Bed 2nd Year Explain Major Sources of Air Pollution
Bed 2nd Year Explain Major Sources of Air Pollution: In this post, we will learn about Bed 2nd Year Explain Major Sources of Air Pollution. In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Environment Education. You will learn about Bed 2nd Year Explain Major Sources of Air Pollution. Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Sources of Air Pollution
There are major sources of air pollution as follows:
- Ozone. Its level may rise in the atmosphere due to human activities.
- Fluoro Carbons. These come from industries, intercedes spray, etc.
- Natural Sources: Such as volcanic eruptions deflation of sand and dust, forest or wildfires of natural vegetation, etc.
- Man-made Sources: Human activities such as industries, factories urban centres, aircraft nuclear experiments automobiles, agricultural power plants, etc. (Bed 2nd Year Explain Major Sources of Air Pollution)
From the different sources of air pollution, a variety of pollutants are released into the atmosphere. The principal air pollutants emitted from these different sources are as follows:
- Carbon Compounds: These are mainly CO2 and CO, the former released by the complete combustion of fossil fuel and the latter by automobile exhausts. (Bed 2nd Year Explain Major Sources of Air Pollution)
- Sulphur Compounds: These include SO2, H2S, and H2SO4 mostly released by fossil fuel (Coal, etc.) based power generating plants and industrial units as refineries. (Bed 2nd Year Explain Major Sources of Air Pollution)
- Nitrogen Oxides: These include chiefly Nitrogen monoxide, Nitrogen oxide, Nitric acid mostly released by automobiles, power plants, and industries. (Bed 2nd Year Explain Major Sources of Air Pollution)
- Hydro Compounds: These include chiefly benzpyrene etc. which are mostly discharged by automobiles and industries.
- Metals: These include clarify lead nickel, arsenic, Beryllium, Tin, Vanadium, Titanium Cadmium, etc. present in the air as solid particles or liquid droplets or gases. They are produced mostly by metallurgical processes, automobiles, seaspray, etc.
- Emission from Automobiles: Vehicles are responsible for more than 80% of total air pollution in cities. The major air pollutants released from the vehicles like automobiles, are CO, unburnt hydrocarbons, and NO2.
- Agricultural cause air pollution: Spraying of insecticides and weedicides also causes air pollution. These when inhaled create serve problems for both animals and man.
- Fossil Fuels: Burning of wood, charcoal, and other fossil fuels causes air pollution by the release of CO2, Carbon-Sulphur dioxide, etc. petroleum consists mainly of hydrocarbons, Sulphur, and Nitrogen.