BBA Business Communication Study Material Function of Communication : BBA Business Communication Notes Study Material in English PDF 2019 Download.
- Communication is the lifeline of any organisation.
- Communication performs four basic functions – information, control, motivation, emotional expression and inters – dependence.
- Information is the first and foremost function of communication. There are many sources of information and it can be conveyed through various media.
- Information is vitally important for decision making.
- Communication acts to control member behaviour in many ways, both formal and informal.
- Motivation of the workers at any level in an organization is of vital importance for its success. There are many ways to motivate the workers.
- Emotional expression and inter – dependences is the fourth basic function of communication. It stems from the facts that every organization is a social entity.
- Emotional Intelligence or Emotional Bank Account is as important as the analytical Skill or IQ of a manager/worker.
- All these functions of communication are equally important and inter – dependent.
In chapter 2 we have talked about the importance and purpose of communication in an organization. The chapter, therefore, does give us quite some idea of the functions of communication. But the thrust of that chapter is towards the changing character of organizations in modern times. In this chapter we propose to have a closer look at the functions of commutation in an organization. It need not be repeated that communication is the lifeline of any organization. It serves four major functions that can be stated as follows:
- Information
- Control
- Motivation
- Emotional expression and interdependence
The first and foremost function of communication is to provide information. This function is performed in many ways. Before providing or passing an information, one has to receive, collect or sift information from various sources, both external and internal and through various media, verbal or non – verbal, body language or paralanguage, sign language or audiovisual aids, books, journals, newspapers, advertisements, brochures etc.
The information thus gathered is of vital importance to individuals and groups. It helps them to make decisions by identifying, analyzing and evaluating the data, and considering alternative choices. In other words, policy decisions can be taken only when information is available.
Education research and development depend on information. Education is an ongoing process. No organization can really grow unless the people vitally involved in it have some kind of ‘continuing education’. All senior managers nowadays keep abreast of the latest developments in their respective areas. It is also to be noted that no information is insular. In one way or another, directly or indirectly, all different areas of interest, especially in the business world, are interrelated. That is why almost all people in business, whether entrepreneurs or managers, organize and participate in seminars conferences and refresher courses. Proper transmission of information is also of great educational value to employees. Unless they are given useful information from time to time they are likely to remain ignorant, uncultivated or inadequately equipped.
Information made available to the world outside the organization also educates the public. Advertisements, special articles, information talks etc play an important role in this regard.
The next very important function of communication is to control ‘member behavior’ in several ways. Every organization has a hierarchical system and formal guidelines that the employees are supposed to follow. When, for example, the employees are required to follow their job description or instructions, or to comply with company policies, communication is performing a control function. This very function also gives the employees their code of conduct. It is generally expected of the employees to first communicate their grievance or complaints to their immediate boss. They have, in this way, to follow the formal channel of communication.
But, at the same time, it must also be pointed out, informal communication also controls behavior. By talking informally in group the workers lay down the norms to be followed. It is not always necessary for the bosses to formally issue instructions, impose do’s and don’ts or chalk out norms of behavior. In fact it is now becoming more and more explicit that informal communication exercise greater control than formal communication.
In the words of Robbins, “communication fosters motivation by clarifying to employees what is to be done, how well they are doing, and what can be done to improve performance if it’s subpar… The formation of specific goals, feedback on progress toward the goals, and reinforcement of desired behavior all stimulate motivation and require communication.”
All business is goal – oriented. All possible efforts have to be made to achieve a target within a well thought – out frame work of time. For this purpose it is necessary that the team of workers puts in their very best efforts. In other words they have to be motivated. According to ‘Collins Cobuild Dictionary’, “If you are motivated. To do something, you are caused to feel determined to achieve something and willing to work hard in order to succeed. So you have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them.” The same logic applies to the workers in an organization.
The employees/workers have first off all to be told what they are expected to do and how. And, then, merely telling is not enough. Victor Kiam, a famous American entrepreneur and writer for the corporate world, puts this question to himself. “Am I willing to lead by example?” and goes on to answer thus: “You can’t ask your workers to give their all if your idea of a rough day is two hours in the office and six on the golf course. I never ask an employee to do something I’m not willing to do, and I work even harder than they do.” After all actions speak louder than words.
The concept of rewards and punishment immediately becomes relevant here. It, however, must be noted that rewards and incentives prove more effectives and productive than punishments. If the workers are kept happy, given encouragement and suitably rewarded both in cash and kind, they ensure the success of the enterprise. Every modern entrepreneur/ manager knows the importance of positive attitude, empathic listening, words of encouragement and cash rewards and rewards given in the form of holiday’s trips, furnishing allowances, quick promotions and so on. Many Indian as well as multinational companies in India are now taken their workers to holidays resorts and sending managers along with their families to Europe, Far East and such other scenic places. All this is geared to motivate them to ‘earn’ their perks, bonuses and holidays. It enhances the value and the image of the organization.
The work group is a primary source for social interaction. The communication that takes place within the group is of vital importance in the sense that it gives them the best opportunity to share their frustrations as well as feelings of satisfaction. Communication, in this way, provides them a release for their feeling, and that is the fulfillment of an important social need.
As has been pointed out in the very beginning of this book, communication is a social activity and every organisation is above all a social entity. The members of the group or organisation are human beings who have so much to share, gather, or pass on. Newman and summer point out that the content of communication is not just fact and figures, or objective ideas but also feelings, attitudes and interpretations. An adequate understanding of this aspect of communication is of immense help to the management.