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BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes: a2znotes.com presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Dramatization Method of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.

Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition and importance of the Dramatization Method, Objectives of Dramatization, Structure of Dramatization, Principles of Dramatization, Criteria for Selecting Drama, Suggestions for Dramatization, Advantages of Dramatization, and Limitations of Dramatization, Story-telling Method, Types of Stories, Selection of Stories, Precautions in Using Story Telling Technique, Advantages of Story-telling Method.

If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At a2znotes.com you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.

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BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes

Dramatization Method

Drama is a form of English literature like prose and poetry. It is also an effective method of teaching as well as a device of training. It is effectively used for teaching historical stories and events. The events of history cannot be repeated but can only be dramatized by role-playing. The historical content can be made more effective and interesting for the students.

The following are the main methods of teaching Drama:

(i) Lecture-method,

(ii) Ideal drama method,

(iii) Classroom Drama-method of teaching,

(iv) Stage-Drama-method or Dramatisation-method,

(v) Review method of teaching,

(vi) Integrated or Combined method of teaching.

The dramatization method and review method are more useful for teaching Drama. Therefore, these two methods have been discussed in detail. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

Meaning of Dramatisation

It is a method of teaching Drama and also a training device for simulation. This method is also termed simulated social skill training (SSST) or teaching. It is most useful for developing social skills. It is the best method of teaching Drama because in this method learners are most active and based on the principle of learning by doing. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

Objectives of Dramatisation

The main objective is to develop the social skills for playing the roles in the situations. It develops the tendency and interest for healthy enjoyment and recreation. It develops the skill of effective conversation. It provides an understanding of real life-situation.

Structure of Dramatisation

It is a dramatic strategy. The student-teacher has to play the role of student and teacher. The student-teacher has to teach a small lesson to his own colleagues, assuming them as second-class students. They have to act as students. Every pupil has to teach a lesson in a rotation. The teaching is followed by discussion and suggestions which are given for the modification and improvement of behavior. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

Principles of Dramatisation

It is based upon the following principles :

(i) Learning by doing,

(ii) Principle of immediate reinforcement,

(iii) Rehearsal before the actual task,

(iv) Social skills through group work.

Criteria for Selecting Drama

The utility of a drama is based on the proper selection. In selecting a play six elements are taken into consideration.

(i) Story,

(ii) Character or role,

(iii) Plot,

(iv) Dialogue or song,

(v) Style of language and

(vi) Place and time.

A good drama includes the following characteristics :

(i) The story should be effective and interesting.

(ii) The subject content should be full of feelings for the welfare of making

(iii) The character or role should be encouraging and effective.

(iv) The dialogue should be active and alive. The dialogue should be short.

(v) There should be coordination among the activities and the dialogues.

(vi) The play should be effective for developing the feelings and understanding of the students.

(vii) The vocabulary and style of language should be according to the level of the students.

(viii) The size of the play should not be too long. The long drama should be divided into parts or serials like the television.

(ix) The subject content and dialogue should not reflect adversely on any religion or community.

(x) The dialogue and songs should be simple and easy to comprehend easily.

(xi) There should be turnover in the dialogue so that monotony can be removed. It may be a source of recreation and enjoyment.

The dialogues of the Mahabharat serial are serious and very deep as compared with Ramayan serial dialogues.

Steps. In this strategy six steps are to be followed :

(i) In the first step an outline of teaching is prepared.

(ii) The second step provides the direction to the role, to act as teacher, student, and observer.

(iii) In the third step pupil-teacher has to decide the topic to be taught and the social skill to be developed.

(iv) The fourth step determines the techniques to be used for observing the teaching behavior.

(v) In the fifth step pupil-teacher has to practice. The teacher’s behavior is recorded by the observers of this teaching,

(vi) In the last step teaching is followed by discussion and suggestions for the modifications of behavior.

