BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Information and Communication Technology of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition or Meaning and importance of Information and Communication Technology, Information and Communication Technology and Computers, Development of Information and Communication Technology, Functions of Information and Communication Technology, Basic Components of a Computer Based Information System, Types of Information System, Types of Important Data, and Various Tools of Information and Communication Technology.
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Meaning and Definition of Information and Communication Technology
Information and Communication Technology is the axis of the entire world. The whole world revolves around information. True and authentic information is the basis of any private institution or government office. Information and Communication Technology has its own wide field. There is no limit to information, and its types to are infinite. The technology which is used to obtain and communicate different types of information is called information technology.
Information and Communication Technology occupies an important place in our daily life also. New experiments and efforts are being made to send information from one place to another. Post and telegraph service, telephone, television, radar, satellite communication system, etc. are the outcomes of these efforts. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
We can define Information and Communication Technology as ‘the technology used for the communication of information.’
After the Green Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, the Information Revolution took place and the service sector is progressing the fastest, and it occupies a share of 90% of the employment opportunities. The people working in this sector are called white-collar workers or knowledge workers. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
The service sector comprises banking, health care, recreation, tourism, education, distribution, accounting, marketing, and other services. All these services are dependent on the information to keep in operation. As a result, the total trade conducted by information technology by the end of the twentieth century exceeded the total trade done in the oil and automobile industries.
Information and Communication Technology is progressing rapidly in India 180. If we talk about electronic data processing (EDP) from the beginning of the 70s and 80s, it should not be an exaggeration to state that this industry has developed so tremendously in India that is beyond imagination. Fortunately, have been rapidly progressing in the field of information technology for twenty years, and the trade based on it has already crossed thousands in its turnover. The policy of economic liberalization adopted by the government has all the possibilities of giving further impetus to this sector.
Information and Communication Technology is so important for any country that the countries like Singapore and Hongkong have included this as their important sectors. Even India has included this in its strategic plan.
The inclination in the world perspective explains that there is much demand for information services. Besides, the globalization of the world market proves that information service providers are in great demand, and it is expected demand will continue. The information service providers are in demand due to increasing competition in the world market and the importance of time in this trend is likely to progress in the future also. It would not exaggeration to say that information processing has taken an e during the 21st century.
Information and Communication Technology and Computers
After the arrival of computers in the field of information and com technology, the Information Revolution has begun. Information rapidly with the help of computers. Information can be sent place to another by pagers. Now a mobile phone can be used to speak by mail can be used to send information and documents from one world to another in a fraction of time. Not only this, online meeting conferencing can be conducted among people sitting in different places world, and it appears as if they are sitting together.
The computer specialists have felt that a computer can be used to ac and arrange any type of information, but information from one another can be sent only by using a floppy disk or compact disk. The information stored on a computer can be copied on a floppy disk or CD for use on any computer. This technique of information communication took much time. Also if a floppy disk or CD was not accepted by another computer, then the information proved half-cooked.
Therefore, the effort was made to communicate information from one computer to another directly. At first, a system was developed by which two computers could be connected together by a cable with the use of suitable hardware and software, by which information could be transferred from one computer to another. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
As the computers were connected by cable, information could t communicated quite rapidly and proficiently. After this, several computers we v connected to one another by cable. In this, the computers were connected to one another in a system and could communicate information very rapidly. This system of cables is called a network.
Various Tools of Information and Communication Technology
Different tools of information and communication technology are needed for the communication of information. Following are the important tools:
- Telephone. The telephone network pervades the whole world. It can be used to send information from one place to another in sound form. The telephones are connected to one another by wire.
- Mobile Phone. A mobile phone communicates information in sound A telephone is located at a specific place, while a mobile phone can be carried any place within its limits, Information in a telephone flows in the wires it flows in the form of tiny sound waves in the environment. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
- Satellite Phone. A mobile phone is the improvised form of a telephone. and a satellite phone is the improvised form of a mobile phone. Mobile has a smaller limit, while the limit of a satellite phone is more ex Information in this type of telephone is communicated with the help of artificial satellites. Information first accesses a satellite and then it is sent to the intended receiver by satellite. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
- Fax. A fax (facsimile machine) is used to communicate written information. For this, a fax machine is linked to a telephone. For this, it ends, and that fax machines are available and connected to telephones at both and that it should be on at the time of communication. The sender puts the written information in the fax machine and dials the fax number of the receiver, who gets a print of the document from the fax machine. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
This job is also being done by computer today. If a computer is connected to a modem and telephone line, then this can be used like a fax machine. A document prepared on a computer can be faxed to another computer, which can save it as a file. The print of this file can be obtained on paper with the help of a printer. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
5. Television. Television has accessed every home today. Different channels disseminate authentic information on different topics from time to time. Its utility in the field of information is explained by the fact that election results end inclinations and are made available to the common people within no time. Many games and festivals are telecast live on television.
