BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Co-curricular Activities of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, Meaning, and importance of Co-curricular Activities, Advantages of Co-curricular Activities, Principles of Good Co-curricular programs, Guiding Principles for Organizing activities, and Some Important Co-curricular activities. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.
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Co-curricular Activities
Co-curricular activities form a vital link in the pattern of blended education experiences so necessary for all boys and girls in the modern Educative experiences comprise experiences inside as well classroom, curricular as well as extra-curricular. Co-curricular balanced development of the child and good citizenship for the country.
In fact, the distinction between curricular and extra-curricular must cease to exist. The Education Commission also stressed: “We conceive of the school curriculum as the totality of learning experiences that the school provides for the pupils through all the manifold activities, in the school or outside, that are carried on under its supervision.”
Advantages of Co-curricular Activities
- Opportunities for the Pursuit of Established Interests and the Development of New Interests. The pursuit of desirable interests gives zest to life, broadens horizons, provides an excellent background for the profitable use of leisure time, and does not material affects vocational choices. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
School clubs contribute more to the achievement of this objective than any other type of activity. Athletics, music, and school publications make substantial contributions to this function. - Education of Citizenship. Through experiences and insights that stress leadership, fellowship, cooperation, and independent action. They educate for citizenship. By the social appeal of student activities, their co-operative methods, their spontaneity, and their intrinsic interest, they are a social medium for the civic training of the young. Student councils and school assemblies etc. make the greatest impact on the development of citizenship among the students of the school.
- School Spirit and Morale. When students are persuaded to make sacrifices for the school, they learn to love it and take pride in its success. The need for enforcing discipline ceases when there is an army of lovers of the school. When both students and faculty are proud of their school and enjoy working together the school has a strong instructional program and a good staff of teachers. Through inter-scholastic activities, student council, and many other activities the activities program creates a distinct school spirit and morale. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
- Satisfaction of the Gregarious Urge. These activities provide practice in right social conduct in actual social situations. Training for effective service comes to fulfillment when opportunities for service are presented in the school. They make for like-mindedness and provide opportunities for the exercise and development of aspirated corps. The individual identifies himself with the group of his own choice. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
He is no longer an individual but a member of the group. Through the activities like student council, clubs, societies, dramatics, etc., his gregarious urge is satisfied. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes) - Moral and Spiritual Development. The development of moral and spiritual values is basic to all other educational objectives. Uninspired by moral u spiritual values education is directionless. The best method of imparting training to the youths is to get them to practice it in actual life. “For every ounce of moral experience is worth a pound of ethical teaching.” Co-curricular $ furnish innumerable opportunities for the inculcation” of moral and moral qualities such as honesty, truth, justice, and purity. Through le pupils find opportunities to decide and choose the right.
They learn self-control and moderation. The child is brought gradually from the place where he is unable to control himself to the point where he is the master. Through the free community life of games, excursions, and the school societies an inner discipline is created which abides with the child as a directing and restraining influence when he is away from the school and ceased to be a pupil. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes) - Mental and Physical Health. Well-conceived and supervised sports activities promote better physical health. Through provisions for a wide variety of activities in which the student has a chance to be at least moderately successful in something, be it learning to dance, writing a poem, serving as a member of a committee, etc. good mental health may be promoted.
- Widening Students Contacts. As individuals move toward maturity their horizons become more comprehensive. They broaden their contacts with people and learn new ideas and ways of doing things. They become concerned about new issues and problems. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
These co-curricular activities can help in this process of maturing through sports, trips, excursions, etc. - Opportunities to Exercise Creative Capacities. These activities provide opportunities for novel pupil expressions. Writing an editorial for the school, magazine, painting a mural, and developing plans in the student council to improve the functioning of the school—all these demand the utilization of creative power and provide a chance to develop creative abilities.
- Improvement of Curriculum. The co-curricular activities supplement and enrich classroom experiences. Pupils are stimulated by certain classroom experiences and may form clubs to explore certain areas still further. Dramatics, music, and citizenship activities stem from stimulating classroom experiences. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
- New Learning Experiences. Learning experiences stemming from classroom activities, if found valuable in co-curriculum, can be made a part of the curriculum. A number of recognized classroom experiences e.g., music intramural sports, etc. serve their apprenticeship in the activities program. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
- Individual and Group Guidance. With the help of varied activities, the latest potentialities of the pupils can come to the surface, and educational and vocational guidance can be given. Guidance is inherent in all co-curricular activities.
