BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Philosophical and Socialogical Perspective of Education. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition and Meaning of Knowledge, Conditions about the Knowledge, Prepositions of Idealist-Epistemology, and the Sources of Knowledge.
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The second important aspect of philosophy is the epistemology or theory of knowledge. Idealism is known as the philosophy of epistemology rather than metaphysics. In idealism main stress is on the theory of knowledge, its focus is the knowledge of self or soul rather than the knowledge of other minds. In the present chapter meaning of knowledge, sources, theory and assumptions have been discussed. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
Meaning of Knowledge
It is difficult to define the term ‘knowledge comprehensively. Each school of thought has its own assumptions about the term knowledge which relates to the substance or the reality. Knowledge is the result of the relation between the knower and knowee. There are two. components. of knowledge. Knower and knower.
The knowee comes in the contact with knower through his senses and sometimes beyond the senses for the existence of the substance. There is consciousness in the knower and knowee. The consciousness is called knowledge. In the extraordinary discussion, both components tend to be one. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
There are two views regarding knowledge:-
(1) Knowledge is true knowledge.
(2) The knowledge of reality is called knowledge. It is essential to understand three things about the knowledge
(a) Form of knowledge.
(b) State of knowledge.
(c) Relation with other aspects.
The form of knowledge is a mental event or action psychologically-knowing, doing and feeling behaviours. Philosophers have explained it logically process for understanding knowledge.
Knowledge is concerned with the capacity of doing a task- swimming, writing, reading etc., knowing. Explains how. Knowing aspects deals qualities of the objects. It relates to certain propositions– knowing that. It indicates that some propositions are true-knowing term shows that we accept that we are aware of the truthfulness of the proposition but it requires some conditions about the knowledge. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
Conditions regarding the knowledge
There are the conditions about truthful of a propositions
- We assume that the proposition is true, then it must be true, and then it must be true in the real sense. If some claims that the proposition is true, then it must be true. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
- The truthfulness of a proposition is not sufficient enough for knowledge. There are several propositions that are true but we do not know their validity as we do not have the knowledge of all. There we should have faith in the truthfulness of the proposition.
The question arises—Is the knowledge-true belief? The answer is no. The truthfulness of a proposition is not static; it is changeable.
- How much evidence is needed for changing beliefs into knowledge? The numbers of evidence are sufficient for the answer to the question. The availability of evidence is not definite. It may be said that there should be complete evidence for the truthfulness of the propositions. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
- Our knowledge is not certain or definite but is the probability to have further knowledge. Certainty is an essential quality of knowledge. The theory of determinism is applicable here.
It is difficult to ascertain whether our senses are providing true knowledge or not. It may be an illusion or hallucination. Thus, all knowledge of the world is not true always. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
Meaning of Knowledge according to Bhartiya Darshan
According to Bhartiya Darshan, Four conditions are essential to understanding the term ‘knowledge’. There are several questions, but the question remains unanswered, which creates doubt about the definitions of knowledge. It is more a theoretical problem about knowledge and its definite truthfulness. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
It requires four conditions which are as follows
- Reality and objective: The knowledge object should be real and can be observed objectively.
- Work of Knowledge: There should be no doubt about its existence.
- The truthfulness of knowledge should be verifiable. There should be no hindrance to truthfulness.
(a) Its propositions should be based on direct internal experience or sensation.
(b) The propositions can be verified.
(c) The knower believes that the proposition is true.
- Logically the proposition is true.
Propositions of Idealist-Epistemology
The idealist epistemology may be summarized, in part at least, in the following propositions:
- Idealism and critical realism are alike in their treatment of perception, except that idealism holds that the qualities we perceive in the world are rooted in existence. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
- Some idealists hold that we have direct experience of the self, that it is a self-evident fact; others find the existence of the self to be a necessary inference. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
- Selfhood being what it is, and the surrounding would being so well tuned to the experience of self, it is believed by idealists that reality is a self. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
- Since nothing can be conceived to exist without being in relation to other things, many idealists believe Reality to be a logically unified total system, a Universal Mind. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
The Sources of Knowledge
Logically knowledge means truthfulness of proposition. The question arises: How do we gain knowledge about the truthfulness of propositions? What are the sources of knowledge? Generally, there are the following four sources of knowledge:
(1) Sense-experience-perception
(2) Logical thinking or Reasoning
(3) Authority and judgment and
(4) Induction
The details of these have been given in the following paras-
(1) Sense-Experience or Perception
Generally, worldly objects are perceived through our senses i.e., experience. We experience through our senses the presence of objects and things. This has no doubt about this type of knowledge. It is based on direct observation. There are five senses eyes, year, nose, tongue and skin. These senses have the functions-seeing, of hearing, smelling, tasting and touching respectively. We gain different types of experiences as direct knowledge. It is a very easy and simple source of knowledge.
