BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Pedagogy of Social Science. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, and Meaning of Evaluation, Functions of Evaluation, Techniques of Evaluation, and Classification of Evaluation Techniques.
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Meaning of Evaluation
The evaluation process ascertains the workability of learning experiences and the change of behavior of the students. The term evaluation conveys several meanings in education and psychology. The evaluation is both qualitative as well a quantitative process.
The term evaluation has been defined in the following manner:
According to Bradfield and Moredock “Evaluation is an assignment of symbols to a phenomenon in order to characterize the worth of value of a phenomenon usually with reference the some social, cultural or scientific standard.”
According to Hanna, “Evaluation is the process of gathering and interpreting evidence on change in the behavior of all indents as they progress through school. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
Writingstone states in the Encyclopedia of Educational Research that “Evaluation is a relatively new technical term introduced to designate a more comprehensive concept of measurement that is implied in conventional test and examination.”
It is evident from the above definitions that evaluation in an educational context implies a broad program than the examination in which achievements attitudes interests, personality traits, and skills factors are taken into consideration. The cognitive, affective, and psychometry learning outcomes are measured in the evaluation process. The success and failure of teaching depend upon teaching strategies, tactics, and aids. Thus evaluation approach improves the instructor procedure and makes teaching activities more purposive and objective-centered. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
Functions of Evaluation
The following are the main functions of the evaluation process:
(i) It ascertains how could learning objectives be achieved.
(ii) It diagnoses the weakness of instructional procedures and provides the basis for remediation.
(iii) It provides empirical evidence about the effectiveness of teaching strategies, tactics, and aids and suggests some modification improvement. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
(iv) It gives reinforcement and feedback to teachers and students.
(v) It helps in developing a comprehensive criterion test.
The criterion test plays a significant role in the process of evaluation.
All the above functions are accomplished on the basis of criterion test performance.
Techniques of Evaluation
The evaluation process produces the data for cognitive, affective, and psychomotor objectives. The traditional examinations confine to cognitive objectives only. In this way, the evaluation is a more broad process. The various types of techniques are used in it which are as follows:
(i) The oral, written, essay type, objective type, practical examination, and observation techniques are used for the evaluation of the cognitive objectives. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
(ii) The interest inventory, attitude scale, values test, and observation techniques are employed for appraising the affective objectives.
(iii) The performance test, practical examination, and observation techniques are employed for assessing the psychomotor objectives.
Criterion is used rather than achievement test because criterion test concerns the objective of teaching and instruction whereas achievement test concerns with content coverage. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
There are three major characteristics of a criterion test or techniques of evaluation:
1. Appropriateness. The criterion test must cover the terminal behaviors of teaching or instruction. Each item of the criterion should assess a specific objective. The criterion behaviors should represent the total terminal behavior.
2. Effectiveness. The items of the criterion test must have difficult values and discriminative power. The test should be reliable and valid. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
3. Practicability. The test can be administered easily and the scoring procedure should be simple. The obtained data may be interpreted and may be made meaningful. It should be acceptable to teachers and students.
Classification of Evaluation Techniques
All techniques of evaluation can be broadly classified into two categories: (1) Quantitative and (2) Qualitative.
1. Quantitative Techniques. Quantitative techniques are mainly used in educational evaluation. These are highly reliable and valid. They possess all three characteristics and can be classified into three types (i) Oral, (ii) Written, and (iii) Practical.
(i) Oral Techniques. The oral techniques of evaluation are used at lower levels in organizing and leading teaching activities. The oral questions: debate and drama are used for this purpose. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
(ii) Written Techniques. In this type, the written questions are asked and students have to write their answers. The written tests effective than oral. The written test is usually an objectives type now preferred for constructing tests.
The objective type tests are used for constructing the criterion test because they are highly objective valid and reliable. These are easy to score. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
(iii) Practical Techniques. In this type of evaluation, some work is assigned to the student to accomplish it. Such techniques are based to assess the skills or psychomotor objectives. This technique is used in Science, Geography, Home Science, Agriculture, Drawing, etc. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
2. Qualitative Techniques. Qualitative techniques are used in schools and colleges for internal assessment. These techniques are subjective and less reliable, but they are used for assessing the affective objectives. These techniques are classified into five categories : (i) Cumulative Records, (ii) Anecdotal Records, (iii) Observation Techniques, (iv) Check List, and (v) Rating Scales.
(i) Cumulative Records. Such records are prepared in the schools for each student. The cumulative record of students includes the educational progress, results of monthly, half-yearly tests, attendance, participation in games, sports, co-curricular activities, and physical health. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
The cumulative records of the students provide awareness about their progress and weakness of the students to their parents, teachers, and principal. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
(ii) Anecdotal Records. This type of record maintains the description of significant events and work or performance of the students. A merit list is prepared in school. The correct information is obtained regarding incidents and the performance of students in anecdotal records. The interest and learning of the students can be assisted with the help of such records.
Such records can also be used to provide guidance to the students.
(iii) Observations Techniques. This technique is indispensable in school evaluation. It is used at all stages of education but is most useful for evaluating small children at the primary stage. It is used for evaluating cognitive, affective, and psychomotor objectives. The students of higher class can make use of this technique of self-evaluation. The classroom interaction can be evaluated only by the observation technique. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
(iv) Checklist. The technique is used to evaluate the interests, attitudes, and values of the students. It includes certain statements of yes and no type. The student has to check either of the two.
Each statement of the checklist evaluates a specific objective of learning some examples have given below:
(a) Are you interested in the steps of teaching? Yes/No/Not known
(b) Do you take interest in lesson planning? Yes/No/Not known
(c) Do you really enjoy classroom presentations? Yes/No/Not known
(d) Are you interested in encouraging student activities? Yes/No/Not known
The above checklist may be used for evaluating the teaching interests of pupil-teachers.
(v) Rating Scale. The rating techniques are used for assessing the attitude of the students towards teaching and subjects. It consists of some statements which can be rated on a three/five/seven/points scale. It is used for higher classes because it requires the power of judgment of the students. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Evaluation Study Material Notes)
A teacher can make use of this technique for evaluating the effectiveness of this instructional procedure, teaching strategy tactics, and aids. The Statements of scale are concerned with the specific objective of learning.