by Information? (2005-06)
Ans. Information: Processed data which is used to trigger certain actions or gain better understanding of what the data implies is called information.
‘Information is a data that has been processed into a form which is meaningful to the recipients and is of real or perceived value in the current or the prospective actions or decisions of the recipient. -Davis and Olson
This recognizes both the value of information in taking a particular decision and in affecting the decisions or actions which are to be taken in the future. The resources of information are reusable and they does not lose their value even after the information has been retrieved and used. Information can be processed and even can be used to draw generalized conclusions or knowledge. It can be said as a type of organized data.
Applications Of Artificial Intelligence MBA 1st Year Semester Short Question Answers
Q.2. Differentiate between data and Information.(2013-14)
Or What is the difference between data and Information?(2015-16)
Ans. Difference between Data and Information
S.No. | Data | Information |
1. | Data refers to detailed facts about any event. | Information refers to only those events which are concerned with entity. |
2. | Data is generally disorganized and disintegrated in form. | Information is properly arranged, classified and organized.. |
3. | Data is raw in form. | Information is in finished form. |
4. | Data cant be understood by users. | Information can be understood by users. |
5. | Data does not depend upon information. | Information is based upon data. |
Q.3. What is management support system? Discuss its three responsibilities.
Ans. Management Support System (MSS): It supports the decision-making needs of stra (top) management, tactical (middle) management and operating (supervisory) management, w information system focuses on providing information and support for effective decision-mol by managers, they are called management support system. Providing information and support decision-making by all levels of management is a complex task. Conceptually several major type information system support a variety of managerial end user responsibilities:
1. Management Information System: It provides information in the form of reports and then displays them to managers. For example, sales managers may use their computer workstations to get instantaneous displays about the sales results of their products and to access weekly sales analysis reports that evaluate sales made by each sales person.
2. Decision Support System: Give direct computer support to managers during the decision making process. For example, advertising managers may use an electronic spreadsheet package to do what if analysis as they test the impact of alternatives advertising budgets on the forecasted sales of new products.
3. Executive Information System: It provides critical information in easy-to-use displays to top and middle management. For example, top executives may use touch screen terminals to instantly view text and graphics displays that highlight key areas of organizational and competitive performance.
Q.4. What are the physical components in MIS structure?
Ans. Structure of MIS may be understood by looking at the physical components of the information system in an organisation. The physical components of an organisational information system may be hardware, software, database, manual procedures and operating persons. A brief description of these components has been outlined in the following paragraphs:
1. Hardware: Hardware refers to the physical data processing equipments and peripheral devices. For example, CPU, monitor, keyboard, printer, drives, tapes, communication devices, etc.
2. Software: Software is a broad term given to the instructions or programs that direct the operations of the hardware. Software could be of two types, i.e. system software and application software.
3. Database: The database consists of all data utilized by application software. Data is stored in files.
4. Procedures: Formal operating procedures, which are required to operate a system, such as manuals, are also regarded as physical elements.
5. Operating Personnel: Personnel like computer operators, computer programmers, system analysts, system managers, etc. are the operating people of the information system.
6. Input and Output: Various physical inputs and outputs form the information system existing in the forms like print out, reports, etc.
Q.5. Describe the structure of MIS based on processing functions.
Ans. The structure of MIS based on processing functions are as follows:
1. To Process Transactions: Information system processes transactions where transaction may be defined as an activity taking place in an organisation. For example, making a purchase or a sale manufactured product. It may be within the organisation or may be external in nature
2. To Maintain Master Files: Information system creates and maintain master files in an organisation A master file stores relative permanent or historical data about organisational entities. For example data processing to prepare an employee’s salary requires data item, for the employee’s basic pay allowances, deductions, etc.
3. To Produce Reports: Reports are significant products of an information system. Many report are produced on a regular basis which are called scheduled reports. An information system als produces report on ad hoc requests. These are known as special or ad hoc reports.
To Process Enquiries: An information system is used to prove series, the information system uses its databases. These may be regular enquiries with a pre-defined format or ad hoc enquiries.
5. To Process Interactive Support Applications: The information system designed to support system for planning, analysis and decision-making. Various types of models are used for processing such applications. The mode of operation, as the name suggests, is interactive, in which the user responds to questions and requests for data and receives results so as to make changes in the inputs until an optimum solution is found.
Applications Of Artificial Intelligence MBA 1st Year Semester Short Question Answers
Applications Of Artificial Intelligence MBA 1st Year Semester Short Question Answers
Q.6. What are the various elements of MIS?
Ans. The various elements of MIS are as follows:
- Transaction Processing System: This system is designed for processing day-to day transactions occurring in the organisation. These systems involve large volume of data and mainly help in the operation control area of the company.
- Information Providing System: Attempt is made here to general making activity. Starting with transaction processing system, summary and exemption reports are tabulation of detail by categories. Exemption reports provide information about deviation of actual front planned and indicate the reasons of deviations.
3. Decision Support System: This system is for improving the analytical capability of the decision maker. Attempt is made here to create an interaction model of a real life situation so that the decision maker can interrogate the system for generation and evaluation of various alternatives.
4. Programmed Decision-making System: This involves creating system for programmed decision area, so that a decision is made by the system instead of a person. This requires very clean specifications of the procedure.
5. Needs to be Proactive: MIS should anticipate change in the information needs of user and accordingly adapt themselves to suit their needs.
6. Financial and Human Resource: The MIS should be designed keeping in view the availability of financial and human resources to the business unit.
Q.7. Discuss the concept of Transaction Processing System (TPS).
Or Explain transaction processing system.(2014-15)
Ans. Transaction Processing System: Transaction Processing System (TPS) is a cross-functional information system that process data resulting from the occurrence of business transactions. Transactions are events that occur as part of doing business, such as sales, purchases, deposits, withdrawals, refunds and payments. Transaction processing activities are needed to capture and process data, or the operations of a business would grind to a halt. Online transaction processing systems play a vital role in e-commerce.
Many firms are using the internet, intranet, extranet and other networks for online transaction processing in order to provide superior service to their customers and suppliers,
Online transaction processing system plays a strategic role in electronic commerce:
1. Many firms are using the internet, extranet and other networks that tie them electronically to their customers or suppliers for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP).
2.The real time systems, which capture and process transactions immediately, can help them provide superior service to customers and other trading partners.

Q.8. What are the advantages of process control system?
Ans. Process Control System: It is a state where statistical techniques are used in order to monitor a specified process to achieve improved quality of productivity. It is a feedback mechanism to provide information about the characteristics of process, its inputs and outputs.