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Applications Of Artificial Intelligence MBA 1st Year Semester Very Short Question Answers

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Applications Of Artificial Intelligence MBA 1st Year Semester Very Short Question Answers
Applications Of Artificial Intelligence MBA 1st Year Semester Very Short Question Answers

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Applications Of Artificial Intelligence MBA 1st Year Semester Very Short Question Answers Page.2

Q.1. What is data?

Ans. Data is a single piece of information. It may consist of numbers, word as measurements or observations of a set of variables. Data is a lowest level of abstraction from which information and knowledge are derived.

Q.2. What do you mean by information?

Ans. Information is a processed data which has been placed in a meaningful and useful context for an end user. It is placed in a proper context for a human user.

Q.3. What are the features of information?

Ans. The features of information include: 

1. Timeliness, 2. Accuracy,

3. Appropriateness, 4. Frequency,

5. Conciseness, 6. Relevancy,

7. Understandability, 8. Completeness, 9. Economical. 

Q.4. Define the term-information system. 

Ans. Information system is a set of people, procedures and resources that collects, transforms and disseminates information in an organization. It is a set of organized procedures that when executed provide information for decision-making and control of the organization.”

Q.5. What do you know about operation support system? 

Ans. Operation support system provides information about the day-to-day activities of the organisation. It supports the operations of the organization by keeping track of the resources and the transactions.

Q.6. Write a note on transaction processing system.

Ans. Transaction processing system is a computerized system whose primary purpose is to record. process, validate and store the transactions that take place in the various functional areas of a business for future use.

Q.7. Give the advantages of TPS. 

Ans. The advantages of TPS include: · 

1. Real time back up. 

2. Archiving historical data.

3. Good data placement.. · 

Q.8. What is process control system?

Ans. Process control system is a feedback mechanism that provides information about the process characteristics and variables, process performance action on the process inputs and action on the output.

Q.9. What is enterprise collaboration system?

Ans. Enterprise collaboration system is a group of hardware, software, to support communication, coordination and collaboration among the me 

Q.10. What are the advantages of ECS? 

Ans. The advantages of ECS are:

1. On-demand availability of data for decision-making. 

2. Enterprise wide sharing of knowledge and resources.

3. Optimal utilization of distributed resources. 

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