BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Philosphical and Socialogical Perspective of Education. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, and Meaning of Emotional and National Integration, the Need for Emotional and National Integration in India, and Obstacles to Emotional and National Integration in India.
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Meaning and Definition of Emotional Integration
Man is an emotional being. People attach to one another due to emotions. and separate from one another due to emotions. When two or more persons are attracted to one another due to some similarity, such as blood, caste, place, lifestyle, eating habits, customs, traditions, language, literature, religion, conduct and thought, etc., or due to any other reason, and when there is no possibility of their being separated. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
We say that they have emotional integration, and when this emotional integration ceases, their existence is imperiled.
But there is no definite limit to emotional integration. This term is used for the integration established on a personal level and for the integration established on the levels of caste, region, religion, economic, political, national, and international. In the field of education, emotional integration is taken in the context of national integration. The opinion of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru is worth mentioning in this regard. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
In his words:
“By emotional integration, I mean the integration of our minds and hearts, the suppression of feelings of separatism” –Jawaharlal Nehru
However small or large a country may be, people of different races and religions live in it. There is a difference in their lifestyle, eating manners, conduct and thought beliefs, faiths, and values. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
Despite these differences, if the citizens of the nation become united in the name of the nation, then we say that there is emotional integration in the people of that nation. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
In this context, the words of K.G.Saiyidain are important, in his words:
“Emotional integration does not mean a leveling down of differences. It means that the people have the right to differ and express their differences reasonably and fearlessly within the larger framework of national unity and basic loyalties.”
Meaning and Definition of National Integration
National integration is meant the “we” feeling among all people of the nation. When all people of a country are connected to each other by ‘we’ feeling despite their differences in regions, castes, cultures, religions, etc., and renounce their individual and collective interests before national interests, then we say that national integration is there in the nation.
National integration is the chief element of a nation, without it the existence of a nation cannot be imagined even. In its absence, a nation cannot live for a very long time. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
Now the question arises of what a nation is. In general, we use the terms country. state and nation as synonymous terms, but the concept of all there of them is different. The country is a geographical concept; its chief component is only the geographical area. The state is a political concept; it has four basic components territory, population, government, and sovereignty.
And the nation is an emotional concept; its two chief components are-population and the feeling or spirit of ‘we’ among all people of the nation. It is another thing that each nation tries to establish its state for the protection of its interests. Most nations have their respective states, so nation and state have become synonymous.
The nations are of two types—primitive nations and modern nations. The primitive nations were made on the basis of caste, language, culture, and religion. Later these nations established their own states for the protection of their interests; it is another thing that sometimes they could defend themselves, and sometimes they had to live under alien rule. Thus, primitive nations are cultural concepts in themselves. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
However, as progress in the scientific field was achieved and the industrial revolution occurred in the world, the people of different castes, languages, cultures, and religions became bound by the feeling of ‘we’, and a new type of nation came into being. They are called modern nations. In the people of these modern nations, there is a common interest on the basis of feelings of we which is met by the state. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
There are some nations that have emerged from primitive nations to modern nations, such as India; and a few others came into existence in the modern period itself: such as America. But it applies to all nations that their people are bound by ‘we’ feeling and their common interests are realized by their states. And the state can perform this task only when it keeps the interest of the individual and groups at par with the national interest. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
The above discussion makes out four facts. First, there are people of different religions, castes, languages, cultures, and religions in a nation. Second, despite these differences, the people of a nation are united on the basis of common interests. Third, the common interests of the people are protected by the state. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
And fourth, the state can perform this task only when the people of the nation pay more attention to national interests as compared to their individual and collective interests. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
Now we can define national integration in the following way:
National integration is the feeling of oneness among the people of a nation developed on the basis of common interests, which binds them to the nation despite their differences in regions, castes, languages, cultures, and religions, and they renounce their individual and collective interests before the national interests.
National integration and Emotional integration
National integration is the specific form of emotional integration. Emotional integration can be on any basis like the place, caste, language, culture, or religion, and its scope can cover from any two persons to the whole mankind of the world; but when this emotional integration is found among all persons of a nation on the basis of common interests, and they renounce their individual and collective interests before the national interests, it is called national integration.
Thus, the basis and scope of national integration are definite and it is necessary to renounce individual and collective interests before national interests. However, when we talk of emotional integration in the educational field, by it we mean national integration. We have taken these two concepts as national integration. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
Need for Emotional and National Integration in India
The first basic need for the existence of a nation is national integration. Our country is of special form; here the people of different castes, languages, cultures, and religions live and they are divided into specific classes on these bases they think of their selfish interests only, and the national interest has taken the backseat. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
It has created many dangers. In order to protect from these dangers, national integration is especially important in our country; it is greatly needed. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
1. For defending the Existence of Nation: Each nation wants to defend its existence, including our nation India. For it the foremost need is that of national integration, that is the feeling of oneness among the citizens of the country and cultivation of the feeling and power of sacrificing individual and collective interests for the national interests.
2. For inculcating Faith in the National Political System: The second basic element is the citizens’ faith in the political system of the nation, and the situation in our country is that most of the people here do not understand the meaning of democracy, and some people are engaged in defacing it’s from. The citizens of the nation can have faith in democracy only when there exists national integration. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
3. For Eradication of Disintegrative Elements: Though the people of our country, if are different in the name of castes, they are one in the name of the language, culture, or religion; if they are different in the name of the language, they are one in the name of caste, culture, and religion, and if they are different in the name of culture, then they are one in the name of casts and language and this series is so multilayered and broad that each citizen of the country is related to another in one or the other way.