- VCR. The expanded name of VCR is the video cassette recorder. We can record important events of our life on a camera and record them on a video cassette with the help of a VCR. An important utility of this device in trade is that we can send the activities of our company recorded on a video cassette to our clients for securing orders for goods and to our investors to motivate them for more investments. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
- Computer. A computer is used to store different types of information, and these can be brought to use when needed. A computer occupies very little space for storage of information, and if the proper backup has been taken, then there exists hardly any possibility of information getting lost. We can use the internet with the help of a computer in both sound and written forms. We can even e conduct meetings with the people sitting in remote corners of the world. To get information from the internet, a computer requires a modem and telephone line.
Development of Information and Communication Technology
Britain has introduced ‘Information and Communication Technology a used in the various field of education. Britain Government announced the five-year plan in 1987. It included the course of information and communication technology in the school curriculum. The facilities and opportunities we provided for all age group students to study information and communication technology. The plan was started in 1988 for realizing the following objective
(i) To provide the facility of microcomputers in schools.
(ii) To provide training in information and communication technology to the university teachers.
(iii) To train school teachers for guiding students in to use of information technology.
(iv) To provide training in information and communication technology to information technology.
(v) To develop the expertise in using information and communication technology in education.
(vi) To use the LAN networking system in school administration & organization.
Britain’s government has included information and communication technology as a basic course in National School Syllabus and a new course on company software has also been included in National Syllabus. The financial budget was made in (1992-93). National Council of Education Technology provided financial assistance to schools for information technology. The required soft programs were provided by the council to the school for using information communication technology in the science lessons and mathematics lesson
In secondary school, micro-computer was used in (1990) which we three times more than in 1985. A computer was available in every 18 stud schools. About 84 percent of students of schools have the experiences of con All the age groups students were using computer language for a purpose. In the school timetable, 15 percent of the time was allotted to information communication technology. A major portion of time (75 percent) was for teaching and 25 percent of the time was given to other school subjects. The school examinations and university examinations are conducted with help of information and communication technology
In our country information and communication technology is used at secondary and university levels. All types of examinations in schools and universities are organized by employing information and communication technology. The LAN networking system is used in education management administrations central library functioning and teaching-learning situations. The main use of information and communication technology is in distance education and in open universities.
The school and university teachers are using the internet system for collecting new knowledge about their subject. They can equip themselves with the latest knowledge of their discipline and innovations done in the study subject.
Functions of Information and Communication Technology
The following are three main functions of information and communication technology:
(i) It designs the process and practice for an information system.
(ii) Information system for the decision process, and
(iii) Planning and innovation for an information system.
These functions are used for the following systems:
(i) Management and administration process,
(ii) Management information system.
(iii) Decision-making system and
(iv) Specialized system.
The computer networking system and internet system are the mega-trends of information and communication technology which are used for various types of information, a system in educational systems Banking services (ATM), Railway services, Airways, Defence services, Conducting computer examination, Research studies, Industries, other organizations, etc.
Information technology has introduced mega-trends in educational technology to make the education process speedy accurate and economical. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
Information and Communication Technology is a generic name for the following functions:
(i) Information/Data Representation,
(ii) Information/Data Storage,
(iii) Information/Data Retrieval and Processing, and
(iv) Information Data Communication.
Basic Components of a Computer-Based Information System
The basic components of a computer-based Information System (CBIS) are :
(1) Users,
(2) Hardware/communication equipment,
(3) Software,
(4) Database, and
(5) Set of Methods.
- Users. These are one of the most important components System. These users include the different groups of person system and those who retrieve the information from this system take decision.
Another set of users is those who not only retrieve the information but also provide the information to the information system. For example, marketing and sales personnel provide the details of the state, etc. to the Information System.
- Hardware/Communication Equipment. In modern business, not only necessary to gather and process information but is also essential organization maintains constant touch with a large customer base. It re that the Information System at an organization must be computer net enabled and must be able to communicate the information through internet another communication channel. All hardware, networks, and communication equipment form an important component of a computer-based information system. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
- Software. Software is a collection of programs, which do specific tasks. Different rules, methods, and practices prevailing in a business organization are coded into the programs or software. The software once installed in a computer system is considered a most important component of an information system. These programs process the data and generate reports such as sales reports, invoices, bills, etc. for customers and generate different reports for the managers.
