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BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes

BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes

BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes

BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Philosophical and Socialogical Perspective of Education. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum.

Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition and Meaning of the Philosophical and Educational Thoughts of Sri Aurobindo, Metaphysics of Sri Aurobindo’s Sarvang Yoga Darshan, Epistemology and Logic of Sir Aurobindo’s Sarvang Yoga Darshan, Axiology and Ethics of Sri Aurobindo’s Sarvang Yoga Darshan, Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo.

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BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes
BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes

Philosophical Thought of Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo was born on 15 August 1872 in a prosperous family in Calcutta (Kolkata). His father. Krishnaghana Ghosh was a popular doctor of Calcutta and was an admirer of western culture, even his servants spoke English. But he was very merciful by nature. In such a family was Sri Aurobindo born and brought up. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

Sri Aurobindo was an intimate devotee of the Gita. He has presented a scientific analysis of Gita’s karma yoga and dhyana yoga. In his view, the synthesis of human and divine power is yoga.

In other words, yoga is the means by which man experiences divine power. Sri Aurobindo did not teach a man to experience the inner element of self and get assimilated into Brahma, rather he wanted to guide the whole of mankind from ignorance, darkness, and death to knowledge, illumination, and immortality. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

Therefore, his ideology is called Sarvang Yoga Darshan.1t is necessary to understand the metaphysics, epistemology, logic, axiology, and ethics of his Sarvang Yoga Darshan. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

 Metaphysics of Sri Aurobindo’s Sarvang Yoga Darshan

According to Sri Aurobindo, God is the creator of this universe. Now the question arises, how God creates this world? Sri Aurobindo has analyzed it on the basis of the theory of evolution.

According to him. there are two directions of evolution- avarohan (descent) and arohan (ascent). He clarified that Brahma takes the form of material world by avarohan (descent). He has mentioned seven steps of this descent-sat → chit → anand → atimanas → manas → prana → dravya. According to him man in this world. in his matter form ascends by arohan (ascent) to sat, his, original form or essence. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

He has mentioned seven steps of itdravya → prana → manas → atimanas → anand → chit → sat. He accepted Brahma as Sat (Essence) and God as sat-chit-anand. Sri Aurobindo has taken the soul in the purusha (God) form of Gita. In his view, the soul has two attributes of God-anand and chit. It transits through several yonis or species to enter human yoni and from this body proceeds towards sat.

Sri Aurobindo has taken man as a developed being. In his view, man is born at the third step of ascent, manas and after birth, he proceeds to atimanas, from atimanas to anand, from anand to chit, and from chit to sat. According to Sri Aurobindo, the ultimate aim of human life is the attainment of-sat + chit + anand, that is, God.

Sri Aurobindo opines about man’s development that the knowledge of matter is necessary for his physical development which can be attained through senses; and the knowledge of the self is necessary for his spiritual development which can be attained by yogic activities (yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and samadhi). Sri Aurobindo considered the need for education for all these. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

In his view, by education man should be given knowledge of his matter and prana forms at first; and then he should be given the knowledge of atimanas, anand, chit, and sat. For all these, he considered the necessity of a healthy body, pure mind, and self-restraint life. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

Epistemology and Logic of Sri Aurobindo’s Sarvang Yoga Darshan

According to Sri Aurobindo, the basic element in both physical and spiritual elements is Brahma. So to know the non-distinction of physical and spiritual elements is true knowledge. He has divided knowledge into two parts from the viewpoint of using material knowledge and spiritual knowledge. He considered material knowledge (worldly knowledge) as ordinary knowledge and spiritual knowledge as higher knowledge. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

In his view, the knowledge of the material world is got by the senses, and the knowledge of spiritual elements is got by the inner-self. For the knowledge of spiritual elements, he considered yogic activities (yama, niyam, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, and Samadhi) as necessary. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

 Axiology and Ethics of Sri Aurobindo’s Sarvang Yoga Darshan

Sri Aurobindo has mentioned seven steps of arohan (ascent)-dravya → prana → manas → atimanas → anand → chit –sat. According to him, man would have already crossed the steps of dravya, prana and man as at birth; after birth he has to attain the stages of atimanas, anand, chit and sat. According to him, the ultimate aim of human life is to attain anand + chit + sat.

For it, he has described Gila’s karma yoga and dhyan yoga as the means by which the yogi does not flee from the world but rather does his duty without expectation of any returns with a concentration in sat-chit-anand. It is necessary for such a karma yogi and dhyan yogi to have a healthy body, pure mind, and restrained life.

For it, Sri Aurobindo has accepted the significance of yogic activities (yama, niyam, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyan and samadhi). In his opinion, all these should form part of man’s conduct.

Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo

Sri Aurobindo is more famous as a philosopher, but he felt the need for a particular type of education in order to bring his philosophical principles into human life. On the other side, the prevalent education was not suitable for the well-being of the nation, therefore he presented a national plan of education. He expressed his thought pertaining to education mainly in his two books-National System of Education and Of Education. We present it in brief.

