BEd 2nd Year Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Cultural Heritage Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Cultural Heritage Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Philosophical and Socialogical Perspective of Education. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers about the Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Cultural Heritage.
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Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Cultural Heritage
In view of the fact that the Buddhist religion continued to grow and propagate for eleven hundred years in India, it cannot occasion surprise that this religion has left a deep and indelible impression on the social, cultural, political literacy, and chiefly the religious aspect of life in India. Its contributions can be summed up under the following heads:
1. Influence upon Hindu Religion: Hindu religion has been considerably influenced by Buddhist ethics and religious thinking, although the latter did not in any degree overwhelm Hindu religion, The chief stress in Buddhist thought was, on the practice of ahinsa or non-violence and on the necessity of maintaining an attitude of love and sympathy towards all living beings.
Later on, when the Brahmanic religion stressed the need for non-violence it was a derivation from Buddhist thought. The Bhagavad school, which is particularly responsible for this humanitarian attitude in Hindu thought, owns much Buddhist influence.
2. Intellectual Freedom: Perhaps the most important contribution of Buddhist thought lies in its direction to the individual to think for himself and in its assertion that independent intellectual activity assists man’s development. Brahmanic religion had managed to blunt man’s intellectual perceptivity through its excessive rituals and the stress on the repetition of dogma which could be handled only by its priests. (BEd 2nd Year Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Cultural Heritage Study Material Notes)
Man’s function at that time was to follow the Vedic laws faithfully, to do and die, but not to question why. It was the Buddhist religion that provide an antidote to this poison, compelled man to cogitate on the value of his own thoughts and actions, appealed to his reason, and aroused in him a respect for its simplicity and greatness. Buddhism led the revolt against the Vedic religion and all that this stood for. (BEd 2nd Year Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Cultural Heritage Study Material Notes)
The religious and philosophical nations of the Buddhists are the contribution of the more gifted of his disciples, The fact that Buddhist thought is rooted in independent thinking which revolted against the religious and social constructions of Vedic religion adds to its value both in the fields of religion as well as of philosophy.
3. Equality and Benevolence: Buddha propagated the notion of equality among all individuals found in society, irrespective of caste, color, creed, social position, and eminence. Every individual could seek sanctuary and be given it in his monasteries which welcomed everyone who came there. (BEd 2nd Year Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Cultural Heritage Study Material Notes)
Differences of age, sex, and caste were discarded. Its appeal to the human imagination consists in its rejection of caste differences and the lesson of benevolence that it sought to inculcate. Many were princes and kings who were influenced by the Buddhist love of benevolence, non-violence, pity, piety, and love.
4. Ethical Theory: Buddha directed his disciples to live in simplicity, following a commonly accepted moral code of social behavior. His eightfold path has great ethical implications that make it an invaluable contribution to ethical thought. It lays stress not only on moral laws concerning pity, self-renunciation, truthfulness, and temperate conduct but also on love, pity, benevolence, equality, non-violence, and forgiveness. (BEd 2nd Year Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Cultural Heritage Study Material Notes)
This does not imply that before Buddha these qualities had been unknown but simply that they had not been able to make a place for themselves in the general scheme of things in society.
The greatness of the Buddhist religion consists in its success in propagating these ideas among the common people and in conveying its message from door to door. (BEd 2nd Year Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Cultural Heritage Study Material Notes)
It was among the first schools of thought which opposed the deterministic trend of Vedic religion by trying to convince the people that man is the architect of his own destiny and that no one, not even God, can interfere in the working out of man’s destiny.
Buddhism compelled man to a fresh self-examination and self-analysis and to a realization of the importance of the greatness of man’s action in the whole that constituted his life. In these terms, it is possible to conceive Buddhism as an independent religion.
5. Simplicity, Naturalness, and Intellectual Bias: Buddha advocated the formation of a religion that was not marred by any complex system of ritualistic performances or by any intellectual abstraction that took it away from normal reality. It was a religion that the average individual could understand without any undue strain on his rather limited resources of the mind.
Above all, it was not a religion confined to an erudite few. Its success in capturing the hearts of simple folk can be explained by its striking naturalness, the integrity of sentiment, use of the vernacular, philosophical simplicity and candor, and the use of parables to explain involved religious concepts. (BEd 2nd Year Contribution of Buddhism to Indian Cultural Heritage Study Material Notes)