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BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Pedagogy of Social Science. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, and Meaning of Diagnostic Tests, Purposes of Diagnostic Tests, Functions of Diagnostic Tests, Characteristics and Construction of Diagnostic Tests, and Processes of Diagnostic Tests.

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BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes

Meaning of Diagnostic Test

It is a form of achievement test. A diagnostic test is one kind of educational test. It is designed to reveal specific weaknesses or failures to learn in some subject of study such as the reading of arithmetic. (BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes)

The difficulties of students can not be easily identified from this test. The aim of diagnosis is to analyze the difficulties and weaknesses of a student in a particular phase of work. (BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes)

Through diagnostic devices, efforts are made to get reliable information and reasons concerning the weakness of the student in order to overcome them by concentrated action and for detecting needs for remedial teaching.

The word ‘diagnosis’ is extensively used in medical science. The patient is prescribed medicine on the basis of the diagnosis. If the diagnosis is proper, the medicine prescribed will cure the patient soon.

In the same way, in the field of education, if the proper causes of not learning a subject matter correctly by the students are found out, remedy too can be done properly. (BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes)

In a diagnostic test, the main interest is the performance of the individual item or small groups of highly similar items. In this test scores or marks are not assigned for the correct answer but the wrong answer provides the basis for the causes of his failure. Diagnostic tests are qualitative, not quantitative. A diagnostic test does not yield the total scores of an individual in a subject in which he has studied and taken the test. (BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes)

Definitions of Diagnostic Test

According to Good, “Diagnosis means a determination of the nature of learning difficulties and deficiencies.”

According to Ross, “Prevention is the highest level of diagnosis.”

Again Ross says that “The diagnosis value of a test depends more upon the teacher than upon the test used.”

According to Yoakum and Simpson, “Diagnosis is the art or art of recognizing a difficulty by its symptoms. It is an explanation of the difficulty based on an examination of the facts.”

According to Good & Brophy, “Diagnostic teaching refers to the process of observing student responses carefully to diagnose the specific nature of difficulties in learning.”

Hence, the diagnostic test is the test that is constructed in order to find out the shortcomings and hindrances coming in the way of learning a unit of a subject matter and on the basis of these findings provides remedial suggestions to do away with these shortcomings and hindrances. (BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes)

Purposes of Diagnostic Test

The main purposes of a diagnostic test are:

(i) To give suggestions for improving the teaching process of teachers.

(ii) To give suggestions for an effective evaluation process.

(iii) To suggest making the curriculum more useful.

(iv) To arrange the remedial teaching.

(v) Make an effective teaching-learning situation.

(vi) To help in selecting the different types of questions for the construction of the achievement tests.

Functions of Diagnostic Test

The functions of diagnostic tests in schools can be as below:

(i) To find out the bases for improvement in the teaching process.

(ii) To suggest making the textbooks more useful.

(iii) To identify the backward students in learning a specific subject, and to suggest remedies for them.

(iv) To change evaluation methods to make the evaluation process more effective.

(v) To provide educational and vocational guidance on the basis of difficulties and hindrances of students.

(vi) To find out the hindering factors in the learning process and effect necessary changes accordingly.

(vii) To find out the difficulties and hindrances of students in learning and to suggest remedies.

Characteristics of Diagnostic Test

The main characteristics of diagnostic tests are :

(i) These tests are both standardized and non-standardized.

(ii) There is no limitation on diagnostic tests.

(ii) It is a main part of the curriculum in the diagnostic test.

(iv) These tests are constructed according to specific objectives.

(v) These tests are analytical.

(vi) These tests specify the mental condition of the students.

(vii) The progress of students is tested objectively by these tests.

(viii) It is an effective tool for teachers that helps in planning and organizing remedial teaching

(ix) It finds out the weaknesses of a child in learning content.

(x) In diagnostic tests no scores are made for correct answers, only wrong responses are taken into view in the sequence of contents.

Construction of a Diagnostic Test

For a good or proper construction of diagnostic tests, there is a need for proper planning. For this purpose we should keep in mind the following things :

(i) Formulation of objectives and outline of the content or topic.

(ii) Content analysis is divided into sub-topic and their elements :

(a) Sequence of sub-topics and elements within the sub-topic,

(b) Sequence of learning points.

(iii) Identify difficulty in order of sub-topic.

(iv) Deciding the types of the items.

(v) Preparing items and tryouts.

(vi) Item analysis of test items and modification of items.

(vii) Analysis of the logical sequence of content by preparing a scalogram.

(viii) Preparing the final draft of the test.

(ix) Preparing the manual of the test.

(x) Remedial devices or measures.

Process of Diagnostic Test

It is completed in five steps:

(1) Selection of diagnostic students

(2) Identifying difficult points

(3) Analysis of difficult points

(4) Remedial process

(5) Preventive measures

  1. Selection of Diagnostic Students. In this step, those students are elected who are weak in one or more subjects and have problems adjusting to the school. Such students are selected by conducting, achievement tests, and intelligence tests.
  2. Identifying Difficult Points. In this step, the difficulties of students are found through interviews, observation, and intelligence tests achievement tests. The teacher’s experience of informal tests conducted, observation, and interviews prove more effective in it. (BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes)
  3. Analysis of Difficult Points. In this step, the teacher finds out the causes of difficulties for the students. The teacher attempts to find out the causes of these difficulties through his experiences, and conversations with the student’s fellow teachers and guardians. The origin of these causes can be physical defects mental instability, bad habits, mental retardation, etc.
  4. Remedial Process. After having diagnosed the weakness of the students, remedial measures are adopted. A suitable plan is made to eradicate them, which describes the causes of difficulties and the remedial measures Besides, it also mentions whether the difficulty has to be remedied collectively. (BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes)
  5. Preventive Measures. The causes of difficulties are analyzed, and planned effort is made so that they commit fewer errors in the future. The preventive measures may include one or more measures of improvement in the school atmosphere, improvement in the home atmosphere, amendment in the curriculum, improvement in the examination system, etc., which may reduce the errors in the future. (BEd 2nd Year Diagnostic Tests Study Material Notes)

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