BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Philosophical and Socialogical Perspective of Education. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition and Meaning of Fundamental Elements of Philosophy.
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Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy
The above discussion regarding philosophy indicates the various features of philosophy. These aspects of philosophy are based on the fundamental elements of a complete philosophy. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
The following are basic elements to understand a philosophy:
- Metaphysics of philosophy (Concept of Reality)
- Epistemology of Philosophy (Concept Knowledge)
- Axiology of Philosophy (Criteria for Values)
- Logic of Philosophy (Nature) ways and means for knowledge)
The nature and function of these basic elements have been discussed in the following paras-
1. Metaphysics of Philosophy
The term philosophy has been defined in several ways by different schools of philosophy, but the essence of all definitions is that is a parental branch of knowledge concerned with the quest for truth or reality of life. The human mind of philosophers has always been puzzled by the questions regarding the nature of truth or reality of life. Strong philosophical thought has held ground in this regard, according to one thought the final reality is the nature of mind or idea, according to the second, the final truth reality is the nature and matter or the world. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
The first thought is an idealist whose metaphysics is the nature of mind or idea. The second thought is naturalists or materialists whose metaphysics is the matter and nature. The pragmatists through are no final reality but it is in the making process. The pragmatists have no reality or metaphysics. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
Thus, the metaphysics of philosophy is concerned with the truth or reality of life. It is the basic and crucial element of philosophy though. Nature and matter as reality has been studied in depth empirically in the branches of science-physics, chemistry, botany, and zoology. Therefore, naturalism is known as the philosophy of metaphysics.
2. Epistemology of Philosophy
Philosophy is a potential branch of knowledge related to reality. As it has been discussed that each philosophical thought has its n reality. The knowledge and awareness the reality is known as epistemology. The idealists hold that the universe is the manifestation of intelligence and will, that behind the fugitive phenomena that they behold is a reality which unchangeable and unperishable and those external phenomena are the manifestations of reality. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
This philosophy is psycho-centric and it places emphasis on the soul rather than on the body. Naturalists consider the matter as the final reality. Everything originates in nature from matter and it is reduced to matter in the end. The final truth is established by science and reality that our senses can comprehend. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
Knowledge is the basic element of any philosophy. Epistemology is the heart and center of any philosophy. Understanding the nature of reality is epistemology. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
Idealism is the philosophy of epistemology which the following propositions.
- Idealist holds that qualities we perceive in the world are rooted in existence. The critical realities have also these prepositions.
- Our direct experience of self through introspection is a self-event fact.
- Idealists believe in the reality of self.
- Idealists believe that reality is a logically unified system of the universal mind.
According to naturalists, science is the only method of knowledge about nature and the matter of reality. Science is both process and a product of knowledge. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
Realism has two types of epistemology-monastic and dualistic. The knowing process is closely identifying the known object. The qualities an object has in mind are different from the real objects.
3. Axiology of Philosophy
There are three propositions about the value that are not necessarily consistent, forming coherent axiology, but these can be made consistent and tied together to comprise a theory of value.
The proposition is as follows
- The values of human beings who desire and enjoy fundamentally are rooted in existence. The values are existents.
- The values of human life are what they are large because there are individual persons to process and enjoy them.
- One important way in which individual person can realize value is by activity relating in part and whole.
A general theory of value is the natural expression of individuals which depends on the axiology of philosophy. The distinction of values is a critical issue of axiology. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
We enjoy values, not only because our emotions, attitude, and sentiments are aroused so that we have certain desirable feelings but because the things we value, are realities, which have existence themselves and are rooted in realities of the philosophy.
The proposition is to the effect that values are largely what they are because of the individual persons who possess values and enjoy them in their experience. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
Values are real only in and for selves that feel them. There are really no such entities or subsistent as Truth, Beauty Goodness, and the like. There are concrete truths, things felt to be beautiful satisfying goods for themselves. Individuality is both the locus and the measure of values. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
There are four significant kinds of values
(a) Ethical or moral values or logical
(b) Aesthetic values,
(c) Religious values and
(d) Social values.
