BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Philosophical and Sociological Perspective of Education. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition and Meaning of Realism, Metaphysics of Realism, Epistemology & Logic of Realism, Axiology & Ethics of Realism, and Fundamental Principles of Realism.
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Meaning and Definition of Realism
Realism is that school of western philosophy that considers matter as real and true. If we consider it. etymological meaning, then we find that the word ʻrealism’ has been derived from the word ‘real’ and the word ‘real’ has been derived from the Greek word ‘res’ which means matter. So the etymological meaning of the word ‘realism’ comes from the ideology concerning the existence of matter.
As far as the fact of considering master as real is concerned, a man in the ancient time would have taken the matter as real in the same form in which he would have perceived it, but the first effort to prove matter as the basis of the creation of the world was made by Greek philosopher Thales, (640-550 BC). He said that this world is made of water. After him another Greek philosopher, Anaximenes mentioned that the basic elements of this world are air. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes)
After him, Heraclites described the fire as the basic element of the world. Further, Democritus developed atomism and proved the independent existence of matter. After Democritus, Anaxagoras proved that the basic elements of the creation of the world are different types of basic elements of different matters. Empedocles proved that the world is made of fire, air, water, and earth. We can consider all of these as the proponents of realist ideology. Then Socrates came to the fore in the western world. He said that the soul and God are the basic elements of the world. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes)
His pupil, Plato mentioned that the world is only a manifestation of ideas, and thus negated the very existence of matter. After him, any thought that was developed in western philosophy was based on Plato’s thought. It is another fact that some changes were effected to it. Plato’s pupil, Aristotle, at first, accepted the independent existence of matter as against the views of his teacher Plato. He is considered to be the proponent of modern realism. When in the fifteenth century, scientific discoveries acquainted us with the real form of matter, then it was natural for the philosopher to be attracted to it.
Moreover, these scientific discoveries also removed our religious orthodox beliefs. As a result, our philosophical thought descended from the abstract world to the concrete world. As an independent philosophy, realism is considered to have developed from the fifteenth century. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes)
By the eighteenth century, it reached its peak and it influenced education. In this field, the philosophers whose thoughts and immense influences were Erasmus of Holland, Rabelais, and Lord Montaigne or France, Richard Mulcaster. Francis Bacon and Joha Milton of England. Rate of Germany and Comenius of Czechoslovakia.
Though all these thinkers were theists and believed in God and feared God, and looked at ancient literature, religion, and philosophy with respect and considered them useful for human life, they accepted the independent existence of matter and laid emphasis on making human life happy with its use. So, these thinkers are considered to be realistic philosophers.
In order to understand the real form of philosophy, it is necessary to understand its metaphysics, epistemology, logic, axiology, and ethics. On their basis, one philosophical thought is distinguished from another. But realism was developed by theists; they accepted the independent existence of matter but did not challenge the existence of soul and God. This is the reason that scholars do not agree on the metaphysics of realism. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes)
Of course, they possess uniform views about epistemology, logic, axiology, and ethics. We shall try to understand the real form of realism on some common grounds. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes)
Metaphysics of Realism
Idealists hold that this world originated from some spiritual elements (abstract). On the contrary, realists consider the origin of the world from physical elements (concrete). According to realism, this universe is made from matter and matter has its independent existence. They consider the matter as the basic element of the universal and as the ultimate reality. The realists do not hold similar views on the soul and God. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes)
Most realists also accept the existence of God and heaven and hell, is based on religion and belief, so it is not definite. But because it acquaints us with the knowledge of our duties, so it is useful for life and as. such is real they accept the soul as the conscious element that is made from matter. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes)
Some realists consider the material world and all its things as real and do not argue any further. Their ideology is called Naive Realism.
Some realists negate the idealist principles and prove the existence of matter. Their ideology is called Neo-Realism.
Some realists are such who consider the matter as the chief element, alongside man and his mind too. They argue that without a mind, the matter cannot be experienced. This form of realism is called Critical Realism.
Whitehead has laid more emphasis on the creation process of matter, as against matter. According to him, there is a system in all matters which is in the form of a process and this process is real. This ideology is called the Philosophy of Organism.
