BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors
BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors. In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors. Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Control over Environmental Factors
Environmental factors include family, neighborhood, society, and school environments: It is necessary to mold them favorably.
- Family Environment: We are aware that the family environment of a child has the most effect on his development, including his mental health. So it is necessary that all members of the family live with love, sympathy, and cooperation instead of enmity and discord so that no one is tense. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
No mental tension is created in the child in such an environment, he keeps away from fear, anger, and greed. etc., and keeps away from mental illnesses. It is also necessary that the proper needs of the child are met as far as may be possible. It would not give him any opportunity for maladjustment. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
Hadfield has considered three elements necessary for mental health-full expression harmonization and coordination, and common end. Family members Ud pay attention to these three elements for the development of the mental health of their children. They should give children opportunities for free expression of their innate and acquired abilities. It would not allow any deficiency to occur in my anxious mind and they would remain mentally healthy. The second need is for harmonization and coordination.
The parents should balance the abilities, abilities, desires, and sentiments of their children and coordinate them. A situation of conflict can arise in the absence of harmonization and coordination and mental conflicts can be formed. The third need is that of a common end. The parents should save the children from the net of multi-purposes, the more the arms and wires are, the more will be conflict.
Hadfield says that all these aims should be focused on the common end, only then the mental health of the children can remain balanced. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
In our view, the most suitable measure is to abide by the first six steps of yoga (yarna, niyama, asana, pranayama, pranidhan, dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi). Following them, no question arises of its deformation.
- Neighborhood Environment: A child steps out of the family and arrives in the neighborhood. This is true that we cannot control the neighborhood environment easily, but the effort can certainly be made. Clubs for neighborhood children can be formed where they get opportunities for expressing their feelings and thus may be saved from mental complexes. It is also necessary that the parents with limited income should educate their children to limit their needs accordingly.
The setting up of yoga centers in the neighborhood can help to win this battle.
- School Environment: The first function of the school is to give proper direction to the traits of the children developed in the family, neighborhood, and society. Its second function is to affect the all-round development of the children. For it, the school should be equipped fully and the teachers should be able and honest.
A teacher should carry out his responsibility devotedly. This is also necessary that he ends treats the children with love, sympathy, and cooperation solves their problems, and provides them with educational and vocational guidance.
In such an environment, the children would not develop any type of mental complexes and they would live to build a mentally healthy life. The factors revealed by Headfield should be paid attention to.
The children should be given opportunities for expression; harmony and coordination should be inculcated in their abilities, capabilities, desires, and sentiments and they should be saved from conflicts of aims. If yoga can be arranged in the schools, then it can help rid the problem fully. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
Students in some schools are made to sit peacefully in the name of dhyana (meditation), while it may be understood that dhyana cannot be done until the first steps of yoga have been abided by.
- Social Environment: Though the world has much progressed, class cooperation discrimination and exploitative social system has not been put end to. This system creates tension in all people young and old. It is necessary that the slogan of socialism is changed in fact. Today’s man is running a materialist race, no end appears in sight,
Attainment of excessive desires is disharmonizing the mental balance of everybody young or old. The only measure to save from this disappointing situation is yoga. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
Other Measures
The other factors which affect the mental health of a child are-physical ill-health, physical handicap, and psychological shortcoming. The child suffering from these shortcomings should be treated, besides, such a trait should be developed in him which does not allow any inferiority complex to inculcate in him. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
If such a child is inclined towards the first six steps of yoga (yama, niyama, asana, pray dharana, pranidhan, dhyana and sarnadhi), then the whole battle can be won. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
Mental Health
We shall consider the mental health of a teacher in three steps- the need for the mental health of a teacher, obstacles in the mental health of a teacher, and measures to improve the mental health of a teacher.
Need for Mental Health
A teacher is responsible for the all-around development of children, so he is called the nation builder. He can carry out this important responsibility only when he is physically and mentally fit. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
The qualities that a teacher should possess include sound body, sound emotional condition, respect for his profession, sense of humor, self-confidence, devotion to duty, considering students as his own children, and treating them with love, sympathy, cooperation, etc.
All these qualities can be developed in him when he is mentally healthy.
A mentally unhealthy teacher is physically unhealthy too, his emotional condition is also not good, he often suffers from negative sentiments, he is serious and peevish by nature, he is not able to adjust with children properly and carry out his duty well, so it is necessary that his mental health should be good. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
Factors Hindering the Mental Health of a Teacher
The factors that affect the mental health of a person can be divided into three classes–hereditary, environmental, and others. We have discussed them above. Here we shall repeat the obstacles to the mental health of a teacher in brief.
Hereditary Hindering Factors
If a teacher is ugly or excessively tall or short or fat or possesses a harsh speech or is deformed, and if he does not make up for this deficiency by any acquired quality then he suffers from an inferiority complex which deforms his mental harmony and we say that he has become mentally unhealthy. Some teachers are born with mental illnesses from birth itself, all of these put obstacles to their mental development. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
Environmental Hindering Factors
- Family Environment: If a teacher’s family is devoid of love, sympathy, and cooperation, there is a conflict between the husband and wife, and there is strife in the family, or he has more family responsibilities and he suffers from the shortcomings of means and resources (money and time, etc.), then he is mentally tense and his mental harmony is disturbed and we say that his mental health is not good. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
- School Environment: Through in almost all countries of the world, the salaries of the teachers have been brought to a respectable standard and the conditions of service have been made attractive, yet they are not paid their full burden with the undue workload. A teacher in such schools suffers from an inferiority complex and tension. Students in some schools are devils, teachers cannot adjust well in such schools. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Control over Environmental Factors)
- Social Environment: Class discrimination and exploitative society have a direct bearing on a teacher’s mental health; a teacher coming from a low and exploited class cannot be emancipated from the inferiority complex, in that society.
Other Factors
Among other factors include physical health, physical handicap, and mental shortcomings of the teacher. If a teacher suffers from one, two, or all of these, then they become an obstacle in the development of his mental health.