Sometimes our senses do not perceive things as they are, but we perceive things as feel. We have illusion and hallucination in direct perception. In the desert we perceive water but there is no water. The errors of sense experience can be removed by our sense experience too. Sense experience also includes the process of judgement. The error in judgement occurs due to a lack of knowledge.
The sense-experience is not only a source of knowledge but knowledge is also formed by the process of judgement. The judgements are expressed in the form of propositions. The sense-experience is neither true nor false but it takes place only. The error occurs in the process of judgement or wrong interpretation of sense-experience.
Sense-experience of external objects as knowledge source but. We have internal experience or sensation of pain, happiness, illness etc. it is also a direct experience as an internal sensation which is also a source of knowledge. It provides evidence for the truthfulness of our direct experiences. Internal experience is subject its objectivity can not be ascertained while external sense-experience is objective which others can also perceive it. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
(2) Logical Thinking
Knowledge through sense experience is acceptable by all persons. This process of sense-experience also takes in other animals and other species. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
There is an ability without which no knowledge can be acquired. It involves abstraction for the concept formation. It has the power of discrimination among things and objects. The concept is based on sense experience but it also involves the process of abstraction. The obstruction is based on reasoning ability or logical thinking. It is also the source of knowledge the process of conclusions and inferences also involves reasoning ability. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
There are two types of reasoning
1. Deductive reasoning
2. Inductive reasoning.
- Deductive Reasoning—It is generally true and false. There are several rules for deductive reasoning. It is the task of the logic of philosophy. It can be stated that deductive reasoning is the source of knowledge. This type of reasoning starts from general to specific (rule to example).
All men are mortal.
Ram is the man.
Ram is mortal.
- Inductive Reasoning-It has the probable truth. The main characteristic of inductive reasoning is that it begins with a sentence specific to generalization or rule. The truthfulness of generalization has the probable evidence or basis but it is not surety the evidence. This type of reasoning has the following example – (example to rule)
Ram is a man.
Ram is mortal.
All men are mortal.
Newton applied this type of reasoning for finding out the gravitation law, He raised the question of why apple is falling down on earth. There are several such examples of falling down or earth, but he could discover the gravity of the earth, ‘gravitation law’. The general to specific is not an essential condition of inductive reasoning. It is the probability not definite.
(3) Authority or Judgement
The statements of eminent scholars are also a source of knowledge. The written definitions and statements do not employ direct reasoning or sense experience as the source of knowledge. Authority is the source of knowledge. The truthfulness of word knowledge is difficult to ascertain. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
This type of knowledge requires the following precautions:
(i) The person must have mastery of the knowing subject.
(ii) The person should have really competent authority of the feel of study.
(iii) The earlier statements of the person are found truthful or workable in life situations.
(iv) The statement should be against natural fact.
(v) We are not after the person, but the truthfulness of statements should be examined with help of possible means.
(vi) There is disagreement among the authorise on the statement, we should not use it as a source of knowledge till then they have resolved it. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
(vii) There should not be a contradiction between the earlier statements and the present statement.
(viii) We should not accept the statements as a source of knowledge on the basis of authority but their truthfulness must be examined before including them as a source of knowledge. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
(4) Intuition
The sense-experience is the external perception but intuition is internal, sudden light within the person. This light is the source of knowledge. Intuition is beyond sense and reasoning. It is an internal capacity. While solving a mathematical problem, when we tried to solve it or mentally efforts have failed. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
After some time suddenly we get some light for the solution, and even we could find the solution through discussion. Similarly, sometimes suddenly an idea comes about a person and the person is before us. There are several examples of philosophers. The truthfulness of the knowledge is ascertained by intuition. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Knowledge Study Material Notes)
Intuition does not tell us anything about the validity of the procedure. Intuition is simply a cover-up term for our ignorance, revealing only that we do not know how he was able to do this intuition is an important source of knowledge.