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Bed 2nd Year Describe the meaning and definition of memory

Bed 2nd Year Describe the meaning and definition of memory

Bed 2nd Year Describe the meaning and definition of memory

Bed 2nd Year Describe the meaning and definition of memory: In this post, you will learn about Bed 2nd Year Describe the meaning and definition of memory. In Bed, Teacher Teaching, and Technology one of the most important questions is to Describe the meaning and definition of memory. A2zNotes.com will Provide you best Study material for Bed Teachers, Teaching, and Technology. The Memory is an Important Part of Bed Examination.

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Bed 2nd Year Describe the meaning and definition of memory
Bed 2nd Year Describe the meaning and definition of memory

Memory-Memory consists in remembering what has previously been acquired or learned by an individual. Memory helps us in forcing past experiences and previous knowledge to come into a state of consciousness in the shape of images and ideas etc. Memory is not a simple process but consists of learning, retaining recalling, and recognizing the ability of an individual.

Meaning and Definition of Memory

Memory has been defined by many psychologists. Some important definitions are as follows.
“The ideal revival, so far as ideal revival is; merely reproductive in which the objects of past experience are reinstated as far as possible in the order and manner of their original occurrence is known as memory.” -Stout

“The power that we have to store our experiences and to bring them into the field of consciousness sometime after the experiences have occurred is termed memory.” -Ryburn

“A memory is a new experience determined by the disposition laid down by previous experiences, the relation between the two being clearly understood.” -Ross

“Memory like learning is a fundamental process of adjustment. One of the most cardinal features of adequate adjustment is the ability to profit by past experience; and it is obvious that, in the absence of memory, this ability would be impossible, there is no phase of human living untouched by memory” -Alexender

Bed 2nd Year Describe the meaning and definition of memory


Characteristics of Memory

On the basis of the above definitions, we can observe the following characteristics of memory-

  1. Memory originates from learning and experiences.
  2. Memory is a complex process (involving learning, retention, recall, and recognition)
  3. Memory reproduces past experiences (Reproductive)

Bed 2nd Year Describe the meaning and definition of memory

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