The individual can enlarge his experience by sharing values, already existent in the universal self of life in harmonious relation to totality. –
(a) Ethical or Moral values recognize. The whole-part relation to seeing in all phases of life. Universal moral laws are ethical values that are essential in human relations. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
(b) Aesthetic values are possessed when a work of art is understood and · appreciated as a differentiated whole, its constituent parts analyzed and synthesized. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
(c) Social values are realized when an individual recognizes his place as no more than a part of the total society and is willing to grant all other individuals their due privileges. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
(d) Religious values arise as the individual practices his relation to God, the total Person, in worship, fellowship, and service.
4. The Logic of Philosophy
The fourth element of philosophical thought is logic. Logic is purely a mental process. Since the mind is the prime reality and since the interpretation or organization of our perception and unifying of our ideas are the methods or sources of knowledge. It is most important to master the science or process of formal logic. It is a tool by which our thinking can be assessed and rendered coherent. Therefore logic is of primary significance for philosophy.
There have to be some solid and accurate ideas with which to begin or formal logic can yield nothing of value. The logic includes induction and deduction. The induction realities to nature and society, yield the material with which formal logic must work to be fruitful. It comes from our experience. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
There are the materials of logic, such truths or reality come through induction and deduction. Various sciences have yielded knowledge through deduction. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
The source of knowledge is inductive and deductive logic. Both types of logic are really similar. Induction takes specific objects as its starting points and deduction begins with general concepts or rules or judgments. Both types of logic try to discover the logical relation by which things and groups of things are tied together. The formal logic is heavily stressed by idealism. Logic is used for proving and disproving certain propositions. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
It is a Proposition, that all men are mortal.
Plato is man
Plato is mortal
All men are mortal
The logic of naturalism is the formal deduction. The formal deduction is based on the activities of Nature. Simple induction involves careful observation of nature. Actualities can be assessed by direct observations.
Francis Bacon is the father of the inductive method, even advising caution about hypotheses the regarded thus as “anticipation of nature”.
It is fair to say that the ethics of naturalism is hedonistic. The highest good for naturalists is pleasure and evil is the counterpart of the highest good. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
Human nature is good but evil. comes from society. Natural history is the transaction of Aesthetic values or aesthetic experiences. Each philosophy has these basic values ethical or moral, Aesthetic, social, and religious values but the interpretations of these values are different for each philosophy. (BEd 2nd Year Fundamental Elements of a Philosophy Study Material Notes)
These values have been discussed and interpreted along each philosophy axiology.
Element/ Philosophy |
Metaphysics (Reality) |
Epistemology (Knowledge) |
(Values) |
Logic |
Idealism | The idea and self are real.
The self is spiritual. The soul is the life of the body and more than it. The self is a unity. There is absolute self. Two types of self- (a) Spiritual monism (b) Spiritual Pluralism The nature of self or reality is eternal. |
It is an epistemological philosophy.
The heart is center of the philosophy. Berkeley and Kant laid down the foundation of its epistemology. The meaningful word of objects, sound, and colors provides the experience God has made these things of our World and Universe. Perception of time and space is the quality of objects and events. |
The theory of values is a natural experience of idealism.
The values are rooted in the existence of the person. A person enjoys the value of life as a source of satisfaction. Human activities are related to his values. Activity is an indicator of value. Idealists have signified four values a. Ethical or moral values b. Aesthetic c. Social d. Religious values |
Logic is the source to acquire knowledge.
Deductive logic is used in this philosophy to prove and disprove the proposition for drawing a conclusion. It involves abstract reasoning and logic i.e. realization. |
Naturalism | Nature and matter are the reality.
Beyond nature, there is no |
The knowledge relates to the physical substance our knowledge is about | Science is the only method of human knowledge. | Francis Bacon is the father of inductive logic. Logic is based on anticipated |
Element/ Philosophy |
Metaphysics (Reality) |
Epistemology (Knowledge) |
(Values) |
Logic |
Idealism | The reality is expressed in terms of substance.
