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BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes: a2znotes.com presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Aims of Social Studies of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.

Here in this post, we are Long Question Answer for the Definition and importance of Aims of Social Studies in modern perspective, General Aims of Teaching Social Studies, General Aims of Teaching Social Studies at various stages. If you are preparing for BEd Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At a2znotes.com you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.

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BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes

General Aims of Teaching Social Studies

1. Acquaintance with the past and present geographical and social environment. Social Studies can help the students in knowing the past geographical and social environment and their interactions.

2. Appreciation of our rich cultural heritage recognizing the undesirable and antiquated in the context of social change. Social Studies seeks to enable the pupils to rise above the narrow parochial, chauvinistic, and obscurantist tendencies. It aims to develop in the pupils a will and ability to participate in the most important task of the reconstruction of our society’s economy with a sense of social commitment. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

3. Building social competence. “No man is an island entire of itself.”, said Donne, the English poet. The purpose of social studies in schools … social initiation or the development of social character by drawing the individual into the community making him aware of its collective ideals.”

Social Studies seeks to acquaint with the social milieu constantly being modified and reshaped by the interaction of men’s thought processes. Therefore, one of the aims of teaching social studies is to build social competence by providing those elements of social education that are not provided elsewhere. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

4. Developing intelligent democratic citizenship. In our democratic society, each child is a future citizen who will have to vote, serve in the army, pay taxes, take a part in the working of the motherland, and carry out the duties of a citizen. Today, new and greater responsibilities are falling on the shoulders of the citizens. He must be made conscious of his rights and enabled to perform his duties properly, democracy presupposes the existence of an informed and educated electorate.

In the words of Jefferson, “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be.” This is more true in India where democracy needs to be taught directly. Therefore, a special purpose of social studies in Indian schools should be to spread a clear understanding of democracy and to secure the wholehearted acceptance of the values on which it is based.

As modern democratic institutions and ideals are different from the socio-political patterns of our past it is necessary to teach democratic values directly rather than incidentally in the course of other studies. The social studies curriculum aims at preparing enlightened citizens for effective participation in the democratic social order.

It seeks to inculcate the attitudes and values such as collective decision-making, respecting others’ opinions, social awareness, a sense of national unity, cooperation, tolerance, social sensitivity, faith in democracy, etc.

5. Helping the child acquire the right attitudes, knowledge, understanding, and competence in interaction with the social and physical environment. All human conduct is the interaction between human nature and the environment. An awareness of the physical media in which social life goes on.

Being aware of the factors which obstruct and facilitate human interaction and its moral consequences, requires command over physical as well as social knowledge. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

Man’s long struggle to master physical nature through science has involved the interaction of his ideas and ideals with physical nature. Social studies seek to help the child acquire functional information, concepts, and a basic understanding of how man interacts with his physical and social environment for the satisfaction of human needs.

6. Helping the child gain insight into spiritual, economic, and political values in human behavior and human relationships. In order to lead a successful life, every child has to study, understand and interpret complete human relationships. Spiritual, economic, and political values are useful forces for explaining human behavior and relationships. As a composite subject social study aims at enabling the pupils to gain insight into complex human relationships.

7. Providing a pattern and experience of study to serve as a foundation for specialization. Social study is a composite subject including history, geography, civics, and economics. The child is made familiar with something of all these subjects. In it, a basic knowledge of the different social science serves as a foundation for raising a superstructure of specialized knowledge of a particular discipline later. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

8. Developing desirable qualities for the all-round development of a rich personality. One of the aims of social studies is to develop desirable qualities like spontaneity, self-reliance, the flexibility of mind, clear thinking, tolerance, initiative, adventurousness of outlook, courage in the face of new problems, sound standards of action, and appreciation to help the pupils to cultivate intellectual conscience’ clarity of thought and love of truth. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

9. Fostering relevant attitudes to knowledge, life, and learning and promoting understanding of human experience as a process of change and development. Today, it is necessary to understand the present complex social prepared structure and social processes to understand their true perspective to pupils for social change coming with the progress of science.

