BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning
BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning. In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning. Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Insight Learning Theory of Kohler
Throndike has used mazes and puzzle boxes in blind situations, not lying open to the animal’s observation. But Kohler held that the animal should nevertheless be able from the start to survey the whole situation so that if he had the power of insight he could solve the problem without blind trial and error. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
The structure of the situation should be visible.
Kohler’s Experiment
Kohler chimpanzees (sultan) solved with ease any problem while the chimpanzees are confined in a barred cage, a banana is placed on the ground outside at too great a distance to be reached by the hand, but with the string tied to it and laid along the ground to the cage. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
This single-string problem is easily solved, but if several Brings are laid on the ground, all extending in the general direction of the banana but only one being attached to it, a chimpanzee often pulls the wrong string. Prompt insight is prevented by the complexity of the visual pattern and by the animal heart. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
In another experiment by Kohler, the chimpanzee learned quickly to use a box as stood for reaching a suspended banana, but the use of two boxes, one to be piled on the other for reaching a still higher objective was a difficult problem though solved with some assistance by several of the animals. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
Kohler’s interpretation of such performances by his chimpanzee sultan was that they were intelligent attempts at problem-solving. When confronted with a problem the animal could observe the relevant conditions, perhaps ‘think through the probable of a given act, then test is out as a possible solution to the problem.
Kohler was particularly concerned with the way his sultan might suddenly see’ the instrumental value of a tool as a means to the goal. Because of these perceptual interpretations of the solution or experience, he was dubbed insight experiments, and the repetition of the successful act following insight was called insight learning.
Characteristics of Insight Learning
The following are the important characteristics of insight learning behavior:
- The survey, inspection, or persistent examination of the problematic situation
- Hesitation, pause, attitude of concentrated attention.
- Trial of the more or less adequate mode of response.
- In case the initial mode of response proves inadequate, the trial of some other mode of response the transition from the one method to the other being sharp and often sudden.
- Persistent or frequently recurrent attention to the objective or goal and motivation thereby.
- The appearance of the critical point at the organism suddenly directly and definitely performs the required adaptive act.
- Ready repetition of adaptive response after once performed.
- Notable ability to discover and attend to the essential aspect of relation in the problematic situation and to neglect, relatively variations in non-essentials. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
Insight ordinarily means seeing below the surface of things but this could not show by Kohler’s meaning. Insight means seeing the relationship between means and end. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
Behavior Indications of Insight
- The sudden transition from helplessness to mastery-Kohler experiment on a chimpanzee, boxes, and banana is of insight-full behavior. Sudden helplessness leads to the stage of mastery.
Sultan chimpanzee may a time feels irritation on his face. Some moment of life when he feels helpless and has no solution to the problem, but in the second moment as he gets the solution then he becomes master of the problem solution.
In a classroom situation, sometimes the student feels helpless or tense, and then in the second moment, he gets the solution and becomes a master of the problem. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
The teacher creates tension in the class by asking a question, and with some assistance, the student creates tension class by asking a question, and with some assistance, they can reach a stage of mastery. This behavior indication or insightful learning has a great impact on the teaching-learning situation. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
- Good retention-It is the indication of insightful behavior. The chimpanzee could retain the means and goal (boxes and bananas) for reaching next time. This insightful behavior can be indicated by the good retention of the learner.
- Trial and error directed-Gestalt psychologists have demonstrated the value of insight, they have not disproved the value of trial and error. Trial and error are meant explanatory or manipulatory behavior that is relationally ‘Blind’ in the sense of lacking foresight of the result of a move that is a trend.
Insight is meant good observation, perception of the situation as a whole or perception of the situation as a whole, or perception of those parts of the situation that provide a route to the good. Trial and error in Wertheimer’s view can play no part in productive thinking except as interference. - Transfer– Learning in a situation can be transferred to other situations i.e. due to insightful behavior. The insightful behavior enables the learner to identify the elements which can be transferred in another situation. The theory of identical elements is based on insightful behavior. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
The identity or elements can be perceived by the individual. The insightful behavior is responsible for external situations or peripheral factors. The identification of elements has no meaning if the individual can not perceive them.
Teachers can take the help of this concept to know the relationship between school set up and life set up. The learning can be made effective it is so imparted that can be transferred to a life situation. If education can be transferred to the life situation that can meet the demand of the nation and society. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
P.M.T., N.C.C. Mathematic language can be transferred to a future life or vocational education has greater value because it is life-oriented education. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
The identification of elements can not ensure the transfer (Throndike) because the concept of identity is dependent on insightful learning or the behavior of the individual. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
- Originality- Insightful learning implies novel behavior in a new manner in the situation. It is not an action-research or trial and error method, because insightful learning goals and means are visible but he has to fill up the gap. Trail error is not goal oriented. Insightful behavior is goal oriented. Originality is needed in fulfilling the gap between means and goal.
- Confidence-Who has the insight, will be well confident one has no insight he will have no confidence. Chimpanzee (Sultan’s) behavior shows great confidence when receiving bananas. In a teaching-learning situation. It has an important role. The important factor for effective teaching is the confidence of the teacher.
Results of teaching can be evaluated with regard to students’ confidence in the content. Insightful learning can create confidence amount the students. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning) - Ability to see the relationship between the elements— The relationship between different elements and the different situations can be perceived in different ways. The variation of mastery, confidence, and originality are dependent on the ability of the relationship. Attain the level of insight is based on the ability to see relationships. Degree of attainment can be best tested by this ability. Insightful behavior is perceived by the ability.
Contribution of Insight Learning Theory to Education
- Insight learning theory has a significant contribution to higher learning or problem-solving teaching.
- Problem-centered teaching does not end with the induction of psychological tensions. Helping students feel problems is only a beginning, this aspect provides motivation and direction for the problem-solving aspect of reflective teaching.
Once doubt has been induced, reflective teaching and learning enter their second important step.
In the thirst step of reflective teaching, students are encouraged to examine has to answer the questions or the solution of the problem in the light of obtainable, pertinent evidence. - Most textbooks and courses of study are designed for many topics to be taught in a problem-solving fashion.
- Several methods of teaching have been developed in various subjects for organizing teaching for problem-solving. The heuristic method is commonly used in science teaching. (BEd 2nd Year Describe Kohler’s insight theory of learning)
The project method developed by Kilpatric is also a problem-centered method of teaching. Hunt has developed a model of teaching which is known as reflective-level teaching or problem-centered and also known as most thoughtful teaching. Other models of teaching have also been designed for this purpose. - An arithmetic lesson, as it develops, reflects the teacher’s conviction that learning is an insightful process. The teacher is attempting to help students in improving their understanding or insights in regard to multiplication, division, and taking square root problems or questions in such a way to enlighten their abilities to achieve new insight independently.
- The structure and organization of the subject convent play an important role in learning. A teacher should provide the awareness of means and goals so that students may visualize the relationship.