BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Philosophical and Socialogical Perspective of Education. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition and Meaning of Idealism and Education, Concept of Education, Aims of Education, Curriculum of Education, and Methods of Teaching.
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Idealism and Education
Idealism has much influence on education. Several transformations have occurred in the world in the meanwhile, schools of thought have taken birth and they have influenced education in their own unique way, but education is still influenced by idealism in one or the other way. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
We shall discuss idealistic education in brief.
Concept of Education
Idealists accept education in both forms, as knowledge and as a process. Ancient idealists often did not distinguish between education and knowledge. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
According to Plato:
Education consists in giving to the body and soul all the perfection to which they are susceptible.
However, the idealists of the modern age accept education as a process. According to the German educationist Herbart:
Education is the process of attaining virtues.
Aims of Education
The Ultimate Aim is to Know the Form of Soul and God: According to the idealists, the ultimate aim of human life is the acquaintance with the soul and God, this is called self-realization, attainment of ideal personality, attainment of God, the realization of spiritual completeness or attainment of supreme bliss. Now the question arises how can the absolute form of soul and God be known? According to the idealists, man has to cross four stages for it. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
In the first stage, he has to develop his ‘natural self”. In it comes the physical development of man. In the second stage, man has to develop his ‘social self. In it are included social, cultural moral character and citizenship development. In the third stage, he has to develop his ‘mental self. In it are included the development of his mental, intellectual and reasoning powers. And at the fourth and final stage comes spiritual development. Idealists determine all these as the aims of education. It becomes necessary to consider them.
1. Physical and Mental Development: Idealists consider that the first requirement for the experience of spiritual completeness is the development of the ‘natural self”, so they lay emphasis on physical and mental development at first with the help of education. A person can affect his physical and mental development only when he takes such nutritious food and thinks in such a manner as may be beneficial for his physical and mental health. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
However, they do not approve of physical and mental development for their own sake. For them, body and mind are · the means for the experience of spiritual completeness and are not the end in themselves. Plato himself laid emphasis on the physical and mental development in his academy, but he considered it an auxiliary aim of education, and not the chief aim. The modern idealists too determine it as the first aim of education but they also accept it as a means only.
2. Social and Cultural Development: According to idealists, the second stage in the path of experience of spiritual completeness is ‘the social self, so education should affect the development of ‘the social self of the individuals. The development of the social self is meant that the individual follows the social rules of behaviour and his liking (selection) depends on social approval or disapproval. At this stage, man controls his ‘natural self (instinctive behaviour).
In sociological terminology, it is called social development. Idealists consider that the greatest feature of man is his culture, (living manners, eating habits, customs, language, literature, art music and values etc.) The culture takes him forward from natural self to social self and then from social self to spiritual self. Therefore, they lay emphasis on the preservation and development of human culture and determine it as an aim of education. T.P. Nunn considered it the chief aim of education.
3. Moral and Character Development: Idealists lay emphasis on moral and character development for the highest development of social self”. They clarify that when a man has faith in social rules and abides by them willingly, then we say that his moral development has taken place, and when he does not leave the path ( truth under any circumstances, we say that his character development has taken place. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
Plato considered morality as the most essential from the viewpoint of the individual, society and state. The German educationist Herbart considered more development as the ultimate aim of education.
4. Creation of Specialists for the State: We are aware that human beings have developed a higher social life in the course of the development of their civilization and culture, and have developed the state for its proper organization. For the protection and development of this complex society or state, each society or state needs specialists.
According to Plato, the state needs all the soldiers, merchants administrators, rulers and servants. Therefore, one of the aims of education should be to create specialists in different fields. For it, he advocated military education for the physically sturdy but lower intellect people; education in production and industry for the people of higher mental levels and education in administration for the people of still higher mental levels. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
5. Creation of Able Citizens: Several idealistic philosophers, such as Plato, Hegel and Fichte, have considered the state as the supreme. In their viewpoint, one of the aims of education should be to create able citizens for the state. By able citizens, they meant such persons who are loyal to the state and are always ready for the progress of the state and even forsake their own interests for the interests of the state. This is the situation when a person rises above his selfishness in order to look for others’ welfare. It is evident that the social self of such people is developed. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
Curriculum of Education
Idealists determine self-realization as the ultimate aim of education and for the realization of this aim, they lay emphasis on the physical, mental, intellectual, social and cultural, moral and character and spiritual development of men. And for the realization of these aims, they give chief place to language, theology and ethics and secondary place to other subjects and activities in the curriculum.
According to Greek Philosopher Plato, the Ultimate aim of human life is self-realization or attainment of God, and for the achievement of this aim the · achievement of truth, beauty and goodness is essential and these three values are acquired by the intellectual, moral and aesthetic activities respectively, (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
So Plato laid emphasis on the inclusion of those subjects and activities in the curriculum which provide perfection to man in the above activities. He Provided language, literature, history, geography, mathematics and physical science for intellectual activities, theology, ethics and spiritual topics for moral activities; and art and music for aesthetic activities.
