BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Pedagogy of Social Science. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, and Meaning of Essay Type Test, Types of Essay Type Test, Merits of Essay Type Test, and Demerits of Essay Type Test/Examinations.
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Essay Type Test
These types of examinations are being conducted since ancient times. About 200 years ago, this method was utilized in selecting the rights in China. In 1854 Horack Mann experimented with this type of examination or test in America. This technique is subjective. It emphasizes rating power. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
Essay-type techniques mean examinations in which children have to write answers to some questions in a fixed time. The construction of these questions is of such type that their answers take the form of essays.
So it is called essay-type examinations. The construction and administration of the essay-type test are simple and easy. It is an economical technique. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
In these tests, some questions (8-10) are set from the whole syllabus, and students are asked to answer any five questions. In these tests, it is expected that students will present an explicit answer to every question. In the essay-type test, the student is free to express their views through their answers. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
Types of Essay Type Test
Essay-type tests are of the following types:
- Organizational and Comparative. In this type of test, comparison types arrange in systematic order, organised type questions are included. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
- Establish Relationship. Why? What? etc. type questions are included in this type of test.
- Selective Recall of Facts. Arrange the question in sequence, definition, etc. included in this.
- Problem Solving and Creative type Questions. In this type doing the evaluation, proofing it, etc. are included.
But now essay-type examinations are divided into this form:
- Long Answer Type Questions. The answer to this type of question is in broadway or long. No definite and fixed limits are to this. In this type of question, the individual is asked to describe a thing, event, or process for a particular person.
- Short Answer Tyne Questions. Students give this type of question a definite limit. For example, what is Logarithm?
- Very Short Answer Type Questions. The answer to this type of question is in a word or in a sentence. For example, what is the sum of angles of a triangle? etc. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
Merits of Essay Type Questions or Test
The followings are some major characteristics of essay type test:
- Based on a broad curriculum. In this, the question can be asking the whole curriculum. These tests are helpful in the decision to the knowledge and mental ability of the students. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
- Easy in construction and administration. These tests are easy in construction and also in administration. It is easy to formulate questions because the achievement of an individual is measured through the medium of one line question or two line question, as it takes very little time in formulating the questions, this is very useful in finding solutions to immediate problems Due to its simplicity of the questions their administration is also easy. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
- Easy to check knowledge, interest, and attitude. The teaching objectives of school subjects are divided into cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains. The students have to reply to the essay-type questions in detail, so their knowledge of the subject can be measured. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
- Evaluation of Personality. Essay-type examinations are useful in evaluating personality. With the help of the article measure the various aspects of the personality as likes-dislikes, values, etc (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
- Helpful in the development and production of writing power. With the help of an essay-type test, we can measure the development and production of the writing power of the student. This also shows how well a person or student can compile his thoughts in a fixed time period. Thus, by these examinations, a person’s literary and writing ability can be measured.
- Evaluation of Higher Mental Powers. With the help of essay-type examination, the high mental capabilities of an individual can be measured This can be used successfully for problems where debating, review, point of view, analysis, synthesis, etc. are required. This measures the thinking power, power of expression, and intelligence.
- Encouragement to Extensive Studies and Thinking. The answers to essay-type questions have to be given in detail, so the students have to study extensively. Such tests encourage the students to extensive study and thinking.
- Encouragement of Good and Detailed Study. This encourages detailed study with the help of various learning methods as the students have to give an answer of five to six pages to a question of two lines. Thus, he studies the subject matter deeply. He prepares an outline for study, writes a summary, and tries to memorize important points.
- Minimum Chance of Cheating. The answers to these tests are more lengthy. Due to the language style and compactness of the subject matter, the chances of cheating are minimized. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
- Practicability. We have been administering essay-type tests from the beginning, so we have become habituated to the construction and administration of these tests and marking the answer books, and classifying the students on their basis. We do not face any difficulty in the administration. Thus, these tests are considered good from a practical point of view.
Demerits of Essay Type Examination or Test
“……….. bookish and mechanical, stereotyped and rigidly uniform and did not cater to the different aptitudes of the pupils.” -Secondary Education Commission (1952-53)
“……….. The whole system of education is examination ridden. The frequency of examinations and the manner of conducting them exercise an adverse effect on the aims and methods of education. They suffer from a failure to define with any degree of exactness of the purpose.” – The University Education Commission (1948-49)
Some other demerits are as follows:
- Obstructive in Physical and Mental Health. In these tests, students study only during the time of exam which is harmful to their physical and mental health. Too much emphasis on book learning hinders physical growth from an early age. It does not take into the account of day to day work of the child. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
- Emphasis on Rating Power or Cramming. These questions develop the cramming power in the student. It gives emphasis on the memory power or cramming ability which does not develop the mental level and all-round development. In other words, it stimulates an unhealthy competitive spirit among children and encourages cramming of books and rote memorization rather than reflective thinking. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)
- Time Consuming. The essay-type examination is time-consuming for students as well as for the teacher.
- Lack of Reliability. The essay-type questions do not give the same meaning. Different students understand them in different ways. It is but natural in such a case that there will be differences in their answers. And still, further, the examiners take their meaning differently. So it is almost necessary that a difference in their measurement will creep in. It is evident that the results of such tests will not be subject to reliability. They are less reliable. (BEd 2nd Year Essay Type Test Study Material Notes)