BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Micro-Teaching of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition or Meaning and importance of Micro-Teaching, advantages of Micro-Teaching, Assumptions of Micro-teaching, Merits of Micro-teaching, and Limitations of Micro-teaching, and Precautions in Using Micro-teaching. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.
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Meaning of Micro-teaching
Micro-teaching is an important method of effecting behavioral change in her. It is a new training system for imparting training in the teaching process of teachers. (BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes)
Originally it is a teaching experience on a small scale, because of the small size taught in it.
The period, topic, and skill too are shortened. $18 a real process of teaching. Its use helps a teacher to learn new skills and prove upon old skills. It is especially useful for pupil-teachers. (BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes)
Allan and Ryan, in their book Micro-teaching, said in 1991 that microteaching was based on the following principles :
(i) Micro-teaching is actual teaching.
(ii) In micro-teaching, the complexities of prevalent class teaching have been reduced
(iii) In micro-teaching, training is imparted for the development of skills.
(iv) Control is kept over-exercise.
(v) The knowledge or feedback of outcome is spread.
Definitions of Micro-teaching
Allan, 1968 Stanford University, defined this in these won “Micro-teaching is a scaled-down teaching encounter in class size and class time”.
According to Allan, micro-teaching is real teaching, in which time a number of students are limited. The number of students is limited to 5-10. the period is limited to 5-20 minutes. Feedback is provided for the improvement or development of teaching skills.
McCleas and Anwin, in 1970, opined that micro-teaching is generally used by closed circuit television to provide a pupil-teacher with feedback relating to his performance in a simplified environment. (BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes)
M.B. Buck of Baroda University 1968, defined micro-teaching in the words: “Micro-teaching is a teacher-education technique which allows the teacher to apply clearly defined teaching skills to carefully prepared lessons in planned series of five to ten minutes encounters with a small group of students, often with an opportunity to observe the results on videotape.”
According to Allen and Eve (1968): “A system of controlled practice makes it possible to concentrate on specific teaching behavior and to practice teaching under controlled conditions.”
According to B.2K. Pasi, micro-teaching is a training skill which exper from pupil-teachers that they teach a particular concept or assumption will specific teaching skill to a limited number of students in a limited time.
Clipet has defined micro-teaching in 1976 in these words: “Micro-teach is a teacher training procedure which reduces the teaching situation to a simp, or more controlled encounter achieved by limiting the practice teaching to a special skill and reducing teaching time and class size.”
It is clear from the above definitions that micro-teaching is used to develop specific teaching skills. These skills are used in the actual class. It gives imposes on teachers’ behavior, so it is a teacher-centered method. Micro-teaching controlled the practice of a particular teacher’s behavior. (BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes)
According to Alta Ryan, it can be used for teachers under training. Also, it can be used as a res tool.
Teaching is a complex process under which different skills are 1 These chiefly include question-answer, reinforcement, use of teaching communication devices, explanation, etc. micro-teaching is in fact a meg skill in teaching, in which a teacher attains different teaching skills controlled practice under controlled situation by paying attention to teaching behaviors,
The concept of micro-teaching was first developed by Allan, Ryan, Byte, and Covin (1959) of Stanford University, the U.S. It has been chiefly used in the field of teacher training. (BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes)
in India, the CASE Baroda, Dr. B.K. Passi, Dr. L.C.I Singh, and Dr. Menon have done commendable work in micro-teaching.
Meaning and Definition of Micro-Teaching
According to B.K. Passi, “Micro-teaching is a training technique which cured student-teachers to teach a single concept, using specified teaching skills a small number of pupils in a short duration of time.”
Clifts has defined micro-teaching in the following words, “micro-teaching is teacher training procedure which reduces the teaching situation to a simpler and more controlled encounter achieved by limiting the practice teaching to a specific skill and reducing teaching time and class size.”
Advantages of Micro-Teaching
As compared to the traditional methods of teacher training, micro-teaching is an innovation. It has several merits :
(1) The objectives of teaching are clearly defined in behavioral terms, therefore, they can be realized more easily.
(ii) As compared to traditional training, micro-teaching is simpler and tension-tree, because a trainee has to work with a limited number of students for a selected skill. (BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes)
(ii) This is an extremely individualized technique in which a trainee .can focus his attention on some specific aspect of teaching-learning.
(iv) Class communication and interactions can be studied and observed more objectively.
(v) Because a pupil teacher’s lesson is observed as a whole, feedback is given immediately, therefore, it becomes all the more effective.
(vii) As it is used in a limited time on a limited number of students it is convenient to work on several alternatives simultaneously. Different types of experiments too can be conducted in this. (BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes)
(viii) This is a democratic technique that makes teaching training programs objective-oriented and purposeful.
Assumptions of Micro-teaching
Micro-teaching is based on the following:
(i) Patterns of teacher behavior are necessary for effective teaching.
(ii) Desired behavior patterns can be developed through feedback.
(iii) It is a fully individual teacher program.
(iv) It is a diagnostic program
Merits of Micro-teaching
Micro-teaching has been developed to eradicate the shortcoming of training and to cultivate desired teaching skills. It has the following merits:
(i) Different teaching skills are cultivated using micro-teaching,
(ii) It is actual teaching which reduces the complexities of normal class teaching
(iii) A pupil-teacher is facilitated in practicing a particular teaching skill.
(iv) A supervisor observes the teaching process properly.
(v) The pupil-teacher is given feedback after his teaching,
(vi) On the basis of feedback and criticism, the pupil-teacher is given the opportunity for re-planning, improving, and re-teaching.
(vii) Two or more teaching behavior of the same pupil-teacher can be compared
(viii) It can be used for remedial teaching, by which pupil-teachers can rectify their shortcomings and learn better ways to teach
(ix) Effective control can be exercised in teaching and teaching circumstances.
(x) Experienced teachers get an opportunity to develop new teaching skills and abilities, practice them and improve upon their present capacities. (BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes)
Therefore, it can be said that micro-teaching makes an important contribution to the field of teacher training. It can be used to develop specific teaching skills. It provides opportunities for development as per individual differences. The content can be presented in a very effective manner through it. It is a useful method for pupil-teacher and in-service teachers’ training.
Limitations of Micro-teaching
(i) It is difficult to construct micro-classes and provide their timetable.
(ii) There is a shortage of trained supervisors.
Precautions in Using Micro-teaching
(i) The teaching objectives should be specified.
(ii) Simulated teaching helps in increasing effectiveness.
(iii) A student’s teaching helps in increasing effectiveness.
(iv) At one time, only one teaching skill should be practiced.
(v) A pupil-teacher should make a lesson plan before practice and shou1decide about teaching techniques.
In the end, we can say in the words of B.K. Pasi and M.M. Shah, “Micro-teaching is to be used as a diagnostic and remedial measure or the training of teaching skills. It should never claim as a substitute for macro-teaching. It is to exist as a supplementary approach. It is economical and efficient but it is not everything.” (BEd 2nd Year Micro-Teaching Study Material Notes)