BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Chronological Approach of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, Meaning, and importance of the Chronological Approach, Dimensions of Chronology in History, Varied Time Concepts, and Some Guidelines for Teaching Chronology. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.
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Chronological Approach
Teaching chronology is one of the important objectives in teaching history because the sequence of events is the clue to understanding the history of both past and present. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes)
History in one school subject helps in the development of a mature sense of time and chronology. It is imperative that the pupils know important dates because those dates are significant in themselves but because they are the key to recognition and grouping of the various elements in the total situation. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes)
Chronology, of course, is not history but certainly, it is the scaffolding of history. It confers the two ideas of change and continuity in human affairs. For pupils to develop a sense of the past and to see its relation to their own lives, they have to move back and forth along a base timeline. This is the significant time concept. Development of time sense among students, therefore, is one of the responsibilities of the history teacher. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes)
Dimensions of Chronology in History
The essential dimensions of chronology in history are as follows:
(1) Location,
(2) Distance,
(3) Duration, and
(4) Simultaneity
- Location. By location, we mean spotting the events on the line of time. Time, we know, is infinite and flowing. Unless we locate the facts and space, we cannot measure distance. Again, one spot is connected with the other. When we say that Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 or that India became independent in 1947, we only point to a spot.
With the help of the relationship that exists between the various spots on the timeline, we determine the position of events. Location is, according to the needs of history preliminary work. As no event or person exists in isolation and every in the dimension of chronology. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes) - Distance. Distance means the length of time that stands bet, personalities, between two events, between two periods. For example, then between two periods will show the social and cultural progress or retro that we have made.
While spotting the line of time to serve this purpose, we should select those dates which are landmarks. A.D. 1526 is a date of this nature in Indian history because it signifies the decline of the Sultanate and the beginning of Mughal rule; A.D. 1707 is another important date because it signifies the gradual downfall of the glorious Mughal Rule in India; A.D. 1947 is still another significant date when India finally became free. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes)
The dates also provide associative bonds. For instance, we know India became free in 1947; by subtracting it from 1984, we find that India became independent 37 years ago. With all the limitations of the human factor involved, we can measure life and activity.
- Duration. Duration is meant the period during which an idea, a religion, a philosophy, or a movement assumes a concrete shape. With the help d the duration, we balance our judgment. We become more positive and decisive in our convictions. We can easily measure the process of development during a particular period. For example, an event known in history as the Industrial Revolution was the result of inventions spread over a period of 120 years forum (1750 to 1870).
Similarly, the struggle for Indian Independence which started in (1857) ended in (1947) when India finally threw the shackles of slavery. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes) - Simultaneity. Parallel developments have taken place in the history of different countries simultaneously and at different times. While teaching his these should be pointed out for comparison and contrast. For example, England was enjoying its palmy days in the period of Elizabeth, and India passed through a prosperous era during the period of Akbar.
Similarly, happenings in Great Britain influenced events in India during the period (e.g., a labor government holding office in Great Britain and the Declaration of Indian Independence have a positive relationship). These comparisons and contrasts will lend relevance to developments in history in different countries. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes)
Varied Time Concepts
Persons, events, trends, movements, and forces of historical significance have appeared at the recorded or otherwise ascertainable times in the past types of time concepts as general designations, proximate designations specific dates have been used.
Some Guidelines for Teaching Chronology
- Use of Significant Dates. Dating a historical event is the only true and accurate way of placing it in time. A specific date is, therefore, more meaningful than a general designation. Research also reveals that definite dates are more easily learnable than vague designations. So a history course should stress a selected number of key or pivotal dates chosen on the basis of their historical significance. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes)
Each date should be introduced in association with one or more events that it locates in historical time. The dates should be emphasized by repeated use in class and other study activities. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes)
They may serve as chronological signposts or pages upon which students can hang other historical dates, thus forming a chronological framework. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes)
- Development of Concepts of B.C. and A.D. Enough practice and explanation should be given to the students for the historical recognition of D.U. As indicated earlier times and about A.D. Showing later times.
- Meaningful Sense of Chronology. Students can develop a meaningful sense of chronology by repeatedly relating events that had a significant sequence. Their learning may be reinforced by recurrently facing such questions as: When did the events relate in cause or effect as well as in time?
Regressive timelines only present the landmarks in historical events and the span of time presented by a single unit is long- might be 100 or 50 years. (BEd 2nd Year Chronological Approach Study Material Notes)
For example, in a lesson on Guru Nanak, to give an idea about the time in which Guru Nanak lived, traveled, and preached, a regressive timeline may begin with AD. 2000 and take 5 years as its unit.
Their important events may be placed the time line-Independence of India, Battle of Plassey (1757), signifying the beginning of British rule in India, (1707) death of Aurangzeb-signifying decline of the Mughal Empire, (1526) First Battle of Panipat, signifying the establishment of Mughal Empire, (1469) the birth of Guru Nanak. After locating the topic in a proper place, we may take the help of a progressive timeline to present the happenings related to the topic.