BBA Business Ethics December 2011 Solved Question Paper With Answers : Business Ethics Book Code 107 Previous Year Mock Papers for Self Assessment Examination Questions Solved Papers With Answers.
BBA 1st 2nd 3rd Year Study Material Notes

B.B.A. Examination, Dec. 2011
[BBA-1 07 (N)]
Time : Three Hours]
[Maximum Marks: 75
Note : Attempt all the sections as per instructions.
(Very Short Answer Questions)
Note Attempt all five questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Very short answer is required not exceeding 75 words. (3 X 5 15)
1. What is business ethics?
Ans. Refer to U-I, Sec-A, Q. 2.
2. Explain the term work life.
Ans. Refer to U-lI, Sec-A, Q.8.
3. Define organizational culture.
Ans. Refer to U-Ill, Sec-A, Q. 8.
4. Describe wealth management.
Ans. Refer to U-Il, Sec-A, Q. 8.
5. Explain the concept of corporate social responsibility.
Ans. Refer to U-V, Sec-A, Q. 12.
(Short Answer Questions)
Note: Attempt any two questions out of the following three questions. Each question carries 7.5 mar Short Answer is required not exceeding 200 words. (7.5 X 2 =15)
6. Write a note on evolving ethical values.
Ans. Refer to U-I, Sec-C, Q. 2.
7. Explain Indian ethos for work life.
Ans. Refer to U-Il, Sec-B, Q. 3.
8. What is social audit? How is it done and why?
Ans. Refer to U-V, Sec-B, Q. 8.
(Detailed Answer Questions)
Note Attempt any three questions out of the following five questions. Each question carries 15 marks. Detailed answer is required. (15 X 3 45)
9. Is business ethics necessary? Comment and also give the arguments against business ethics.
Ans. Refer to li-I, Sec-B, Q. 2, 6.
10. What is code of ethics 7 Discuss business code of ethics.
Ans. Refer to U-Ill, Sec-B, Q. 4(a).
11. What do you mean by corporate mission statement? How is the mission statement helpful in corporate excellence?
Ans. Refer to U-Ill, Sec-B, Q. 5, Sec-C, Q. 3.
12. Write a detailed note WEon philosophy of trusteeship.
Ans. Refer to U-IV, Sec-C, Q. 5.
13. What do you mean by corporate social responsibility? Discuss the social responsibility of business with respect to different stakeholders.
Ans. Refer to U-V, Sec-B, Q. 1.