(4) Animator: Be positive and flexible. Adapt to an ever changing work situation. Give others the freedom to grow and build positive morale among co-workers.
(5) Expressionist: Very articulate with other’s feelings and emotions. Constantly remain in touch with co-workers feeling quotient. Create the feeling of being valued among employees. Respect every person as unique individual. Be authentic and true.
Q.7. What do you mean by value? Also explain the values for managers.
Ans. Value : The word ‘Value’ has been derived from the French word, ‘Valoir’ which means the worth, merit, usefulness or importance of a thing.
Value is a concept of desire, a universal criterion of standard of evaluation, a person possesses. Such concepts and standards are relatively few and determine or guide an individual evaluation of many objects encountered in everyday life.
Features of Values: Values lay the foundation for the understanding of perception, attitude and motivation of people. Some features of value are as follows:
(1) Values are at the core of personality and are a powerful force affecting behaviour.
(2) Values contain judgmental element i.e. an individual’s ideas as to what is right or wrong.
(3) Values are fixed, they change over time.
(4) Many values are relatively stable and enduring. This is because of the way in which they are originally learned.
(5) We have a hierarchy of values that form our value system. But everyone does not hold the same values.
(6) Values have both content and intensity attributes. The content attribute indicates that a mode of conduct of existence is important.
The intensity attribute specifies how important it is.
Importance of Values in Business: Values play a vital role in business affairs in the following ways:
1. Corporate culture : An effective yalue system creates a strong corporate culture which is necessary for higi performance and growth in the business.
2. Guide toActioi: Business values serve as a social guide for decision- making and actions to be taken in the bus:ness. These values provide the right answer to the basic question, as what is a good business.
3. Objective Standards : Business values serve as objective standards or norms against which the conduct of busmessinen and their performance can be judged. Values determine the managerial functions which the manager performs.
4. Social Responsibility: Business has social obligations. Business values help to persuade businessmen to discharge their social responsibilities. Business enterprises follow ethical norms to fulfil their responsibilities towards different sections of society such as obligation towards employees, customers, society, shareholders etc.
Values for Manager The values for manager are stated below:
(1) Fearlessness.
(2) Purity of mmd and heart.
(3) Integration of thoughts.
(4) Inspired deals and vision.
(5) Creativity.
(6) Empathy.
(7) Love and affection.
(8) Patience.
(9) Friendship with all.
(10) Spirit of sacrifice for the sake of common good.
(11) Non-violence.
(12) Firm but fair.
(13) Harmlessness.
(14) Gentleness.
(15) Truthfulness
(16) Loyalty.
(17) Cheerfulness.
(18) Simplicity.
(19) Calmness.