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BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Pedagogy of Social Science. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, and Meaning of Formative and Summative Evaluation in Social Science, Formative Evaluation, Summative Evaluation, and Need of Formative and Summative Evaluation.

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BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes

Formative and Summative Evaluation

Formative Evaluation

When the students are said to be in a good state regarding knowledge, the process of teaching applied to learn anything is called formative and the method of judging how much the reactions of teaching are made to students is evaluation.

Therefore, the purpose of formative evaluation is to monitor the instructional process to know whether the learning process is taking place or not. It is designed only to enhance the teaching-learning process and not designed to make final Judgements.

Hence, in the formative evaluation teaching process is made and Learning is judged. The process works in a long term, so it is called continuous evaluation in which unit tests, class tests, and assignments are the essential components.

Pupils’ weakness is diagnosed through classroom teaching. Hence formative evaluation is continuous feedback to both the teacher and the student, that determines the success and failure of learning. Through feedback, the process of learning to children is made successful to a great degree, and learning difficulties that a child faces, are also identified and diagnosed.

On one hand, formative evaluation provides feedback to children; on the other, it apart feedbacks to teachers also, so as to, modify instructions to prescribe remedial work therefore it can easily be said that formative evaluation brings improvement in child’s learning and also removes the drawbacks that are committed during teaching and learning process, hence the teaching-learning process is better enhanced through this evaluation. (BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes)

It can also be said that formative evaluation gives relevant information during the classroom teaching-learning process. It joins the three teachers, pupils, and planners and directs feedback to the three.

According to Tanner (1972), “Formative Evaluation refers to the use of tests and other evaluative procedures while the course and Instructional program are in progress.”

Groxlund (1976, PP. 489-94) pointed out that the specific use of formative evaluation is to plan Corrective action for overcoming learning difficulties or deficiencies to aid in motivating learning and to increase retention and transfer of learning.

Needs of classroom groups and corrections in learning deficiencies are made through periodic testing and evaluation of pupils during the instructions. (BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes)

Both criterion-referenced and norm-referenced tests are designed in formative evaluation to master content. These are the tests given at the end of the learning unit, such tests are also called interim tests Unit tests, learning tests, and quizzes.

So, in a nutshell, Formative Evaluation is primarily useful in identifying learning errors, planning correct action for overcoming learning deficiencies motivating the learning process, providing practice, minimizing test anxiety, and enhancing the academic achievement of children at the stages of sanative Evaluation. (BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes)

Need and Importance of Formative Evaluation

  • It provides information to teachers for modifying instruction and teaching.
  • It helps to prescribe group and individual remedial programs.
  • It is helpful in monitoring pupils’ learning process.
  • It provides feedback to both the teachers and pupils.
  • It facilities retention and transfer of learning.
  • It enables the teachers to adjust their instruction according to the need of the students.
  • It helps the teacher for correcting learning deficiencies.
  • The formative evaluation also reinforces the learning of high achievers.
  • It helps in better performance in the summative evaluation.
  • The formative test can also be used as a self-evaluation device by the children.
  • It provides immediate feedback to the children.
  • It is also helpful in diagnosing a child’s strengths and weaknesses.

Summative Evaluation

When Formative Evaluation takes its last steps, there is an urgent need for summative Evaluation, hence it can also be said that summative Evaluation is! a later process that occurs at the end of a session or term to measure the achievement of pupils. Overall results of a teaching-learning process can be obtained through this sort of evaluation.

In simple words class tests, unit tests, quizzes, and learning tests are the parts of formative Evaluation, then term tests, annual tests, and external examinations conducted by schools or public agencies are the essential parts of summative Evaluation. Hence, Summative Evaluation is either an external type or an internal type evaluation.

In other words, it can also be said that Formative Evaluation serves a refinement purpose during the teaching-learning process, but summative Evaluation may be said to be the evaluation of refined products.

When students become fully familiar with the whole syllabus, and a test of the whole syllabus is made, summative Evaluation takes place. (BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes)

Thus summative evaluation occurs at the end of the academic year session to promote students to the next class.

Hence Summative Evaluation becomes Pan and Parcel with the future point of view. It is an identification document of the failure and success of the class indicated. (BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes)

Promotion to the next class is also done through this document. Hence summative Evaluation gives birth to the certificate that bears the whole year’s workout. (BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes)

Hence summative Evaluation is inevitable and has to remain an integral part of the whole evaluation process.

Each educational situation needs to be examined to arrive at a proper formative and summative evaluation. Summative Evaluation is seen in the following three different ways:

  • By assessing the progress of students with reference to their ourselves (Self-referenced)
  • By assessing the progress of Students with reference to criteria set by their teacher (Criterion-referenced)
  • By assessing the progress of students with reference to the progress made by their peer group (Norm-referenced)

To conclude, Evaluation must be such a type so as to bring all-around development in children. Hence both kinds of evaluation should be made keeping all necessary points in view. (BEd 2nd Year Formative and Summative Evaluation Study Material Notes)

Both kinds of evaluation bring a great change to the educational system. Where quality is a matter, both types of evaluation should be applied stepwise for the improvement of the quality of school education.

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