Bed 2nd Year Describe in Detail meaning of Education
Bed 2nd Year Describe in Detail meaning of Education: In this post, you will learn about Bed 2nd Year Describe in Detail meaning of Education. Explain its concept and We will Provide you B.Ed 2nd Year Describe in Detail meaning of Education.

Meaning of Education
The word ‘Education’ has been interpreted in various ways.
The following are the different interpretations given to education:
Etymological Meaning of Education:
The word ‘Education’ is derived from the Latin roots:
- Education ——–To train, Act of teaching or training
- Educere ——– To lead out, To draw out
- Educare ——– To bring up, To raise, To educate
The Latin word ‘Educatum’ means to train. “E’ means from inside and ‘Duco’ means to draw out, to lead out, or to bring up. To combine the two we come to mean as to draw from within. Developing this concept further we come to mean that education is a process that draws from within. To be more clear, each child is born with some innate tendencies, capacities, and inherent power. Education is to draw out these powers and develop them to the full.
Latin words “Educare’ and ‘Educere’ also mean the same thing—to bring up, to lead out and to develop, etc. In this way, the word ‘education’ means to develop the inborn qualities of a child to the full.(Bed 2nd Year Describe in Detail meaning of Education)
Definitions of Education
After throwing light on the true meaning of education, it is clear that education is a process of growth and development. However, to make this concept more clear, the following definitions are being given:
1. Education as a Process of Drawing out the Innate Power
“Education means the bringing out of the ideas of universal validity which are latent in the mind of every man.” -Socrates
“Education is the manifestation of perfection already reached in man.” -Vivekanand
2. Education as a Process of Development of Individuality
“Education means to enable the child to find out ultimate truth ……… making truth it’s own and giving expression to it.” -R.N. Tagore
“Education is a natural Harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate powers.” -Pestulozzi
“Education is the complete development of the individuality of the child so that he can make his original contribution to human life according to his best capacity.” -T.P. Nunn
“Education is the development in the individual of all the perfection of which he is capable.” -Kant
3. Education as a Process of Producing Change in the Behaviour
“Education is the consciously controlled process whereby changes in behavior are produced in the person and through the person within the group.” -Brown
“The purpose of education is to develop in each individual dual the knowledge, interests, ideals, habits, and powers whereby he will find his place and use that place to shape both himself and society towards noble ends.” -Report of the Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Schools, U.S.A.
4. Education as a Process of Adjustment to Environment
“The function of education is conceived to be the adjustment of man to his environment of the end that the most enduring satisfaction may accrue to the -individual and the society.”
“Education is a gradual adjustment of the individual to the spiritual possession of the race.”
“Education is the organization of acquired habits of such action as will fit the individual to his physical and social environment.” -Jamesu
“Education is that process of development in which consists the passage of a human being from infancy to maturity, the process whereby. He adapts himself gradually in various ways to his physical, social and spiritual environment.” Characteristics of Education’
The above definitions of education indicate the following characteristics:
- Education is the process of development.
- Education is the manifestation of perfection in man.
- Education is complete development.
- Education as a process of adjustment.
- Education is the process of physical, social, emotional, and mental development.
- Education is the natural, harmonious, and progressive development of man’s innate powers.
- Education is a process of producing a change in the group as well as in an individual.
- Education enables the child to find out the ultimate truth, beauty, and goodness.
- Education is for man-making.
- Education is character-building.
Concept of Education
Now there is a separate dictionary of education, in which technical meanings of educational terms have been provided. The philosophers of our country and other countries have defined the terms education as a process of development. Some important meanings of Education have been summarized and stated as follows:
- Education as a process of development (All round development of a child).
- Education as teacher training (Teacher Education).
- Education is an independent field of study like other subjects of study (As a discipline).
- Education as an investment (As an economic value).
- Education as an instrument of social change and social control.
- Education as a creature and creator of the society (social foundation education).
- Education a filtering process in Democracy (Government of the people, by the people, and for the people).(Bed 2nd Year Describe in Detail meaning of Education)
- Education is always for future or futurology (Education prepares a child for future life living).
The above meanings of education have been explained in brief to understand the ‘concept of education. The third meaning of education as an independent field of study or as discipline is important to understand the ‘concept of technological foundation of education’. Education as a discipline has several foundations such as:
- The philosophical foundation of education,
- The sociological foundation of education,
- Psychological foundation of education..
- The scientific foundation of education,
- The economic foundation of education,
- Historical foundation of education,
- The political foundation of education etc.
The meanings and foundations of education have been explained in the brief in the following paragraphs.
Bed 2nd Year Describe in Detail the meaning of Education
- Education as Process of Development: The education is mainly considered as a process of human development. All the educational institutions or schools and colleges focus to impart the knowledge to the students for their development. In most of the institutions, education subject is not taught but these are known as educational institutions.
The educationists and philosophers have defined education as a process of development. Some definitions have been quoted here for this purpose.
“Education is the process by which a child makes his internal as well as external” -Frobel
“By education of means all-round drawing the best in child’s and man body, mind and soul.” -M.K. Gandhi
According to Gandhi, education is a process for training of hand, head and heart i.e., 3H of child and man.(Bed 2nd Year Describe in Detail meaning of Education)
The process of development has been defined and explained in the following terms :
- Education is a dynamic process.
- Education is a continuous process or lifelong process.
- Education is a tripolar process,
- Education is for 3 R (Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic)
- Education is a purposeful or objective-oriented process.
In this way, education means a process for developing a child’s abilities by imparting knowledge.
- Education as a Teacher-Training or Teacher-Education: The term ‘Education is also used for preparing teachers i.e., teacher education. All the teacher’s training institutions are known as colleges of Education or the Department of Education. In these colleges of Education, theory and methodology of teaching are taught to the pupil-teachers and teaching practices are organized to prepare effective-teacher. These colleges of education were called training colleges but now the term ‘training’ has been replaced by the term ‘Education’. Thus, the second meaning of Education is training for teachers or teacher’s education.
- Education as Independent Field or Study or Own Content or Discipline: The term ‘Education’ refers to an independent field of study or course of study like other courses or subjects e.g., History, Geography, Psychology Sociology, etc. it is taught at intermediate, B.A., and M.A. degree in education is awarded like other subjects. There is separate faculty of education in most of the · universities. B.Ed. and M.Ed degrees refer to Bachelor of Education and Master of Education respectively. In this way, the third meaning of Education is the independent course of studies like other courses or subjects or an independent discipline.
- Education as an Investment: The meaning of investment is that the return of invested money in the context, is higher than that. The product in terms of quality and quality is higher than the invested cost in a particular aspect, which is known as a good investment. The return of education is in terms of quality and quality, is always higher than the invested cost in education. Every parent intends to educate their children by investing money according to their financial conditions. The outcomes of education are both qualitative as well as quantitative. The qualitative outcomes are difficult to mean. Thus, the fourth meaning of education is as an good investment.(Bed 2nd Year Describe in Detail meaning of Education)
- Education as an Instrument of Social Change and … Control: During ancient times social change was brought … by social war and battle. After Mahabharata, Bhismpitamah ……… expected for the new changed society. But today the social ……… and social control is possible peacefully by changing the ……… Mahatma Gandhi tried to reform the untouchability of ca……y in our society but he could not succeed. Education could re………. evil of untouchability by introducing a uniform system in the sc……… this way, the fifth meaning of education is a powerful insurance social change and social control.
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