BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Factors In of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition or Meaning and importance of Factors Influencing Curriculum Development, Types of Curriculum. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.
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Factors Influencing Curriculum Development
The curriculum is the educational and social concept but is the base social philosophy of life. Therefore, the social and educational factors the curriculum development. (BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes)
Some of the important factors are 8 following parts:
1. Management of education, 2. Examination System, government, 4. Board of studies, 5. National Commission and com 6. Social change.
A brief description of the factors is as follows:
- Management of Education. The curriculum and man education are closely related to each other. These have been in other since the very beginning. Now education is a state subject. Thus our country has its own curriculum and education system. At the primary stage education is child-centered and at the secondary stage is subject-centered. Now there is a main emphasis on vocational courses and technical education. The major education is objective-centered, so the curriculum is also objective.
- Examination System. The nature and structure of the curriculum are based on the examination System. There are two types of examination Systems. Essay type and objective type. The essay-type questions are based on the broad aspect of the content while objective-type questions are based on specific elements of to The higher objectives are assessed with the help of essay-type examination and lower objectives are measured by using objective type examination. Thus the curriculum and methods of teaching are influenced by the examination system.
- Form of Government. The needs of the nation and society are fulfilled by education and its curriculum. The form of government has a direct influence on the education process. An autocratic form of government employs teacher-centered instruction (TCI) in school. Whereas in democratized form of government considers interactive-process or learner-centered instructions (LCI). In our country, we do not have a national system of education. Every state has its own system of education and form of curriculum. (BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes)
- Board of Studies. The form of the curriculum is developed by the board of studies. There are different board studies for the different stages of education. Every university has various board studies of different subjects. The member of the board of studies employs their experiences, interests, attitude, and mental abilities.
Usually, the convener of the board of study designs the outline of the course which is approved by the members of the committee. (BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes) - National Commission and Committees. After independence, several commissions and committees have been established at the national level for the improvement and modification of education at various levels of education primary secondary committees have designed and suggested courses of studies National Policy of Education has an emphasis level. The curriculum has been designed in view of these recommendations.
- Social Change. Social change is very slow and economic change very rapid. Economic change influence the courses of studies. Today there is a scope for computer education. An outline of computer education has been designed for various levels of education. (BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes)
There is great scope for distance education and the use of multimedia approaches in our education system. Apart from these factors, there are several other factors that have a great influence on curriculum development.
(1) Social traditions (2) State government (3) Central government (4) School. Society, and (5) School. These factors are related to each other.
Types of Curriculum
There are different views regarding curriculum management. There has been changing emphasis on the components of education that have influenced the types of curriculum. Some of the important types of curriculum are enumerated as follows:
(1) Subject-centred curriculum, or Teacher-centred curriculum, (TCC)
(2) Child-centred curriculum, or Learner-centred, (LCC)
(3) Task-centred or Activity-centred curriculum, (ACC)
(4) Objective-centred curriculum, (OCC)
(5) Experience-centred curriculum, (ECC)
(6) Correlated curriculum,
(7) Core curriculum, and
(8) Integrated curriculum.
- Subject-Centred or Teacher-Centred Curriculum. The curriculum is highly influenced by social philosophy. Idealism metaphysics idea Therefore ideas or subject content should be given emphasis in de curriculum. Herbartian’s approach gives emphasis on the presentation of classroom teaching. It is also known as a content-centered curriculum centered-curriculum.
This type of curriculum is unpsychological as consider the student’s needs interest and abilities. It is not helpful in the democratic outlook of the students. This type of curriculum is easy and easy to understand by the teacher. It can be easily revised and depends on social and educational thinking. It helps to test performance easily, This type is preferred by teachers, students, and parents.
- Child-centred or Learner-Centred Curriculum. This type of curriculum is more psychological and given by naturalism. The curriculum is designed, based on the nature of the child. It considers the need, interests
Abilities of the learners. It considers the stages of growth and development of children. The type of curriculum is used in Montessori and Kindergarten education. (BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes)
- Task-Centred or Activity-Centred Curriculum. John Dewey has suggested this type of curriculum. Kilpatrick has given project-method teaching for this curriculum. Mahatma Gandhi emphasized basic education i.e., education-hand, head, and heart, which is also activity-centered. The evaluation approach To takes interest in socially useful work.
4. Obiective-Centred Curriculum. B. S. Bloom has suggested an approach to education. It is a tripolar process-(i) Educational objectives, (ii) Learning experiences, and (iii) Change of behavior. The curriculum is the major component of learning experiences, which should be objective-centered. In the formation of objectives-national, social, and student needs are considered. The evaluation of students is also made objective centered. The curriculum is designed in view of the objectives of education. This type of curriculum is used in the present System of education. (BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes)
- Experience-Centred Curriculum. In this type of curriculum main stress is given to the learner’s experiences. This type of curriculum is given by pragmatism. It is the same as activity centered. The learning by doing device is used for this curriculum. It is also known as activity-centered. (BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes)
The experience-centered curriculum establishes the relationship between cool and society. It helps in developing the creative aspect of the students and develops their leadership qualities. - Correlated-Curriculum. In this type of curriculum different subjects, Ol are taught by correlating each other. All the school subjects have the same. It assumes that knowledge is a unit. All the subjects should be taught help of a correlated curriculum. It is difficult to design this type n. The content of different subjects should have the same level of student comprehension.
- Core-Curriculum. This type of curriculum includes a compulsory and optional course of study. The compulsory courses have to be studied by every student Hence it is also termed a core curriculum. The core curriculum is related to student and social needs. It helps in preparing good citizens. The optimal courses are offered by students according to their needs and interest. Thus, It is also a learner-centered curriculum. (BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes)
- Integrated Curriculum. There has been a great controversy about the integration of the curriculum. Some people advocate that curriculum should con among different subject areas to give the contents, unity of ere are others who pleaded that the curriculum should steadily integrate the goals which a particular society sets before itself. There is a third that convincingly asserts that the source of essential integration expands the experiences and environment of the child.
According curriculum will be integrated into two dimensions. Needs and children should lead to horizontal integration, the common purpose of education should integrate vertically with the needs of different children and their diverse environments. It is for this reason that a different curriculum is postulated for boys and girls in rural and urban areas and for exceptionally bright and mentally retarded children. (BEd 2nd Year Factors Influencing Curriculum Development Study Material Notes)