However, some selfish people are dividing the people of the country in the name of region, caste, religion, or language in order to serve their self-interests. It is pitiable to listen to a union minister who calls himself a Hindu and talks of defending the right of Hindus and another who calls himself a Muslim and describes himself as the defender of the rights of Muslims, still another who describes himself as a backward and says he is a protector of backward classes.
And in the same manner, some ministers make out themselves as the protector of scheduled tribes, scheduled castes, and of others. Only a few think of the national interest. Therefore, it is very essential to relate all these people with national interests and to prepare them to sacrifice their individual, caste, regional or other interests before national interests, and to inculcate the feeling of national integration in them. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
4. For Eradication of Regional Narrowness: Our country is divided into several states. These states have been formed on the basis of geographical territories and languages. This is the basic difference in these states. Secondly, some elements are creating regional narrowness in them to serve their selfish interests. The outcome is that there are problems relating to their territories, the division of water between states, and interstate trade. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
Not only this, the people of certain regions within a state demand a separate state for themselves. Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Chhatisgarh, and Jharkhand are created due to this. National integration is greatly needed in order to check this division. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
5. For Elimination of Class Struggle: There occur in India class conflicts on the basis of region, caste, culture, and religion; besides there also occur conflicts between government and political parties, government and government employees, industrialists and mill workers, etc.; and the worst thing is that the work is stopped during the conflict. Still worse is that violence and destruction occur and normal life is disturbed, and losses to the tune of crores of rupees occur.
Democracy is meant the rule for people’s welfare, while only strikes and violence occur in the name of democracy every other day in our country. In order to overcome all this, it is essential to have national integration in the nation. So long as the people do not connect themselves to the nation and do think of national interests, the situation cannot improve.
6. For National Defence: National integration is essential for the defense of the nation. Moreover, we have common frontiers with terrorist Pakistan and expansionist China. Not only this, the number of people in our country looking to Pakistan and China is no small. So long as these people are not connected to the nation and prepared for national interest, the danger to the nation would remain alive. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
7. For National Development and raising the Standard of Life: Any type of development, including economic development, in a nation, depends on its policies and people’s cooperation. National policies can be framed in the people’s interest only when the people in the government think of national interest, that is, they are replete with the spirit of national integration.
These policies can be run smoothly when people cooperate in abiding and executing them, and people’s cooperation can be available in case of the spirit of national integration. So it would not be out of place to say that the development of a nation depends on national integration. Therefore, national integration is very essential in order to raise the standard of life.
Obstacles in Emotional and National Integration in India
This is a well-known fact that we fought for our freedom unitedly. At that time we only thought that we are Indians, but a few years down the line diminished our emotional (national) integration. It was but natural for the government to pay attention to it. Conferences were organized on this topic in the educational world too and the causes of the absence of national integration and their remedies came to be considered. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
We are presenting the thoughts of some important conferences, committees, and meetings.
- National Integration Council (1958): This council was organized by University Grants Commission (UGC). Several educationists took part in it. In their view, the chief cause of the lack of national integration in India is discrimination on the basis of caste and religion. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
- Vice Chancellors Conference (1961): In this conference, the vice-chancellors described discrimination practiced on the grounds of regions, castes, religions, and languages as an obstacle to national integration.
- Indira Gandhi National Integration Committee (1961): This committee was formed in Congress Session at Bhavnagar. In the view of this committee, the obstacles in the way of national integration are casteism, religious narrowness, illiteracy, backwardness, and insecurity of the individuals and of their property.
- Chief Ministers’ Conference (1961): The union government called upon the conference of state chief ministers on 31 May 1961. This conference was also attended by several union ministers. The conference was chaired by the then Prime Minister, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. One day was hardly sufficient for it. So this conference was convened again on 10 August the same year and it went on up to 12 August. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
This time, the proposals of the Indira Gandhi National Integration Committee were taken seriously. It is agreed that the chief causes of the lack of national integration in India were casteism, linguistics, regionalism, and communalism; national integration cannot be developed until these are controlled. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes) - Dr. Sampoornanand Emotional Integration Committee (1961-62): This committee was constituted in 1961 by the union government. Its purpose was to find out the causes of the lack of national integration and suggest remedies and determine the role of education in the development of national integration. This committee presented its recommendations in 1962. According to this committee, the chief obstacles in the path of emotional (national) integration are casteism, linguistics, regionalism, states, communalism, pessimism in youth, and lack of ideals. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
- National Integration Committee (1967): The policy of our government, in the beginning, was – more thinking and less work. After the Indo-Pak war, the union government constituted the national integration committee afresh and it was comprised of the people of all political parties. Its first meeting was held in June 1968 in Srinagar, under the chairmanship of the then Prime Minister, Smt. Indira Gandhi. (BEd 2nd Year Emotional and National Integration Study Material Notes)
This meeting mainly discussed states and communalism. The second meeting of this committee was held in 1980 and the third in 1984. Every meeting expressed its concern about increasing casteism, linguistics, regionalism, and communalism. But no one assigned its responsibility to the political parties and government itself. Who will blame himself after all? - Other Meetings of Educational Word: In the meanwhile, several other meetings were held in the educational world. These meetings have expressed their concern over casteism, linguistics, regionalism, and communalism; besides they blamed prevalent education for it. The courage of admitting their fault is possessed by educationists, and not by politicians.