All realists accept happy living as the aim of human life. Some of these realists consider that man can get bliss from the knowledge of ancient Roman and Greek literature because it discusses the means of happiness. This ideology is called Humanistic Realism.
Some realists consider that man can get real happiness only vixen he adjusts to society. Their ideology is called Socialistic Realism
Some realists consider that man can get real happiness by real knowledge of matter and the real knowledge of matter can be got through sense organs. This ideology is called Sense Realism. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes)
Epistemology and Logic of Realism
Realists consider man as an intellectual being, but they consider intellect as a part of the body that exists in the nervous system of man. According to them, the organ called the brain in scientific terminology is called intellect in common terminology, The sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue) are the means of attaining knowledge. They argue that the knowledge of the matter that we get through sense organs is true knowledge. Realists emphasize on the knowledge got through words is accepted only after it has been experienced through sense organs. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes)
Axiology and Ethics of Realism
Realists consider this material world as true. According to them, protection of one’s life and living happily are the aims of human life. The things required for the activism of man, the realists lay most emphasis on their production. After that, they lay emphasis on the production of those things which provide happiness to man. In the third step, they give place to those values, following which man gets happiness in a complete form. For the experience of values and their abidance, the realists consider sensitivity in man as essential.
According to realists, only sensitive people experience values and they conduct themselves according to values. They have a clear opinion regarding the behavior of a man that man should perform such tasks which beget his happiness. Here man symbolizes all men of the world and not an individual. It is not definite which person would get happiness how and at what place and time. So neither similar values can be determined for all persons nor similar rules of conduct can be formed for them all.
Definition of Realism
There are several forms of realism, and matter and the world have been differently analyzed in them, but they have a basic similarity. Keeping similar elements in view, scholars have defined realism in different ways. In the words of the Indian philosopher Swami Ram Tirth:
In brief, realism means a belief or theory which looks upon the world as it seems to us, to be a mere phenomenon. –Swami Ram Tirth
However, the complete form of realism is not clear from this definition, it only makes out one of its characteristics. On the basis of metaphysics, epistemology, logic, axiology, and ethics of realism, we can define it as follows:
Realism is a school of Western philosophy that considers this universe as made of matter and accepts the material world as real. It considers God as a religious belief and soul as the element of consciousness as produced from matter, and propounds that the ultimate aim of human life is to live happily, which can be achieved by real knowledge of matter and its proper use.
Fundamental Principles of Realism
If we want to organize the metaphysics, epistemology, logic, axiology, and ethics of realism in the form of principles then we can do it in the following way:
1. This Universe is made of Matter: According to realists, this universe is made of matter. They accept the independent existence of matter. They clarify that the change in the form of materials brings about change in the world.
2. This Material World is True, there is no other Spiritual World: Most Realists consider this material or physical world as true because it can be perceived through the senses. According to them, there is no world of ideas behind this material world.
3. The soul is the Conscious Element produced from Matter, and God’s Existence is based on Religion: According to realists, the soul is the conscious element produced from matter. The development of consciousness in man is life, and the end of consciousness is death. They accept God as the existence as proved by religion, and not in its concrete form.
4. Man is the best Matter of the World: Realists consider man as one of the matters of the world, but they also consider that he is different from other matters because he possesses the mind, and gets the knowledge of systematized matters of the world through this mind and becomes able to live happily by the use of the things of the world.
According to them, the mind gets this knowledge through sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue). Whatever development man has achieved, his sense organs, and mind are at its basis. Other living beings of the world do not possess the sense organs of this level, nor do they have the mind like man, so they have not been able to attain any type of development. Due to these powers, man is the best matter in the world. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Realism Study Material Notes)
5. Development of Man is according to Regularity of the World: Realists see regularity in the material world. They state that whatever changes that take place in the world, have regularity of a certain type. Change is another name for development. So it is clear that man’s development takes place according to certain laws. They negate the fact that man has spiritual powers and his development takes place on their basis. They argue that if the man has certain spiritual powers and is complete in himself, then why a man living aloof from society in forests does not develop as a man? This is the reason that realists give special significance to the environment.