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Bed 2nd Year Growing Up as a Learner Objective Type Questions

Bed 2nd Year Growing Up as a Learner Objective Type Questions

81. Social determinants include all the following, except:

(a) Family relationships

(b) Birth order

(c) Neighbourhood

(d) People’s behaviours

82. Studies on Cultural determinants were made by:

(a) Mead

(b) Allport

(c) Murray

(d) Cattle

83. Which of the following is not a tool of Personality Assessment?

(a) Projective tests

(b) Non-Projective tests

(c) Observational methods

(d) Interaction methods

84. The classification of Personality into Pyknic, Asthenic, Athletic and Dyplastic types was done by:

(a) Sheldon

(b) Kretschmer

(c) Hippocrates

(d) Dysenck

85. Somato type theory of Personality classifying individuals into endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph was proposed by:

(a) Kretschmer

(b) Eysenck

(c) Sheldon

(d) Hippocrates

86. Jung classified people into:

(a) Extrovert

(b) Introvert

(c) Ambivert

(d) All of these

87. Topographical model of Personality includes all the following except:

(a) Conscious level

(b) Unconscious level

(c) Sub-Conscious level

(d) Super conscious level

88. Dynamic or Structural model of Personality includes all the following except:

(a) Id

(b) Super-Ego

(c) Ego

(d) Ideal self

89. According to Jung all the following are psyche of personality, except:

(a) Consciousness

(b) Unconsious

(c) Attitudes

(d) Sub-conscious

90. Who said, “A person does not have a complex, the complex has him”?

(a) Freud

(b) Alder

(c) Jung

(d) Horney

91. The most important and most controversial concept of Jung is:

(a) Personal Conscious

(b) Dream Analysis

(c) Collective Unconscious

(d) Ego

92. Jung used the “Big Dream”. It means:

(a) Collective Unconscious

(b) Archetypes

(c) Dreams which are precursors of future events

(d) Unconscious

93. Which of the following is not an archetype of listed by Jung?

(a) Persona

(b) Shadow

(c) Self

(d) Myths

94. Persona is the:

(a) Basic core of human personality

(b) Attitude towards Self

(c) Role of the individual plays in life

(d) Self-image

95. Ego is described as:

(a) Ideal principle

(b) Reality principle

(c) Natural principle

(d) Pleasure principle

96. Which is not an instinct conceived by Freud?

(a) Life Instinct

(b) Thanato

(c) Libido

(d) Eros

97. The exponent of the concept I.Q is:

(a) Thruston

(b) Guilford

(c) Binet

(d) Spearman

98. The main type of intelligence test is:

(a) Verbal test

(b) Non-verbal test

(c) Performance test

(d) All the above

99. The concept of (P.M.A.) primary mental abilities is:

(a) J.P. Guilford

(b) Lee J. Cronbach

(c) L.L. Thurstone

(d) C.M. Bhatia

100. The ‘Structure of Mental Intellect’ is given by:

(a) Spearman

(b) Torrance

(c) Thurstone

(d) Guilford

101. Bi-factor theory of intelligence is developed by:

(a) Binet

(b) Simon

(c) Spearman

(d) P.E. Vernon

102. I.Q. computed by using the:

(a) Mental age

(b) Chronological age

(c) Both the above

(d) None of these

103. Performance test of intelligence in India is developed by:

(a) Baqur Mehdi

(b) C.M. Bhatia

(c) Sohan Lal

(d) Jalota

104. Guilford has given the mental abilities

(a) 24 abilites

(b) 36 abilities

(c) 120 abilities

(d) 7 abilities

105. The v: ed and k: m factors are given by:

(a) Lee J. Cornback

(b) Throndike

(c) P.E. Vernon

(d) Spearman

106. Spearman has given the factors:

(a) General factor

(b) Specific factors

(c) Both the above

(d) None of these

107. Who presented the Two factors Theory of Intelligence?

(a) C.E. Spearmen

(b) C.L. Thurston

(c) J.P. Guilford

(d) A.R. Jenson

108. Who presented the PMA Theory of Intelligence?

(a) C.E. Spearmen

(b) C.L. Thurston

(c) J.P. Guilford

(d) A.R. Jenson

109. Who presents the SI Model of Intelligence?

(a) C.E. Spearman

(b) C.L. Thurston

(c) J.P. Guilford

(d) A.R. Jeason

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