BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Concentric and Spiral Approaches of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, Meaning, and importance of Concentric and Spiral Approaches, Advantages of Concentric Approach, Limitations of Concentric Approach, Principles of Spiral Approach, advantages of Spiral Approach, Limitations of Spiral Approach, Suggestions for Spiral Approach. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.
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Meaning of Concentric Approach
Children in the primary classes should develop simple generalizations about men carrying on their everyday activities. As they progress through the middle high classes, the students work with more and more difficult information. They, thus deepen and reshape the dimensions of their generalization. Using increasingly more abstract levels of thought children the same generalizations.
A sequential arrangement of experiences produces a spiral of cumulative learning. As areas of study at each level are treated wholistically, whatever is taught to the child is a whole in itself leaving scope for additions to be made with additional understanding and maturity of the child. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
One of the most recent of these designs has been prepared by Pail R. Hanna and is depicted in the following diagram. The designs in the diagram provide a basis upon which the student may prepare a program organized around the subject and a combination of subjects in social studies. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
In this design, the concentric circles indicate the expanding communities with which the child becomes acquainted: the family and the school in Grade, the neighborhood in Grade 2, etc. Superimposed on these communities are categories of basic human activities communicating, organizing and governing, etc. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
The teaching of the topic Indian Freedom Movement. For example, suppose that children know our freedom struggle. In the primary classes, information should be imparted through some of the more important leaders in the middle stage the information should be imparted through events such as the Indian National Congress, the partition of Bengal, the Gandhian Era-Civil Disobedience INA, Quit India Movement: In the secondary stage, the pupils should learn to compare and contrast the freedom movement in India with other countries of the world. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
Teaching about UNO-They should know about the United Nations and its role in international peace. In primary classes, they should know about the importance of cooperation among nations, the work of UNIC, WHO, UNESCO, and India in the U.N.O.: In the middle classes information should be provided in greater detail about the need for cooperation, co-existence, the United Nations, etc.
In the Secondary stage, more information should be imparted about international peace and cooperation and the role of India in the United Nations and the world. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
Advantages of Concentric Approach
- Continuous Learning. The concentric approach is a strategy that fosters continuous, unbroken learning of the subject matter of social studies through the primary, middle, and secondary stages. While in the initial stages thinking is on a simple level, as the child advance in age and understanding, he thinks in more abstract terms. As the learning sequence progresses from the simplest, unit to the most detailed in gradual stages learning is continuous and unbroken through the primary and secondary stages. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
- Simpler. In this approach, although the path is narrower, the way is simpler.
- Easy Memorisation. The pupil does not easily forget his journey.
- Interesting. The pupil is interested from the very beginning. The use of this approach makes social studies a subject immediate, and real. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
- It uses the maxim of ‘From know to unknown’. It is easy to proceed from knowledge to the unknown.
- Good basis for specialization. For the more intellectual, this approach provides the basis on which academic and specialist studies can be built. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
Limitations of the Concentric Approach
The limitation of the concentric approach has been given following paragraphs.
- Psychologically Unsound. In this approach, some facts are repeated again and again. Being devoid of freshness and novelty, the presentation la to rouse, curiosity and create a sense of wonder in the pupils.
- Very Simple. This approach does not give a clear vivid with detail picture. of a problem. It hurried and passing references do not help in understanding complex problems. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
- No Sense of Time and Space. If this approach is followed it is difficult to develop time and space sense in the pupils.
- Denial of Essential Aspects of Social Studies. This is the case of the joy of discovery, the freshness of events, the adventures and achievement of great personalities, the atmosphere of age or era, the wonder of geographical phenomena, and the constitutional landmarks. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
- Boredom and Dullness. As the children go through the whole course more than once sense of boredom and dullness is inevitable. Children develop a sense of familiarity without the fullness of knowledge.
By making the repetition interesting by following a different approach and a fresh point of view in different stages concentric approach may be made useful. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
Spiral Approach
Several approaches and strategies are used in social science teaching and learning, It provides the awareness and understanding of man, society, and nation. The content of social science is very broad and complex with specific components or aspects of social science. The focus of social science teaching is to develop man and society.
Social science attempt to answer the following three fundamental questions. These were stated by Mathilesaran in his book ‘Bharat Bharti’.
(1) What we were?
(2) What we are? and
(3) What we will be?
The content of social science is thus related to the past present and future. We for future on the basis past experience and knowledge. Human development includes social, economic, political, and physical aspects. The geographical conditions and resonance are the basis of economic and social development. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
The advanced countries could develop due to their geographical conditions. Human working efficiency depends on the climatic conditions of a country. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
In our country, human working hours are usually eight hours because of our climate efficiency as such. While in advanced countries working hours 12 hours per day. Because climatic efficiency is better than ours.
Thus historical description is uni-dimensional while social science is multi-dimensional with regard to man and social progress. A particular period of history should also provide the awareness of social, economic, and cultural aspects of the society which would be much more useful and comprehensive. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
This type of knowledge and understanding are provided with the help of the Spiral approach to teaching and preparing curriculum.
Meaning of Spiral Approach
The main focus of social science teaching learning is to achieve with the help of the spiral approach.
“A historical period should be described including its social, economic, ‘, political and geographical conditions, and then the next period in the same manner. This strategy of teaching-learning provides comprehensive awareness indicate virtually the progress of man and his society along with the facts of the different periods in chronological order.”
Moreover, analysis of such content will help to establish the causal relationship of various. Economic, cultural, social, political, and religious factors in the progress of man. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
It will provide the chronological advancement of man and his downfall, also with the causal factors. Human progress is influenced by geographical, historical, economic, religious, cultural, and social factors.
Principles of Spiral Approach
The spiral approach is based on the following principles:
(i) Social relevance of the content.
(ii) Utility of social content.
(iii) Contribution of social, economic, geographical, and cultural factors in human progress.
(iv) Social, economic, cultural, and geographical progress in chronological order.
(v) Cummulative/record of man and society progress is prepared
(vi) Provide the progress of man and society of a specific period. to the integration of social science components on man and so rather than a social problem. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
Advantages of Spiral Approach
The following are the main advantages of the spiral approach in social science teaching:
(i) This approach includes correlation and integrated approaches purposive way,
(ii) It is a comprehensive and broad base social science approach.
(iii) It makes the relevance of the components of social science.
(iv) The components–History, geography, economics, and civics Opera meaningfully for understanding man and society’s progress and development. (BEd 2nd Year Concentric and Spiral Approaches Study Material Notes)
(v) It establishes the importance and relevance of social science subject secondary stage.
(vi) This approach is a time-centered or chronological approach to understanding, man’s progress.
(vii) It involves the fundamental principles of social science teaching and learning.
(viii) The approach is basically man and society centered.
(ix) It resolves the complexity of the social science of content.
(x) It makes social science broad base and comprehensive.
Limitations of Spiral Approach
It has the following limitations or disadvantages:
(i) The concept of spiral approach is complex.
(ii) It can not be used in teaching all the content of social science.
(iii) The approach is not easy to understand.
(iv) It is a difficult approach that every teacher of social science can not use in classroom teaching
(v) The structure of this approach is not well designed.
Suggestions for Spiral Approach
The following suggestions should be employed in using the spiral approach
(i) The concept of this approach should try to understand.
(ii) During teacher training spiral approach should be used in classroom teaching.
(iii) Instruction of teaching should be designed for a specific period which should be human-dominated.
(iv) Teaching lessons should be designed according to the spiral approach.
(v) The techniques and devices of the spiral approach should be enumerated clearly.