Bed 2nd Year Describe improvement of memory Notes Study Material
Bed 2nd Year Describe improvement of memory Notes Study Material: In this post, you will learn about Bed 2nd Year Describe improvement of memory Notes Study Material. In Bed, Teacher Teaching, and Technology one of the most important questions is Bed 2nd Year Describe in the brief improvement of memory. will Provide you best Study material for Bed Teachers, Teaching, and Technology. The Improvement of Memory is an Important Part of Bed Examination.
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Improvement of Memory
Most modern psychologists consider memory as a native power, therefore, by training or practice, no improvement can be made or there is very limited chance for improvement. These chances are applicable to those cases only where faulty methods of learning have been followed. Methods which help in improving memorization are as under-
- Making Association-If the individual follows the principle of association in learning and memorization: he can be able to retain the learned things for a longer time. (Bed 2nd Year Describe improvement of memory Notes Study Material)
- Concentration and attention are important factors. If the individual studies with greater concentration and attention, there are more chances ‘for better understanding and better memorization.
- If a tile individual develops the tendency to establish the relationship between new knowledge and previous knowledge, he may develop a good memory. The teachers should try to relate new things and knowledge with the old experiences and previous knowledge of their students for better retention. (Bed 2nd Year Describe improvement of memory Notes Study Material)
- If the students/individuals are well familiar with the goals and aims of the activities, they will be able to memorize much more rather than doing work aimlessly. (Bed 2nd Year Describe improvement of memory Notes Study Material)
- The memory can also be improved if the individuals use the methods of rhythm recitation, learning by whole learning by doing, and by introducing proper grouping and rest at appropriate intervals.
- The teacher should use reward and punishment at the appropriate times. If they are used sincerely and methodologically and psychologically, the students will be able to learn for a longer time.
- Practice makes a man perfect. Therefore, by giving practice, the teacher can be helpful in making deeper instructions in the minds of students. These deeper impressions may help their students for better retention.
- Motivation creates interest in the lesson and makes students more active. Active participation leads to better memorization.
- Instructional material should be made meaningful to the learner by linking it with his life,
- The material should be organized in a psychological sequence so that transfer of learning may occur.