BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Meaning of Team Teaching of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, Meaning, and importance of Team Teaching, Characteristics of Team Teaching, Types of Team Teaching, Objectives of Team Teaching, Principles of Team Teaching, Advantages of Team Teaching, and Limitations of Team Teaching. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.
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Meaning and Definition of Team Teaching
The term ‘Team Teaching’ has been defined by several persons because they have designed and conducted exponents to understand the nature of team teaching. Warwick has tried to define the term more comprehensively. His education is both descriptive and promotive in nature. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
It also evolves the theoretical basis:
“Team teaching is a form of organization in which individual teachers decide to pool resources, interests, and expertise in order to devise and implement a scheme of work suitable for the needs of their pupils and the facilities of their schools.”
Team teaching has been defined as:
“A type of instructional organization, involving teaching personnel into the students assigned to them in which two or more teacher are given the responsibility of working together, for all or significant part of the instruction of the of students.”
Carlo-Olson has denned the term team teaching:
“An instructional situation where two or more teachers possessing complementary teaching skills cooperatively plan and implement the instruction form single group of students using flexible scheduling and group techniques to me the part of the instruction of the same, group of students”.
Another definition of the term team teaching is :
“An arrangement whereby two or more teachers, with or without teacher aids cooperatively plan to instruct individual one or more class group in an appropriate Instructional space and given length of time so as to take advantage of the special competencies of the members.”
Characteristics of Team Teaching
It may be inferred from the definitions of team teaching that it has the following characteristics:
(i) It involves two or more teachers teaching a class.
(ii) It is an instructional strategy rather than a training strategy.
(iii) A team or group of teachers of the same subject work together to deal a significant content to the same group of students jointly.
(iv) It can be termed as co-operative teaching, in which individual teacher plans to pool resources, interests, and expertise for teaching content for the same group or class of students. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
(v) Every individual teacher gets an appropriate instruction space and length of time so as to use special competencies of teaching content to a group of students. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
(vi) A group of teachers has shared reproducibilities of planning, organizing, learning, controlling, and evaluating the teaching of the same class of students. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
(vii) In team teaching the group teachers has to consider the needs of their pupils and they should teach jointly to satisfy their needs and remove the difficulties of their students. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
Types of Team Teaching
There are various ways to classify team teaching but a better way is to classify it on the basis of its organization. Team teaching may be organized mainly in three types:
The First Type of team teaching is organized in secondary schools and higher secondary where there are more than two teachers in the same department. This type of team teaching can be organized at each level of education if there are more than two teachers of the same subject. A number of experiments have been designed and conducted in Britain and the USA to ascertain the effectiveness of this type of teaching in Science, English, and Social studies.
The Second Type of team teaching can be organized effectively in the education of training departments. The experts of psychology, philosophy, and statistics departments can be invited to teach B.Ed and M.Ed students along with department personnel who are interested in teaching the course to their students. The approach can be best utilized to encourage and introduce the inter-discipline.
The Third Type of team teaching can be organized at every level of education the experts of the subject from other institutions can be organized at the college level if there are more than two colleges in the same locality. Cooperative teaching can be organized in inter-institutions but in the same discipline. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
Objectives of Team Teaching
The teaching strategy has been designed to achieve certain objectives. The team teaching has evolved to realize the following objectives:
(i) To make the best use of experts of teachers under team teaching.
(ii) To improve the quality of teaching. It involves two or more experts in the subject teaching the same group simultaneously.
(iii) To develop the feelings of co-operation or group work in teaching-learning situations.
(iv) To help the students, to satisfy the needs and difficulties relating to the special content
(v) To develop a sense of shared responsibility in teaching and evaluation of students learning outcomes.
Principles of Team Teaching
Team teaching is based on certain general principles which are helpful in organizing team teaching. The principles provide a guideline for planning and organizing team teaching. The following are the important principles of this team teaching:
- Principle of Size and Composition. The concept of fixed size class is becoming obsolete. The size of the group or class should vary according to the objective or purpose of team teaching. For example, if the purpose of team teaching is to the group should be small involving students who have similar types of difficulties.
- Principle of Level of Instruction. It is the basis of organizing this team teaching. The entering behavior of the organizing team teaching may suit the level of the group. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
- Principle of Duties Assigning to Teachers of the Team. The teaching involves two types of task-lead lecture and group work or full work. Therefore, duties signed to teachers should be appropriate ace their competencies of teaching,
Every teacher cannot lead the lecture excellence therefore, this task must be generated by employing appropriate according to their competencies of teaching, Every teacher cannot lead the line with excellence therefore, this task must be assigned to a competent person. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
- Principle of Learning Environment. Every subject even a topic of a subject requires its own learning situation or environment. Therefore, the learning environment must be generated by employing appropriate teaching and equipment, e.g., laboratory, workshop, fieldwork, good library, lecture, etc. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
- Principle of Time Factor. Team teaching is a well-organized teaching task, therefore time schedule should be prepared by allowing sub-topic lecture tasks and group work or follow-up tasks. In this type of team, an arrangement should be a fairly fluid timetable, (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
- Principle of Supervision. The focus of team teaching is to master subject matter by employing the expertise of supervised study is essential for assimilating the knowledge of the top. The nature and duration of the supervision of the students upon the purpose of team teaching, (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
Advantages of Team Teaching
Team teaching is a perspective and economical device of teaching to cater to the needs of the students. It is highly flexible. It has the advantages:
(i) The team teaching utilizes the competencies of the teachers. It has been devised to make the best use of the expertise of the subject matter. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
(ii) It creates the learning environment for comprehension or mastery over the subject among the learners.
(iii) It provides an opportunity for free discussion in classroom teaching. All the students of the group get an opportunity for free expression and discussion in the classroom. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
(iv) The Learners and teachers develop the social relation in school. The learners and even teachers require practice in human relations in schools and colleges. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
(v) It provides an opportunity for the teachers to develop their professional status and competency in teaching by observing the teaching of a content expert. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
(vi) It exposes the learners to more specialists in the subject and they are benefitted from the special knowledge of various teachers.
Limitations of Team Teaching
It is not a perfect method of teaching. It has the following limitations:
(i) It is very difficult to seek co-operation among teachers and enables them to work jointly in teaching-learning situations. They can never agree with the solution to an issue; of teaching. They hesitate to work because nobody wants to expose themselves.
(ii) It is not feasible in practice to assign powers and responsibilities to the group of teachers. The responsibility of a group of teachers is virtually the responsibility of none. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Team Teaching Study Material Notes)
(iii) There is no mutual regard and respect among the teachers. Every teacher considers himself an expert on the subject. Every teacher has their own style of teaching. They cannot work like football or hockey team.
(iv) The teachers do not have time to deviate from the routine method of teaching and they do not prefer any change in the system of education. Generally, they are of the opinion this can be used in Western countries, not in Indian schools.