- Database. A database is a structured collection of data. The software or program fetches the data from the database and processes them as per the requirement. The database may contain the customer and employee records, data pertaining to sales, inventory, accounts, etc. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
The raw data gathered from the field by sales or marketing persons, from customers, etc. are stored in the database. The develop an efficient Information System, it is necessary to have a good design database. The Information systems are said to be built on top of the database and the performance of the Information system depends on the underlying database. - Set of Methods. The set of methods is another important component of the Information System. The set of methods refers to the tradition and practices prevailing in the business house where the Information System is used. Various traditions, and practices, which govern the business, are laid down in the form of rules which are then coded into the programs.
These rules or methods change from time to time whenever any new business practice is adopted or any change in the business environment is observed. The Information System must b adaptable to these changes and must be flexible to incorporate the changes in the business environment. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
Types of Information System
The following are the motivating factors for any business enterprise to use information systems :
(i) Information System’s support for business processes and practices.
(ii) Information System’s support for decision-making.
(iii) Information System’s support for innovative planning.
Depending upon the specific requirement of users, various types of information systems may be developed. Based on the specific requirement of the organization and the needs of users, the information systems may be categorized into the following categories.
(i) Transaction processing system.
(ii) Management information system.
(iii) Workflow system.
(iv) Decision support system.
(v) Expert system.
Types of Important Data
The most popular way of representing information is in the textual form. In this form, a combination of letters, numerals, and some special characteristics is used. However, today there are several other ways in which data can be represented. These are Text, Image, Graphics and Animation, Audio, and Video forms.
- Text. Text is a collection of alphabets (both lower and upper case), numerals (0-9), special characters (*. ?:, #), etc. Data presented in textual form may be written and read. They determined only after reading and interpreting it. Any collection of these characters does not constitute information; it is necessary to organize the characters according to some order or plan, then only it can have informative values. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
- Image. Images are another form of data type. Image refers to data in the form of pictures, photographs, hand drawings, etc. Suppose we have to create a database for the employees of an organization to develop identity cards with photographs of the employees. To generate the identity card, it is required to store several attributes of employees. These are Employee Id, Employee name, Data of Birth, Address, Telephone number, etc.
All this information may be stored in a textual form and may be printed on the identity card. A good and effective database of employees requires that the photograph of employees should also be stored.
Collection of all attributes represented in textual form may not generate the photograph, while generating an identity card, the photograph of an employee will also be printed simultaneously with printing other textual attributes. Different software would be required to generate images like photographs. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
Information may be represented in the form of images. These images may be processed and several software programs have been developed to process images. Editing of images includes changing the size of objects in images, changing the background, modifying the colors, shading, zooming, and object on the image, etc. All of these change the image or photograph, thus changing or modifying the information contained in the image. (BEd 2nd Year Information and Communication Technology Study Material Notes)
- Graphics and Animation. Graphics and animations are another way of presenting information. For example, if you have to present the information about an organization systematically, it is possible to combine together the text, mages, and sound pertaining to that organization in order to prepare a good Presentation.
There is various progress for preparing this type of presentation, for example, Microsoft Power point tools. Powerpoint comes with sounds, and videos you can play during your slide shows. You can also music, sound, or video clips wherever you want them on the slide. It is also possible to and different animation effects to make the presentation more effective.
(i) Enhanced Metafile (.emf)
(ii) Joint Photographic Experts (jpg)
(iii) Portable Network Graphics (.png) and
(iv) Windows Bitmap (.bmp, .rle, .dib)
- Audio. Audio is the data in the form of sounds. Different types of son produce important information. For example, the sound obtained through medical devices of the heart, Speech, or voice of any person provides important diagnostic information to the doctors. The meaning or value of the information contained in audio can be interpreted by hearing. The audio may be stored in a database in the form of files. Audio data may be processed by the computer, for example, mixing of sound, modifying the sound parameters like frequency pitch, amplitude, bass, etc.
- Video. Video is another important data format to hold information, I basically combine sound and a stack of images and these are displayed over a period of time. This format stores synchronized play of both sound and image putting them as a sequence of images. These images are called frames. Different frames are juxtaposed and so produced that it seems as though the objects are moving as in real life. Storing a clip of video takes maximum storage space Video can also be processed in a similar way as sound and images. and data are a popular extension of files holding video data.