BBA 3rd Year 604 International Trade Examination Sample Model Mock Test Paper 2014 Last 3 Year examination papers Unit-wise content

BBA 1st 2nd 3rd Year Study Material Notes
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B.B.A. Examination, June 2014
International Trade
Note : Attempt all the sections as per instructions.
(Very Short Questions Answer)
Note: Attempt all the five questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Very short required not exceeding 75 words. (3 x 5 = 15)
- What is meant by international trade?
Ans. Refer to Unit-I, Sec-A, Q. 1.
- What is meant by balance of payments?
Ans. Refer to Unit-II, Sec-A, Q. 1.
- What do you understand by foreign trade?
Ans. Refer to Unit-II, Sec-A, Q.8.
- What is meant by regional economic groupings?
Ans. Refer to Unit-III, Sec-A, Q. 19.
5. Write any three assumptions of Ricardian theory.
Ans. Refer to Unit-1, Sec-C, Q.4.
(Short Questions Answer)
Note : Attempt any two questions out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks. Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words. (15 x 3 = 45) 15
6. Describe the main problems which are faced in international trade.
Ans. Refer to Unit-I, Sec-B, Q.2.
7. Describe the role of trade restrictions in promoting economic development.
Ans. Refer to Unit-III, Sec-C, Q.3.
8. Give arguments against free trade.
Ans. Refer to Unit-II, Sec-B, Q. 2.
(Detailed Questions Answer)
Note : Attempt any three questions out of the following five questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Answer is required in detail.
9. Explain the modern theory of international trade in detail.
Ans. Refer to Unit-I, Sec-C, Q.5.
10.Describe the impact of foreign trade on the economic growth of a country.
Ans. Refer to Unit-II, Sec-C, Q.3.
11.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of World Trade Organisation in reference to Indian economy.
Ans. Refer to Unit-III, Sec-B, Q. 3. S
12.Give description of efforts made by government for export promotion in India.
Ans. Refer to Unit-IV, Sec-C, Q. 9.
13. Describe the main features of Foreign Trade Policy (2009-2014) of India.
Ans. Refer to Unit-V, Sec-C, Q. 1.