- Classroom Instruction. External stimulation is needed to ensure that a student is learning best at his level of capability. Many a boy has been kept in school because of his interest in sports; Many pupils have become better oriented through school assembly: Interest in club activities has frequently generated greater in-class work; interest.
- Effective School Administration. The co-curricular activities foster more effective work between students, faculty, and administrative supervisory personnel. Teamwork is essential for the smooth functioning of various organs of the school. Teachers expect cooperation in the classroom. the student expects his teachers to be interested in the things which interest such as sports, plays, and other similar activities. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
These activities pro opportunities for more personal and friendly relations between the students and the faculty. Through the student council, students help in the determination of school policies and in seeking solutions to some of the perplexing problems facing the school. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes) - Utilization of Spare Time. Many students have one or mo leisure time at the end of the school day. Informal intramural activities band rehearsals and play practices during these periods help utilization of the spare time. Thus, leisure can be converted into a blessing. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
- Teachers to Understand the Pupils Better. By studying behavior in play and other social activities of their own choosing teacher get a more complete idea of their students. He may find a “dud” class, History class, having the thrill of his life as he plays a match or runs a race. He may see some of his shy pupils behaving in an unrestrained manner in groups of their associates. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
By standing around and listening, by going on trips with groups of students, or by becoming a fellow worker in any of these shared experiences. He may learn what students really think about their school experiences.
- Promotion of Community Relations. The school and the community can be drawn closer together when the pupils go out on excursions and camps, the schools arrange debates, declamation, and music concerts, citizens are invited; and the schools hold hobby fairs in which students, faculty, and town people participate.
17. Greater Community Interest in School. When parents and other members of a community are well-informed about their school and have participated in some of its activities, their interest, and cooperation increase. They may be motivated to improve the schools with the facilities at their disposal. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
Principles of Good Co-curricular Programme
- Democracy of Opportunity. An opportunity for all to think and act without fear of ridicule is to be provided with the belief that every individual, can make at least some contribution to the common welfare and to his own happiness.
- Diversity. For this will help satisfy the diverse needs of a large number of students in a school. The number of such activities should be the maximum that a school can afford, and they should be as varied as possible.
- Few Restrictions. All interested students should be permitted to participate in different activities. The nature of the activity may make some restrictions necessary, which should be held to a minimum.
- Wide Distribution of Participation. This will be possible through personal conferences and group discussions.
- Accounting for Special Needs. No two schools are ever exactly alike, The program of each must be adjusted to the particular need of its own students. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
The needs of young people in a rural community will differ from those who live in a wealthy urban area. Even though clubs and assemblies are commonplace, the learning experiences made available through these activities should vary from school to school. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes) - Motivation for Class Instruction. By using problems involving pitching averages in baseball or foul shooting in basketball. Bearing to do percentage problems in a biology class may be strongly motivated for some pupils.
Guiding Principles for Organizing Activities
French et al have suggested the following principles for organizing and administering co-curricular activities:
(i) The justification for each activity must lie in the contribution it can make to the learning and development of youth. They should not be used to publicize the school or glorify the principal. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
(ii) The activity program for each school should grow out of the life of that school and be adapted to the local situation.
(iii) To be vital, the student activity program must be dynamic. When interest in any activity shows signs of waning, it should be discontinued. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
(iv) Participation in student activities should be equally available to all students with restrictions related only to competency and interest in the given activity. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
(v) Student activities should be a recognized responsibility of the school and as such should be planned and supervised.
(vi) There should be a continuous interpretation to the public of the activity program. Many a time such activities are adversely criticized and therefore, the community should know the significance and importance of various activities in the program of education.
Some Important Co-Curricular Activities
- Physical. (i) Athletic, (ii) Games, (iii) Sports and mass exercises, (iv) Mass Drill, (v) Driving, (vi) Cycling, (vii) Boating, (viii) Swimming. (BEd 2nd Year Co-curricular Activities Study Material Notes)
- Literary and Academic. (i) School Publication, (ii) Dramatics, (iii) Debates and Discussions, (iv) Scientific and other clubs, (v) Symposiums, (vi) Brains Twist, (vii) Story and Essay writing.