Advantages of Dramatisation

This strategy has the following advantages:

(i) It provides an opportunity for rehearsal prior to actual classroom teaching,

(ii) The pupil-teacher understands his own teaching activities through analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of his own activities,

(iii) It is useful for developing social skills.

(iv) It provides immediate reinforcement for the modification of his behavior

Limitations of Dramatisation

The strategy suffers from the following limitations :

(i) The learning situations are more artificial and pupil-teacher fails to present its real form.

(ii) It can not be used for developing specific teaching skills.

Suggestions for Dramatisation

The following precautions should be observed in using this teaching strategy:

(i) The pupil-teacher should be well acquainted with the strategy.

(ii) The supervisor should remain present during teaching and discussion.

(iii) It should be practiced before sending pupil-teachers to actual classroom teaching.

(iv) The supervisor should encourage the teaching acts of the pupil-teachers.

This method of teaching and training is used for developing the taxonomy of teacher behaviors. The effective use of this method can bring the excellence in social behaviors of students as well as teachers. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

Story-telling Method

The storytelling method is one of the most important methods of teaching history. Narration, in fact, is an art in itself which aims at presenting to the pupils, through the medium of speech clear, vivid, interesting, ordered sequence of events in such a way that their minds are able to reconstruct these happenings and they live in their imagination through the experiences recounted.

The teacher’s capacity, as an actor and speaker, can make the lesson lively and interesting to the pupils; they can almost visualize the events and the personalities concerned. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

At present, it is generally believed that for the age-group 8 to 10 history should mainly be a carefully chosen and graded series of stories woven with attractive, decrepitate details. This would rouse the interest of children and provide scope for imaginative understanding and thorough enjoyment. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

It is a method and also the technique of teaching. It is commonly used for teaching lower classes or small children. It creates curiosity among students and develops the ability of imagination. Generally, small children like to listen to stories. Teaching can be made easy by using this technique. The students can learn and retain stories for a longer period.

This technique can also be used in teaching higher classes. It is also the strategy of teaching. Some teachers are very experts in story-telling techniques. The use of this technique in teaching is highly psychological. This technique can be used in all school subjects.

Types of Stories

There are three types of stories that can be used in the teaching of history.

1. True Stories. These stories need a distinct place in history teaching in schools. According to Jarvis, such stories render a valuable service in the efficient teaching of history. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

2. Myths. Myths are the stories that are narrated about things or events people could not fully understand. The Greeks, for example, said the sun was really a young God, Apollo, driving a golden chariot across the sky, Myths do not grow in isolation or without a substratum of facts; even the fights of fancy have a built-in mechanism. Myths were passed down by word of mouth.

Every set of people has their own myths but some myths were influenced by others. Different people had different stories to explain similar things. For example, some held that the world was supported by the giant atlas; others believed that it rested on four elephants riding on the back of a swimming turtle. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

3. Legends. Like myths, legends are old stories but most legends are based on something that actually happened. Stories about Rama and Sita, King Arthur, and Robinhood are legends, even though there probably was a man like Rama and a woman like Sita. There were real cities of Ayodhya and Troy though the tales told in the Ramayana or Iliad are only legends.

It is often difficult to distinguish the historical part from the part that has been made up. Legends do not need a historian to preserve them; they have an intrinsic ability to survive through people. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

Jarvis is of the opinion that truthfulness should be the major criterion to guide us in taking the help of stories in teaching history. He says, “Historical stories, then whether they be facts or legends, must be formulated by a truthfulness which is higher than mere accuracy of incidents.” There is a danger lurking in sticking too closely to the principle given by Jarvis as the imagination of the pupils cannot be fully developed through true stories only. It is, therefore, recommended that all types of stories such as myths, legends, moral fables, and true historical tales should be told to the pupils. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

Of course, the type of stories and the manner of their narration will vary with the age of children who are to be the listeners, up to class V, the method of teaching history should be mainly the story-telling method. Knowledge regarding the scripts, numbers, trade and money should be imparted through the storytelling method. As the child advances in age and understanding, in the middle and secondary classes, stories and anecdotes help to create interest. While using other methods, lecture or conversational method or even discussion method or source method, telling of related stories will go a long way in making history interesting and vital.