Concept of Education

Sri Aurobindo believed that man crosses the steps of ‘dravya’ and ‘prana’ to come to the condition of ‘manas’; after his birth, he has to arrive at the stage of ‘atimanas”, from there to ‘anand’, from anand to ‘chiť and from ‘chiť to‘sať. If we want to take him towards this development, we will have to give such education in which he comes to know his forms of dravya, prana, and manas, and to know the form and methods of attaining the stages onwards i.e., atimanas, anand, chit and sat.

According to Sri Aurobindo, this task can be done by education alone, the education that brings about man’s physical, mental, and spiritual development. He termed it integral education. In his words, “Education is the building of the power of human mind and spirit. It is the evoking of knowledge, character, and culture.”

Aims of Education

According to Sri Aurobindo, there are two chief functions of education-first, to acquaint man with his development process (spiritual); second, to develop in him the power to reach the stage of sat. Sri Aurobindo has presented the aims of education in the sequence of the development process. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

1. Aim of Physical Development: The first step of the development of this universe and human is dravya (matter). Sri Aurobindo wanted to acquaint man with this material world made from five great elements and his own physical form and wanted to train him in the activities of protection of his body. It is called the aim of physical development in other words.

According to Sri Aurobindo, attainment of sat+chit+anand is possible only by a healthy body, so the foremost aim of education should be the physical development of man. For the protection of his dravya form, man needs food, cloth, and shelter.

Therefore, he should be trained in a vocation or industry by education. It is called vocational development, in other words, Sri Aurobindo also knew that man lives this material life in society, therefore he also emphasized his social development, and included all these aims of education in man’s physical development.

2. Aim of Pranic Development: The second step of human development is prana. By prana, it meant that energy due to which changes in the universe occur. According to Sri Aurobindo, the second aim of education should be to develop this prana. According to him, in order to direct the prana of man in the proper direction, it is necessary to bring about his moral and character development and firm up his willpower. This development can take place only when senses are redirected from asat to sat path. Therefore, the training of senses should be the second aim of education. For it, he considered necessary the purification of body, mind, and inner-self.

3. Aim of Mental Development: Manas, that is mind, is the third step of human development. Manas is the most active part of our existence. Therefore, education should affect man’s mental development. According to the heir to Sri Aurobindo, Sri Mataji, the education of the mind has five components-awakening the power of attention; enhancing the extensiveness and prosperity of the mind; organizing all the thoughts towards the supreme aim; restraining the thoughts, and renouncing the evil thoughts; and development of mental-stability. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

For all this, Sri Aurobindo emphasized enhancing man’s imagination, memory, thinking, logic, and decision powers through yogic activities. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

4. Aim of Development of Inner-Self: Atimanas or inner-self is the fourth step of human development. Sri Aurobindo has mentioned four stages of this inner-self—chit, intellect, mind, and self-realization. Sri Aurobindo had experienced that at this level man can understand everything without the use of senses. Sat is realized by inner-self only. Therefore, education should affect the development of this inner self. For the development of this inner-self, Şri Aurobindo has considered the yogic method as necessary.

5. Aim of Spiritual Development: The final three steps of human development are—anand, chit, and sat. According to Sri Aurobindo, anand or bliss is that situation in which man does not feel happiness or sorrow, chit is that consciousness power by which man comes to know the real form of his own, of the universe and sat; and sat is the name given to pure existence. Sat is attained only by God, so sat is God. and God is sat. These three are spiritual levels.

In order to reach these levels, Sri Aurobindo has recommended karma yoga and dhyana yoga. For following these two paths, man needs yogic activities (yama, niyam, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyan and samadhi). According to him, this should be the final aim of education. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

Curriculum of Education

Sri Aurobindo has mentioned five aims of education-physical, pranic, mental, inner-self, and spiritual development. In his view, a synthesized effort has to be made for the attainment of all these aims, and for it, he has presented a detailed and integrated curriculum. For physical development he considered western science and technology necessary, so he included them in the curriculum, but he clarified that still more important is our own culture which is the culture of yoga; in its absence, we can misuse physical science and technology. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

We can present the curriculum proposed by him as follows:

Physical Subjects: Mother tongue and other languages of national and international importance, history, geography, sociology, economics, mathematics, science, psychology, hygiene, geology, agriculture, industry, commerce, and art.

Physical Activities: Games, exercise, production work, handicraft.

Spiritual Subjects: Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, theology, ethics, and religions and philosophies of different countries.

Spiritual Activities: Devotional songs, dhyana, and yoga.

But the study and training in all these subjects and activities will not be done in one day. They have been arranged in the following stages in Sri Aurobindo Ashrama:

Primary Level: Mother tongue, English, French, general science, mathematics, social studies and drawing, games, exercise, gardening, and devotional songs. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

Secondary Level: Mother tongue, English, French, mathematics, physics, chemistry, zoology, botany, hygiene, geology, social studies, drawing and games, exercise, gardening, agriculture, other handicrafts, devotional songs, dhyana, and yoga.

