BBA 3rd Year Recent Trends In India Foreign Trade Very Short Question Answer Study Material Notes Sample papers Unit-wise division of the content 3 mock papers for self-assessment

BBA 1st 2nd 3rd Year Study Material Notes
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(Very Short Answer Questions)
Q.1. What do you mean by export promotion council?
Ans. Export promotion councils are non-profit organizations registered under the Companies Act or the Societies Registration Act as the case may be. They are supported by financial assistance from the central government.
Q.2. What is the main role of export promotion councils?
Ans. The main role of the export promotion councils is to project India’s image abroad as a reliable supplier of high quality goods and services. In particular, the EPCs encourage and monitor the observance of international standards and specifications by exporters.
Q.3. What are the basic functions of export promotion councils?
Ans. The basic functions of export promotion councils are:
(a) Registration of exporters and issuer of registration
cum membership certificate under the Exim policy.
(b) Providing a forum and link between the government and
their members for consideration and implementation
of schemes for export production and marketing.
(C) Allocation of export quota as slips for items like
(d) Any other issues covering production and marketing
of product under their preview.
Q.4. What is the Turnkey project?
Ans. Turnkey refers to something that is ready for immediate use, generally used in the sale or supply of goods or services. The R term is common in construction industry, for instance in which it T refers to the building of materials and labour by sub-contractors. fi
Q.5. What are the various sources of finance required to s set up a project?
Ans. Various sources of finance are capital structure, equity, € capital term loans, debentures, working capital in advance, raising venture capital.