BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Lecture-cum-Discussion Method of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition and importance of Lecture-cum-Discussion Method, Structure of the Method, Principles of Teaching, Application of this Method, Advantages of the Method, Limitations of the Method, and Project Method. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.
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Lecture-cum-Discussion Method
It has been evident from the above discussion about the lecture method that it is a teacher-centered method. The teacher is more active and learners are the passive listeners. (BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes)
The students do not remain attentive in class. It is the least effective method of teaching because only one sense remains active in the teaching-learning process. It is a uni-sense or monologue approach to teaching.
Therefore, it is essential that the lecture method must be supported by other techniques of teaching e.g., Question-answer technique or discussion technique. (BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes)
The lecture method is supported by the discussion technique, it is known as lecture-cum-discussion method.
In a democratic form of government, teaching is considered an interactive process. It means that participation of both teacher and students is a must. (BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes)
Thus lecture-cum-discussion is an improved method that is very conducive to learning,
Structure of the Method
The teacher introduces the topic by lecture and raises some related issues for students’ participation. Sometimes he puts questions so that students should participate in teaching. It involves more senses of students which facilitates true knowledge of the content. The learning situation created by this method is effective. (BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes)
They should remain active in the classroom. After discussion, the teacher has to explain the concept or summarise the discussion by his lecture under this method teaching activities are performed by both agents the discussion is initiated by questions and answers teaching. (BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes)
Principles of Teaching
This method involves the following principles of teaching :
(i) The content of teaching is presented in its components.
(ii) Teaching is organized in an interactive way participation of both students and teacher.
(iii) It involves more than one sense in the learning process.
(iv) The students learn better through participation.
(v) The students get reinforcement in the discussion.
(vi) It is based on the appreciative mass theory of learning.
(vii) The learned content can be retained for a longer line.
(viii) The methods create very conducive learning situations for the students.
Application of this Method
The following are the major applications of lecture-cum-discussion method :
(i) The presentation can be made effective.
(ii) The teacher has to organize the discussion during the presentation.
(iii) The teacher has to plan his lesson appropriately so that discussion can be held.
(iv) The teacher has to employ the question-answer technique for discussion
(v) The discussion should be interesting and purposeful.
Advantages of the Method
It has the following advantages :
(i) It develops the habit and interest in discussion among students.
(ii) It is helpful for realizing high order of cognitive objectives.
(iii) The new content can be easily introduced.
(iv) The teacher can use his best competency in teaching.
(v) It provides a better understanding of the content.
(vi) It involves more senses of students in the learning process.
(vii) It makes teaching an interactive process.
It has the following disadvantages :
(i) Every teacher can with used this method appropriately,
(ii) In the discussion only a few students dominate.
(iii) It is also difficult and organized appropriately.
(iv) It requires some adequate requires lecture-discussion and followed lecture-discussion with the help of the questions answer technique. (BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes)
(v) The required weightage to lecture and discussion on a topic is the logical activity depending on the students.
(vi) It requires proper training and practice.
(vii) The nature of content permits the application of the method of the narrative content of a subject
Suggestions for Using
The precautions should be observed for using this method :
(i) The proper training and practice should be done before using this method.
(ii) The teacher should plan his lesson according to this method.
(iii) The question-answer technique should be used properly for intuiting the discussion.
(iv) The method should be a higher-secondary level of social science teaching.
(v) The method should be supported by teaching aids and devices of teaching,
(vi) Teachers should try to make teaching an interactive process.
(vii) Teachers should employ proper techniques, devices, and maxim of teaching.
Project Method
It is a new teaching strategy and it has evolved as a result of the social tendency toward education. The advocates are of the opinion that education should be related to life situations. It is an experience-centered teaching strategy. The exponent of project methods is W.H. Kilpatrick. (BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes)
The main focus of this strategy is to socialize a child.
It is used to achieve cognitive and affective objectives. The main focus is to socialize a child and develop the ability to problem-solving.
The teacher places the real problems related to life situations and the learner realizes their utility in his life. The learner prepares a plan for solving the problem. (BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes)
The students collect information for solving the problem.
The teacher’s job is to provide guidance. The students themselves make an effort to seek solutions to the problem by studying the materials. (BEd 2nd Year Lecture-cum-Discussion Method Study Material Notes)
It involves the following principles:
- Principles of Utility. The problem of the study is related to the life situation of the learners.
- Principle of Readiness. The problem of the study is related to the life situation of the learners.
- Principle of Learning by Doing. A learner has to perform certain tasks in project strategy.
- The learner gets the Freedom to Work. The learning situations are realistic.
- Principle of Socialisation. It develops the feeling of co-operation and group work.
Types of Project
Kilpatric has classified the project strategies under four types :
- Constructive. In this type, the learner has to complete certain tasks.
- Artistic. This type of project develops the aesthetic tastes of the learner.
- Problem Centred. A problem is presented before the learners and he has to seek the solution to the problem.
- Group Practice. A task is assigned in which group work is required to complete it.
Procedure of Project
Usually, six steps are followed in each type of project strategy :
Step 1. To identify a problem related to the life situation of the learner.
Step 2. To select and define the problem.
Step 3. To prepare a plan for finding out the solution to the problem.
Step 4. To implement the plan.
Step 5. To evaluate the workability of the project plan.
Step 6. To prepare a record of the project.
It has the following advantages :
(i) Project strategy is based upon psychological and sociological principles.
(ii) The new knowledge is imparted by linking it with their life situations.
(iii) It develops insight toward life problems.
(iv) All school subjects can be taught by an integrated approach.
(v) Project strategy provides an opportunity for work experience, divergent thinking, and social efficiency.
It has the following disadvantages :
(i) The subject content can not be taught systematically or in sequence.
(ii) The planned project can not be designed for all school subjects and on the whole subject matter of school subjects.
(iii) It is a very costly and time-consuming strategy of teaching.
(iv) It can not be used in teaching for higher classes.
(v) All social qualities can not be developed by this strategy.
The following precautions should be taken in using this strategy :
(i) It should be used in agriculture and technical institutions.
(ii) The problem of the project should be economical and useful.
(iii) It should be employed as a supplementary teaching technique.
(iv) It should be used at primary and secondary levels.