Also, a student of the middle class with superior learning ability and advanced reading skills will gain enriched knowledge from reading the life of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Lal Bahadur Shastri, or any great man or woman in our age in addition to his regular textbooks. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

Selection of Stories

In using the story-telling method, the teacher should pay special attention to the following:

(i) Story should be told in sequential order. Expressions such as “Oh. I forgot to tell you about an important point” do not speak well of a storyteller. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

(ii) The teacher may take the stories from any source he thinks suitable, e.g., cave life, hunting life, local or world history, etc. but he must take the necessary continuity into consideration. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

(iii) The teacher must know the story fully well. Full knowledge of the story will help him a lot in narrating the story methodically and with full confidence. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

(iv) The story is full of actions and details. It should present vivid pictures and should be full of descriptions of places, persons, and things. Frequent references to geographical conditions should be made during the narration of stories.

(v) Proper intonation and gestures are very important in narration. A natural tone and pleasant manner make the narration effective.

(vi) Narrations should be made interesting by the use of handy illustrations such as metaphors and similes, correlated with the verbal experience children are familiar with. Catchy words and phrases should be used to create proper images. Whenever there is a speech or dialogue, it should be given in direct speech. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

Narration can be made very interesting if one of the characters takes the role of a narrator. The story of Samudragupt and his conquests can be told in the first person. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

Precautions in Using Story Telling Technique

The following precautions should be taken in using this technique :

(i) The language of these techniques should be simply easy, interesting, and effective.

(ii) The style of storytelling should be clear and attractive.

(iii) The climate of the classroom should be calm and quiet.

(iv) The actors of the story should be close to the learners’ situations.

(v) The theme of the story should be according to the mental level, interests, and emotional stage of the children.

(vi) The story should be the means to serve the purpose of teaching, not the end.

(vii) The main objectives of the storytelling technique are to develop imagination curiosity and interest among the learners.

(viii) The storytelling technique should always be used orally. The real should not be done.

(ix) Storytelling is an art. Every teacher can not use it effectively. skill is to be developed through micro-teaching or simulated social stall training. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

(x) At the end of the story, some relevant questions should be asked to as, whether students could compass and the theme of the story. Storytelling is a teaching skill, teaching technique, and method. Therefore, a teacher should be aware of these facts whether as a technique or method of teaching. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)


The main advantages are as follows:

  1. Enhancement of Interest. Story-telling can make history throb with life and interest. It is the most effective way of bringing out all the aspects of cultural, and social economics of pre-historic, ancient, and medieval societies.
  2. Development of Imagination. A good story told in a proper manner goes a long way in firing the imagination of listeners. It is sure to take them away from the matter-of-fact world and, thus offer ample scope for the play of their imagination
  3. Training of Creative Faculties. History, if taught according to the story-telling method, can help in the training of creative faculties of children. Stories of scripts, numbers, trades, money, means of communication, means of transport, discoveries and scientists, etc., have a unique value in training the creative faculties of children.
  4. Inculcation of Virtue. The story-telling can be relied upon by the teacher as the best ally for help in producing in his pupils the much-coveted traits of character such as piety, truthfulness, valor, charity, and the like. He can very easily achieve success in his objective by relating to the pupils the life stories of the great personages who possessed those traits. Jarvis supports this contention conduct and so is contributing to the development of a child’s character and personality.

Story-telling is an art. Every history teacher should know this art. He should have rich imagination and accurate, wide and varied knowledge of the past. This will provide him with a rich mine of interesting stories. He should be able to supplement his telling truth with visual teaching aids and by asking developmental and other types of questions. Only then will be able to drive the facts home to the pupils. (BEd 2nd Year Dramatization Method Study Material Notes)

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