The matter is moving in space. The matter breaks, down into energies. Energy is also a substance. The physical substance is an external reality. It is the philosophy of metaphysics. |
The physical world and world energies.
The knowledge in exact sciences is epistemology. According to naturalism the knowledge of- 1. Physics, chemistry. 2. Bio-science, agriculture 3. Astronomy and matter 4. Social science etc. The scientific attitude is the highest level of intellectual insight. |
1. Ethical values of naturalism is hedonistic as conscious thought or contentment.
2. Evils come from society Nature is good. 3. Social values are secondary depending on physical nature, social values are governed by human nature. |
Nature of hypothesis.
Indicate method is based on empirical verification of the hypothesis the observation and experience involve inductive logic. The logic of indication is in the sciences. |
Realism | There is a variety of realities.
It is a philosophy of pluralism and creativity. The tendency is unity in the universe. There is dualism in mind and matter of physical the mechanism, god, and evil there is the number of substances or processes which form cosmos or universe. |
Knowledge is an important element of realism.
Epistemological monism and dualism. Mind and world. Monism. The perceived and word object is the same. Dualism. The quality of world objects is different in perception and experience. |
Two general theories of values-simple values and depends on attitudes.
The qualities of experiences form values. 1. Ethical values of moral values from society’s point of view for happiness practice of morality, spiritual values, and the actualization of need. |
Formal logic is used in realism which leads to the science of knowledge.
There is a logical relation between the mind and world objects. Mind, organism, and object for perceptual spatial relations our knowledge concerned with formal logic as with material logic. It employs syllogism |
Element/ Philosophy |
Metaphysics (Reality) |
Epistemology (Knowledge) |
(Values) |
Logic |
Realism | Determinism is a necessary alternative to anything the world’s operation is based on cause and effects .mind and consciousness depends on the time and space of the world. Mental life is rooted in the existence of the body. Mind and Body are related to the world realists are also atheistic. | The qualities of conscious experiences are different from the objective mind is close to organism and object . Realism is the refinement of our acceptance of the world’s appearance mind is the between organism and object for perceptual experiences. It has more analytical knowledge. | 2. Aesthetic values –Refined perception and object to enjoy, ability of appreciation, own taste, it blends cognition and feeling.
3. Social values- Realism is similar to naturalist society and is secondary. 4. Religious value- it is the way of life of some religious values. |
Scientific .knowledge employs formal logic in four steps of syllogism.
1 Problems identification 2. Causes of the problem. 3 Hypothesis formulation. 4. Verification of hypothesis. |
Pragmatism | There is one final reality. the reality is in making. the metaphysics implies. | Pragmatism is the method of acquiring knowledge .it does not have a theory of reality. | The values have their existence in relation to individual society. | Logic is transformed into the sense perception of experiences. |
Element/ Philosophy |
Metaphysics (Reality) |
Epistemology (Knowledge) |
(Values) |
Logic |
Pragmatism | The method the man is the measure of all things. Experimentalism is the metaphysics close to naturalism. It has the proposition about the man and world. Experience and nature at the time of appearances. They are trying to discover reality or truths. | It is a theory of knowledge but knowledge comes through practice and experiences. Social experiences and preparation for the future is the real knowledge. Empirical knowledge is essential. Doing and acting such knowledge. | 1. Ethical values are formed by individual social life intentions.
2. Aesthetic in character pleasure ethical religious and social values are utilitarian. 3. Religious values are to serve society. 4. Social value is rooted in the individual social process. |
Logic deals with fact and generalization. The logic is incomplete to deal with sciences and culture. The epistemology of pragmatism talks about logic. Problems and solve required reasoning. |
The elements of philosophy-metaphysics, epistemology, logic, and axiology are interrelated and interdependent. The process of knowing reality (metaphysics) is called epistemology and the criteria of choice in conduct are known as axiology and ethics which provide personal commitment and conviction to satisfy the self needs.