The German educationist Herbart laid emphasis on moral and character development for the spiritual development of man and gave an important place to language, literature, history, art and music in the curriculum. According to his opinion, geography, mathematics and science should be given a secondary place in the curriculum. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
Methods of Teaching
Idealists are aware of the fact that children learn by imitation, in the beginning, so they expect the parents and teachers to present higher conduct before the children. They also expect the teachers to present good models of handwriting, art and music, by the imitation which the children may learn. They also anticipate the teachers to create in the students the inspiration and competition to do better. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
In such a situation, teaching by imitation method is very beneficial. For the development of values and character, they lay emphasis on the presentation of the character of heroes in the scriptures and literature. Idealists believe that man has the basic instinct of distinguishing between good and bad, by imitating these heroes, he would be able to become a good person.
Idealists are also aware of the fact that man has the inner desire to learn, whatever he sees or experiences, starts to think over it himself and it does not require any pressure from an external stimulus. They call it self-activity, and they lay emphasis on this that the children should be given maximum opportunities for learning by self-activity.
Idealists have great respect for ancient literature. They opine that our ancient literature is replete with the knowledge discovered by our ancestors, and we should take benefit from it. They support the self-study method for the study of ancient literature. But this method can be used only at the higher level of education properly. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
Western idealists have developed several teaching methods. Socrates, the teacher of Plato, educated the youth of his time by the use of debate, lecture and question-answer methods. He used to gather the youths at any place, and present questions to them, the youths used to think over these questions and answered, and in the answer, they were free to express their views.
On the basis of the question-answer method, Plato developed the dialectic method. Plato has written most of his works in the form of dialogues. Plato’s dialogues are of world fame. His pupil, Aristotle laid emphasis on inductive and deductive methods. In the inductive method, the study proceeds from particular to general, and in the deductive method, the study proceeds from general to particular.
Among the modern idealist philosophers, Hegel developed the logical method, Pestalozzi developed the practice and repetition method, Herbart developed the instruction method and Froebel developed the play-way method.
Idealists clarify that the sense organs of man attract him towards physical pleasure while his soul is towards spiritual bliss. In their view, true discipline is being guided by the soul. According to Plato moral conduct is essential for taking children towards spirituality. So it is our foremost duty to restrain the children from immoral conduct. For it, he accepted the provision of strict control and punishment.
On the other hand, he also opined that true discipline springs from inside by which man gets inspiration from the inner self and behaves accordingly. So the children should be given such an environment in which they proceed towards moral conduct. In modern times, the German idealist Froebel has clarified that true discipline cannot be realized for the fear of punishment. Love and sympathetic behaviour are required for the realization of true discipline. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
According to him, control over the child is to be exercised through a knowledge of his interest and by expression of love and sympathy. Horn has also laid emphasis on internal discipline. According to him, authority begins by being external, it is sufficient if it ends through habit formation and self-control in becoming internal. Thus, all idealists consider discipline as an inner feeling and lay emphasis on the development of the higher environment in the schools. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
Idealists give central place to teachers in the educational process. According to them, teachers are greatly needed for transforming man from animal level to manhood and then taking him towards divinity. They have clarified that the knowledge of physical subjects can be imparted to children by any person, but people of high moral conduct are needed for their moral and spiritual development.
According to Plato, a person who has sound knowledge, a philosophic attitude and an inner vision can become a teacher. According to Froebel, the teacher is just like a gardener who works in a garden in the form of a school in order to bring about the growth of plants in the form of students. The teachers can perform this work only when they have a clear knowledge of the nature of children and the process of their development. So the teachers must have the ability to understand the students and affect their development in a proper manner. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
Idealists consider man as having a soul. According to them, the focal centre of the experience is not the mind, but the soul. From this viewpoint, all children are equal and are able to experience completeness. Most idealists lay emphasis on the experience of this completeness. But the modern idealists accept the physical and mental differences among children.
According to the different body organs function in order to take the knowledge to the soul, such as-organs of action, sense organs and mind, all of these are different in different children. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
So while affecting the development of the children, their mental and physical development, interests, aptitudes and needs should be kept in view. The Swiss educationist Pestalozzi was the first person who laid emphasis on providing education on the basis of psychological differences. His pupils, German educationists Herbart and Froebel gave concrete form to it.
Idealists argue that man can succeed in self-realization only when his physical, mental, intellectual, social, cultural, moral, character and spiritual development has taken place. For the development of these, they consider the social environment replete with social ideals, values and principles as essential. All these are possible in schools only. The students come into contact with ideal teachers in schools and get an education of high ideals. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)
According to idealists, schools should be situated in such places where children can proceed forward to the realization of high social ideals and spiritual values. (BEd 2nd Year Idealism and Education Study Material Notes)