BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Meaning of Text-book of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, Meaning, and importance of the Text-book, Need of the Text-book, Utility of the Text-book, and Characteristics of the Text-book. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.
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Meaning of Text-book
According to Lang, “It is a standardized book for any branch of the study area.
According to “Raymont, “The textbook must be regarded as strictly subordinate and supplementary to teacher’s lesson.”
A textbook contains the subject matter according to a plan and with a specific purpose. The textbooks are the keys to knowledge and are considered almost synonymous with schooling. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
These are the most influential instrument in determining the subject matter and the approach to teaching A textbook is a planned collection of all the content which has to the students of a certain stage or age level.
In the textbooks subject matter is presented in a well-planned way to facilitate the learning of new concepts and skills and to maintain the knowledge already acquired. Therefore textbooks are knowledge and are considered almost synonymous with schooling.
According to Kothari Commission, “The question of text-book is the important and urgent one for our country. Energetic on state and national is required to progress the preparation of high-quality school textbooks”.
Need and Importance of Text-book
“In the analysis with the great majority, the textbook is a potent determinant of what and how they will teach.” -Hurl R. Duglas
In mathematics teaching we can demonstrate the need and importance of text-book in the following ways:
1. For the guidance of a teacher. Text-book is helpful for the guidance of teachers. It provides certain well-illustrated examples which work to guide the teachers as well as the students. It also suggests possibilities for correlation and related project activities.
2. Economical. Textbooks are cheaper than other teaching material aid or sources, so each student can purchase of easily which is helpful in increasing their knowledge. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
3. For preparing the complex work to easy. Mathematics is a complicated and difficult subject. So it is essential to read the textbooks to make it easy. In this, the whole curriculum is in a sequence. This sequence is from ‘Simple to complex.’
4. For preparing the outline. With the help of textbooks, both the pupil and teacher get the outline of the curriculum the area of study is decided. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
5. For planned and systematic teaching. A textbook contains various topics in a proper sequence. It also suggests the steps of planning, a suitable method of teaching, and appropriate illustrative material for the teacher.
6. Study Facility. Textbooks provide the faculty with various types of study at one time. In which the pupil or student can achieve knowledge according to his requirement or need. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
7. Opportunity of use as per requirement and desire of pupil. Textbook plays the role of teacher out of the classroom. If a student wants to understand and clear something which he could not understand in the classroom, he may consult the textbook. It also contains some solved problems which are helpful to students in solving other similar problems. Thus a student can use the textbook as per his requirement. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
8. Useful for mentally retarded and backward children. Textbooks are more useful to those children who can not proceed with other students in the class. This type of student is called backward children. Their speed of learning is slow. With the help of text-book, they learn and proceed according to their capacity. Thus, text-book helps them as a teacher at home.
9. For Reference material. Text-book also serves as a reference book for the teacher and the students because it is the most reliable source of information for them. Textbooks are generally written by experienced teachers and references are quoted from original sources of information. So, if required a teacher may consult the original references given in the textbook.
10. For evaluation. Evaluation is an important part of education. Most teachers are unable to construct a good achievement test. Text-book helps in The selection and construction of various types of problems for a test.
11. Helpful in the self-study. Text-book is very helpful in self-study. When a student is eager and highly motivated, he can learn a topic in advance with the help of a textbook by self-study. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
If there is any doubt he may clear it in the class. Self-study of the topic by the students in advance is helpful to the teacher in the development of the lesson. It saves the time of the teacher, Text-books are also quite useful to those students who remain absent from class due to any reason. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
Utility of Text-book
The social science teacher should not consider that his/her work is confined to transferring the contents of textbooks into the minds of the pupils. The textbook of social science should not be allowed to dominate the teaching program.
In social science teaching it can be used in the following ways:
1. For using Lesson Introduction. The success of teaching depends upon the law of readiness of the students. In the process of learning, motivation plays an important role. Teachers should motivate and mentally prepare the students before teaching the lesson. It is difficult way that any lesson starts in an interesting way. So the textbook can be used as an effective medium for the introduction of a new lesson. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
2. For self-study. Both teachers and students use the textbooks for self-study. Through this teachers acquire new methods and new teaching material that can make their teaching work more effective.
3. In the laboratory. Sometimes the experiments given in the book without the help of the teacher can be given to the students. Through this self-confidence can be developed in them. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
4. For the class work and homework. Experienced teacher evaluates e progress of students or pupils on the basis of the good quality questions presented at the end of the topic on books. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
5. For the construction of the Question Paper. From the textbooks, we own the mental and intellectual levels of the students. On the basis of given examples and questions in the textbook, the teacher constructs the question paper.
6. For Using the illustration diagrams. The teacher uses charts, models, etc. teaching aid to explain the lesson. Through this teaching become effective and permanent. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
Characteristics of Text-book
Textbooks are important for both teacher and students because it is a medium or way of learning which is used to run the teaching programs in schools. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
Text-book increased the research and scientific attitude in the students, so the text-books should have the following characteristics:
- Author of Text-book. Before purchasing a textbook it should be how much the academic qualification of the author, and how much knowledge of the language. etc. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
The author’s qualifications and training ability should be good. For writing the book on social science teaching it is essential that the author has the knowledge of various techniques. He should have knowledge of the teaching process. For this, he can demonstrate the current knowledge in front of pupils with the help of textbooks. - The size of the textbook. Text-book is not only written in good but its paper, cover, printing, etc. should also be good. The title should be printed in bold letters There should be no mistake in printing. The shape and size of the textbook should be proportional neither too large nor too small. It should be handy. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
- Based on syllabus and subject matter. Textbooks should include the whole curriculum decided by the education department.
For this the following points should be kept in mind:
(i) The social science text-book should be favorable to the objective of teaching
(ii) It is very essential that at the beginning of each lesson or chapter there should be an introduction and at the end a summary in a textbook. (BEd 2nd Year Meaning of Text-Book Study Material Notes)
(iii) At the end of each lesson, there should be an assignment.
(iv) Title and sub-title should be written in bold and clear letters.
(v) Text-book should be favorable to the age, class, and intelligence of the students.
(vi) The subject matter should be arranged from simple to complex and concrete to abstract.
(vii) Proper examples should be used to explain the facts and theories.
(viii) The statements of facts, principles, laws, and theorems must be correct.
(ix) At the beginning of each textbook, an index is essential, which is helpful for the learner.