Where the economy of individualism, scientific and technological achievements are bringing changes of far-reaching importance, a composite dynamic needs of the changing people. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

10. Imparting a sense of belonging. One of the important aims of social studies is to impart to the pupils a sense of belonging to a place, a community, a nation, and the world. They must identify with the struggles and sacrifices of the race to learn how people have to suppress personal impulses in the interest of harmonious social life.

11. Enabling the pupils to use their leisure properly. One of the important aims of social studies is to provide opportunities for young people to develop interests leading to the creative use of their leisure. Today, scientific progress and social legislation are ushering in a new age of leisure for mankind. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

The blessing may become a curse unless education for leisure keeps pace with them, it is undesirable to separate leisure from work, to allocate one part of life to the earning of money and another part to enjoyment of life.

A man is a whole personality. The happy man in his leisure is usually the man in his work. Social studies enable the pupil to use his leisure properly. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

12. Helping resolution of contemporary social and individual problems. A significant aim of social studies is to help to develop mature judgments on immediate social issues, trends, and prospects in the fields of regional politics, commerce, industry, and national and international affairs helping in resolving contemporary social and individual problems.

13. Fostering national feelings. Social studies seek to create a desire in the pupils to perpetuate the principles of justice and humanity that control the life of a nation. Social studies create national awareness and faith in the destiny of our nation in terms of promoting a spirit of tolerance and assumption among different faiths, different loyalties, different cultures different ideas, and ideals.

14. Promotion of international understanding. An important aim of social studies is to develop an understanding of the inter-dependence of all people and the need for international cooperation for promoting world peace. In our rapidly shrinking world, the swift means of communication have hastened the exchange of ideas. Though many nations are at loggerheads with one another nation is dependent on the other nation as never before. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

The only way to fight this imminent danger of destruction through nuclear war is to develop better international understanding. Social studies seek to destroy prejudices existing among nations: It may overplay the fundamental unity and inter-dependence.

Among nations and underplay the sources of diversity, so that the people of the world may develop understanding and sympathy for each other. It aims to promote the child’s ability to understand the global relationships in the modern world and prepare him for world peace. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

To conclude, social studies seeks to promote the values and ideals of humanism, secularism, socialism, and democracy. It should inculcate attitudes and impart the knowledge necessary for the achievement of the principal values of a just world order, maximization of economic and social welfare, minimization of violence, and maximization of ecological stability.

General Aims of Teaching Social Studies at Various Stages

1. Primary School Stage

(i) Environment. To help the child to explore and understand his social and cultural environment.

(ii) Sense of Belonging. To develop in the child a sense of belonging to society through a gradual widening of his mental horizon from his home and school to the wider world. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

(iii) Work. To acquaint the child with the world of work and to develop his respect for human labor.

(iv) Better life. To encourage the child to understand that we are striving to build a better life for all.

(v) Composite culture. To impress on the child’s mind, as he grows, that ours is a rich and composite culture in the formation of which people of different faiths, regions, and linguistic groups have made valuable contributions.

(vi) Secularism. To develop among children respect for all religions and their places and ways of worship.

2. Middle and Secondary Stage

After the primary stage, History, Geography, and Civics are taught as separate disciplines.

(a) Objectives of teaching History

(i) Change. To promote an understanding of the processes of change and development through which human societies have evolved to their present stage of development. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

(ii) Unity. To promote an understanding of the common roots of human civilizations and an appreciation of the basic unity of mankind.

(iii) Heritage. To develop an appreciation of the contributions made b various cultures to the total heritage of mankind.

(iv) Progress. To foster the understanding that the mutual interaction of various cultures has been an important factor in the progress of mankind. (BEd 2nd Year General Aims of Teaching Social Studies Study Material Notes)

(v) History. To facilitate the study of the History of specific countries in relation to and as parts of the general History of mankind.

(b) Objectives of teaching Geography

(i) Varieties. To help students identify the varieties in the distribution of physical and economic phenomena over the surface of the earth, that are associated and which give a distinctive character to particular parts of the earth’s surface.

(ii) Human life. To help students analyze the ways of life of the people all over the world, and their problems in the light of their varying environments and their stages of economic and technological development.

(iii) Interdependence. To develop an appreciation of the inter-dependence of various geographical regions.

(iv) Generalisation. To help students make generalizations with the help of geographical concepts, the knowledge of which is of great value in understanding, evaluating, and reaching decisions about world problems.

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