BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Pedagogy of Social Science. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, and Meaning of Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation in Social Science, Comprehensive Evaluation, Continuous Evaluation, Objectives and Scope/Areas of Comprehensive & Continuous Evaluation, Components of CCE, Advantages & Limitations of Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation.
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Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation in Social Science
There is an urgent need to make evaluation an integral part of the whole teaching-learning process.
The traditional examinations take cognizance of the scholastic area only, the attention and efforts of both teachers and children go primarily to this area. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
Therefore, present school programmes also neglect many vital areas of a child’s personality by starving them of the required inputs. Infect, if the teaching-learning process is continuous, the examination or evaluation should also be continuous.
The Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation (CCE) provides accommodation for individual differences. It aims at fostering the individual ability of children and helps them to realize their potential. The CCE also aims at making up for the deficiency by laying adequate emphasis on the development of non-scholastic areas.
Thus, it helps to develop all aspects of a child’s growth to his/her optional potential. Therefore, the comprehensive and continuous evaluation presents a combination of external and internal evaluation.
In a system of comprehensive and continuous evaluation both scholastic and non-scholastic aspects of education are to be kept in view, (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
Comprehensive Evaluation
One of the main defects of the present examination system is that its coverage is very limited to academic aspects. The non-academic, pets are not attempted for the all-round development of the child’s personality. All the efforts for instruction are focused on this limited area. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
So, education remains confined to the cognitive domain alone and even there it covers very little beyond memorisation. Hence the objective of the harmonious development of the child’s personality remains unfulfilled.
Several areas have been added to the curriculum, which facilitates the development of children in non-academic areas.
The several areas are work experience courses, health education, physical education and other specially planned co-curricular activities. A child’s growth in non-cognitive areas should be evaluated and guided continuously and it may not be part of a formal examination.
In this context, the concept, of comprehensive evaluation covering different aspects of a child’s growth had conceived.
Continuous Evaluation
It is likely possible to obtain valuable data about the strengths and weaknesses of the children through continuous evaluation. Continuous evaluation helps in providing remedies and enriched instruction with a view to realising the objectives of education in the optimum growth and development of various aspects of a child’s personality. The feedback helps teachers in improving the level of achievement and proficiency among children. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
Moreover, comprehensive and continuous evaluation will be a part of a teacher’s duty. The scheme of comprehensive and continuous evaluation can work only when there is a healthy teacher-taught relationship. Hence comprehensive and continuous evaluation is not an end in itself. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
It provides opportunities for teachers to make suitable changes in their efforts. Continuous feedback also provides direction to children and parents in their efforts. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
The National Policy on Education (1986), has also accepted that assessment of performance is an integral part of any process of learning and teaching. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
As part of a sound educational strategy; examinations should be employed to bring about qualitative; improvement in education. Evaluation will be streamlined and the predominance of external examinations will be reduced in education.
Objectives of Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation
The main objectives of CCE are as follows:
- To foster the individual abilities of the children.
- To help the children to realize their potentialities and capacities.
- To enable teachers to evaluate those attitudes, abilities and skills which are impossible to evaluate through traditional examinations. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
- To help teachers in improving their level of achievement.
- To emphasise the development of non-scholastic areas.
- The elimination of the excessive elements of chance and subjectivity,
- The elimination of the emphasis on memorization.
- To help the children to have periodical feedback to judge their achievements.
- To help teachers continuously update their judgement with respect to the progress of the children in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
- To provide remedial and enriched instructions.
- To develop all the aspects of a child’s growth to his/her optional potential.
- To motivate both the teachers and children to improve the teaching-learning process.
- To evaluate comprehensively the more important abilities like; affection, certain values, attitudes, interests, habits etc.
- To obtain valuable data about the strengths and weaknesses of the children regularly.
- To provide opportunities for teachers to make suitable changes in their efforts.
- Continuous feedback also provides direction to children and parents in their efforts.
Scope/areas of Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation
The scheme of comprehensive and continuous evaluation covers the following aspects and areas of the personality of a child:
- Academic Achievement of the child.
- Personal and social qualities, such as Regularity, responsibility, punctuality, the habit of cleanliness, cooperation, initiative, a sense of social service, etc. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
- Desirable attitudes; such as: socialism, secularism, democracy, attitude towards teachers, school, studies, national integration etc.
- Interests; such as Cultural, artistic, literary, scientific, etc.
- Proficiency in co-curricular activities, such as games, sports, scouting guiding, First-aid, Red-cross, etc.
- Health status (health, weight, chest expansion, cleanliness, freedom from disease etc.) which a teacher can observe and record.
Components of CCE
Various tools and techniques such as observation of pupil behaviour in different situations, checklists, inventories, rating scales, records of interests, initiative, and creativity etc., may be used for evaluation in non-academic areas. Cumulative records will show the growth charts of the children. The evaluation attempted on these lines will also be more revealing and are of better use for children, parents and teachers. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
Various components of comprehensive and continuous evaluation may be as follows:
- Quizzes-Scheduled or unscheduled.
- Assignments-Class Assignments and home assignments.
- Written and oral tests-objective, short-answer, essay-type problem-solving.
- Practical/Field/Laboratory Project work.
- Term papers/Dissertation/Thesis/Survey reports.
- Tutorial group activities/Seminar/group discussion.
- Weightage to attendance-distribution of marks on the basis of presence/ absence.
Advantages of Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation
- CCE based on the assumption that the abilities and capacities of children are evaluated continuously at every stage.
- It develops the habit of library consultation,
- It develops the habit of self-study as well as regular study.
- It helps to develop confidence in the child.
- It provides the opportunity for mutual consultation.
- It also helps to develop the habit of advanced preparation of the lesson/ topic.
- Seminars, group discussions, tutorials etc., lead to a matter of interaction between the teacher and pupil and also between students and student. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
- It helps to remove the weaknesses or deficiencies in the teaching-learning process.
- With the remedial programs and projects, the foundation of concrete and constructive teaching-learning may be laid down.
- CCE incorporates both cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of the child’s personality
- It eliminates the excessive element of chance and subjectivity.
- It provides periodical feedback to the child and teacher both. It provides valuable data about the strengths and weaknesses of the children regularly. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
- It provides opportunities for teachers and children to make suitable changes in their efforts.
- It provides opportunities for remedial teaching and enriched instructions.
- It develops all the aspects of child’s growth for his/her optimal potential.
- It also helps teachers to continuously and comprehensively update their judgements in respect of the progress of the children in all three domains of behaviour. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)
- CCE motivates both the teachers and children to improve the teaching and learning process.
- CCE fosters individual abilities of the children.
Limitations of Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation
- The CCE may work only when there is happy and healthy teacher-taught relationship.
- Some teachers and examiners threaten their students and make then insecure as well as mutinous.
- It is not possible for a teacher to do CCE without knowing his students and their background.
- Favouritism, biases and prejudices of teacher can make the CCP subjective rather than objective.
- The CCE may not be successful in a crowded class-room.
- It is more laborious and time-consuming.
- This can be done by a true and devoted teacher.
- The observations and judgements of teacher may be free from favourites, prejudices and partiality, i.e. Teachers may fail to maintain objectivity in their role. (BEd 2nd Year Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation Study Material Notes)