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BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner

BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner

BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner

BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner. In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner. Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.

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BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner
BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner

Factors Belonging to the Learner

The factors affecting learning related to the learner may be specified as under-

  1. The Child Himself—The child is the pivot of any learning activity. All activities rotate around him. As the aim of education is the all-round development of a child’s personality, from this point of view, the activities are based on and carried on account of a child’s needs, interests, attitudes, aptitudes, potentialities, capabilities, Individuality, intelligence, etc. may be effective and of immense importance. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

The child is the basis of the teaching-learning process, hence, ignorance of a child at any stage will make all the learning process futile and more imagination, nothing else. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

Hence, it is suggested that each and every activity related to learning should be carried out in accordance with the child’s interests, needs, and physical and mental capacity. This all is possible only when the teacher has a deep insight to understand his pupil thoroughly. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

  1. His Intelligence-Intelligence has been found to be one of the main factors that influence learning. The proof for this factor is very commonly found in classrooms. The schools which are meant for children of average ability usually are not able to help a retarded child. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

The teacher does not have the time to spend on this child who needs more help than an average child. Similarly, these schools are of no help to a child who is more intelligent than the average one.

Cases have been found of a child indulging in delinquent acts simply because they are far above average in intelligence but the school that they attend is poor in stimulation. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

As a result, these children satisfy their intellectual curiosity by indulging in delinquent and thrilling tricks. So we may say that holding the conditions of learning constant, the level of intelligence of a child makes a difference to the amount of their learning output in the classroom. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

  1. His Age—The best of learning given to subjects of a wide range of ages has shown that learning efficiency increases with age to a certain extent after which it stays stationary for some time and ultimately tends to decrease. This phenomenon can be understood easily if we keep in mind the developmental curves.

Maturation of the individual makes a difference in the total learning of an individual experience and also accounts for a difference both of which are linked up with age. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

So we find that children are speedier and more efficient at learning tasks as they grow older. As we get into adulthood and old age we find the output of the subjects going down because of the fact that though their experience has increased they cannot keep up the speed. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

So that when the tasks have a time limit on them, the older subjects cannot do so well as the younger subjects can.

However, the experiments on learning have proved that learning is a continuous process and it spreads order the whole life with a desire in the individual to learn more and more. The only difference that exists is caused by the type of tasks given for learning.

  1. His Will to Learn-The will learn is always labeled as a factor determining the amount of learning. It is believed that in order to be able to grasp and retain a certain material the individual must have an inner urge to learn drive that can motivate him into learning. This motivation is determined by interests, desires, and the purpose of a particular individual.

All these three more or less developed with the help of a teacher. An intelligent and effective teacher helps his pupils in developing wide interests and habits, a desire to pursue certain activities, and at large a purpose in life. If a teacher is successful in helping his pupils to develop worthwhile interests and habits and a desire to understand things, he has helped them in becoming good learners.

  1. Guidance-Usually trial and error is considered to be the method of learning. When faced with a new task an individual attempts it, in case it is a failure, he tries again, perhaps using a different technique this time. After a few trials and errors, he evolves the correct method of tackling the task. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

In practice we find that it allows the hit and miss method, a pupil wastes a great deal of his time and while facing failure, he goes through a certain amount of tension and frustration. A teacher, through his guidance, can save his pupils a lot of frustration and time. He can help the child in making the right trails and avoiding the ones which would not yield any fruitful results.

In the initial stages of learning, a limited amount of guidance can help the student avoid unnecessary errors. The word “limited” is mentioned here because very often teachers are found to indulge in too much guidance as far as the learning is concerned.

The usual result of excessive guidance is a failure of the purpose. Proper guidance should aim at developing initiative in the leaner and discourage the tendency to seek ready-made solutions.

  1. Educational Background– Educational background of the learner is an important factor that affects his learning. The student may be backward from an educational point of view as a general case or a specific one. Some of the students are weak in most of the subjects while some students are weak in one or two particular subjects.

The first category of students is termed general backwardness while the second category of students is known as specifically backward. The educational background of the generally backward students is more challenging than the educational background of specifically backward children. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

It is very common that if a particular student is weak in any subject, he will feel difficulty in learning new knowledge of that subject.

On the contrary, if one possesses superior ability, beyond normal, it will be easier for him to gain new knowledge in a very comfortable and effective manner. Thus, educational background contributes a lot to further learning.

7. Health Status of Child—The health of the student should be very sound. A mol-nourished, ill, or otherwise physically handicapped, cannot realize his potential as a learner. A pupil who is unhappy, discouraged, or otherwise does st possess a balanced emotional tone is sure to be handicapped in his learning attempts.

It is rightly said that “a sound mind rests in a sound body” from this point of view a student should be physically and mentally fit so that he may learn easily and comfortably. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

A child’s attention, interests, concentration, etc. have a direct link with the physical and mental health level of the students. Any sort of mental illness or deficiency or abnormality, physical illness or mental tension and frustration will affect directly students learning. Students who are physically and mentally feel tired very easily.

They fail to concentrate on their studies for a long and get easily disturbed and depressed. They feel boredom and make very few efforts to get success in any activity. They feel complex and always complain of headaches and other poor bodily symptoms. Thus, it is the first and foremost duty of the parents and the teachers to take note of their ward’s physical and mental health seriously.

  1. Motivation-Motivation is one of the basic principles for effective teaching because no purposeful learning can take place apart from it. The human mind cannot absorb knowledge like a sponge. In order to learn, a person must do some activity. The urge to activity shows itself along different instinctive tendencies. Successful motivation depends on the successful use of these natural powers and tendencies to action. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

The teacher who identifies and intensifies motives in learners is able to arouse interest in them. He succeeds in setting up an excellent learning situation. It is said that “as is the motivation, so is the learning” or “better the motivation, better the learning”, or “learning will proceed best, if motivated”. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

These sentences clearly depict the importance of motivation in the process of learning.

Thus it is the first and foremost duty of the teacher to create interest in the child before starting anything new. Because in the absence of motivation all the efforts made by the teacher will go waste. Proper motivation helps in making learning strong.

  1. The attitude of the Learner-Learning has ever been the chief activity of man. Each generation after adding something new to cultural heritage hands it down to the succeeding generation. For several centuries the heritage has been so large and so important that society has given primarily to selecting, organizing, and presenting to the children the mo possible.

The life pattern of an individual in adulthood, his attitude moral and physical well-being are largely determined by the fore prevalent in childhood. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

Pope’s couplet says-

This education forms the common mind;

Just as the twig is bent the tree’s inclined.

A favorable or positive attitude is a must to get success in any field of en Favourable attitude towards the job or work makes one more act enthusiastic. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

The same is related to the student’s classroom activities student has a positive attitude towards any subject he will grasp the one imparted by the teacher interestingly and wholeheartedly and on the contra, if he is not involved in the subject he will hate the subject, as well as the teacher that subject. (BEd 2nd Year Describe factors belonging to the Learner)

Liking anything is a must in learning. The same view is supported.” Thorndike’s law of leaming namely, ‘law of use or disuse. If the student negative attitude towards the subject all efforts made by the teacher will go in vain. Thus, it is the first and foremost duty of the teacher to make a positive attitude toward the student towards his entire academic activities.

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