Higher Level: English literature, French literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, zoology, history of science, history of civilization, life science, sociology, psychology, Indian and western philosophies, international relations and world integration, agriculture, other handicrafts, and devotional songs, dhyan, and yoga.

 Methods of Teaching

Sri Aurobindo believed in the Evolution theory. According to him, there are seven steps of development— dravya ® prana ® manas ® atimanas ® ariand ® chit ® sat. Man is born at the third step and he needs to ascend the steps of atimanas ® anand ® chit ® sat. For it, he considered the need for a healthy body, pure heart, and restrained life. But the views of Sri Aurobindo about teaching methods are not fully clear. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

Sometimes he talks of the successive method as per the ancient teaching system, in which one or two subjects were taught at one time, and sometimes talks about the simultaneous education of several subjects and activities at one time in order to affect children’s physical, mental and spiritual development altogether.

On the one hand, he talks of providing education on the basis of a child’s physical powers, and on the other hand, accepts the significance of yogic activities. It is true, of course, that he wanted to innovate the ancient methods. He approved the preaching, lecture, and other oral methods, but with the condition that the children will not be compelled to learn by rote, rather they will assimilate knowledge by their own efforts. It can be possible only when teaching is interesting, for it talked of the story-telling method at the primary level. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

He supported the textbook method too, but in this regard, he said that the child should be motivated for the discovery of knowledge, and then he should be asked to read books. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

The child should not learn by rote from the books, but use them as ancillary and reference books. He asked to pay attention to this aspect when adopting the self-study method too.

In his view, yoga is the most suitable method of learning, but he considered self-activity, contemplation, and reasoning as the bases of it too. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

On the analysis of his views pertaining to teaching, we come to know the following facts :

  1. While teaching, the physical and mental capacity of the children and their interests should be kept in mind.
  2. Emphasis should be laid on understanding rather than on learning by rote.
  3. The children should be given maximum opportunities to do activities and they should be allowed to learn by self-experience.
  4. The children should be trained in the activities of the senses—restraint, contemplation, and meditation.
  5. The children should be treated with affection and sympathy. They should be free to do their work.
  6. The medium of education should be the mother tongue.
  7. Children’s cooperation should be sought at every level for progress.


In Sri Aurobindo’s views, doing duty willingly amounts to discipline. According to him, discipline is of great significance in the field of education. How this aim has to be attained, Sri Aurobindo has his own views about it. He related discipline with emotion, and emotion with morality. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

According to him, it is the responsibility of each teacher to fill in the minds of children with such emotions that they proceed towards goodness, abide by morality and concentrate on their studies.

According to his opinion, teachers should treat the children affectionately and sympathetically; strictness cannot beget true discipline. He termed punishment as inhuman activity. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

In this context, there is another thing that needs mention. It is that Sri Aurobindo believed in impressionistic discipline. According to him, teachers should present ideal conduct before the children, that the children imitate to march towards ideal conduct and then they take it as their duty to do so. In his view, true discipline is internal.


Sri Aurobindo has accepted the teacher as a guide and assistant to the children in the field of education. According to him, the teacher neither gives knowledge to the children, nor he develops it in them, rather he helps them in begetting knowledge themselves and develop it themselves. This task can be performed by the teacher who has knowledge about both students and the curriculum. He should study psychology in order to know the student, and he should study and get training in subjects and activities for the knowledge of the curriculum. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

According to Sri Aurobindo, the teacher should take forward the spirit of man. This task can be done by a person who has clear knowledge of spiritual subjects and is trained in yogic activities. Sri Aurobindo wanted to see the teacher in this form. He himself was a great yogi, so he wanted to make the teacher a yogi.


Sri Aurobindo considered students as the center of education. According to him, each child is born with certain general faculties and some specific abilities and · talents. There are great differences in these faculties and abilities. According to Sri Aurobindo, education for children should be provided on the basis of these faculties. He means to say that individual interests, aptitudes, and abilities of the children should be kept in view while arranging education for them.

According to Sri Aurobindo, the soul is complete in itself, all knowledge is inherent in it. This complete knowledge can be realized only when man follows celibacy and concentrates attentively. Sri Aurobindo expected this of the student according to him, each student should follow celibacy and should meditate on the discovery of true knowledge.

Besides, he also accepted the effect of a child’s environment on him. He knew that the child’s environment plays a great role in his development. He wanted to keep children in a higher environment, in which their sense organs are developed and trained and they proceed towards the discovery of truth. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)


According to Sri Aurobindo, each school should be helpful in both of physical and spiritual development of the children. He has laid emphasis on arranging the education of languages, literature, civilizations, and cultures of the world and mathematics and science, etc. for their physical development, and to give the children an opportunity for physical work, doing duty, doing service to humanity and meditation for their spiritual development. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

According to him, schools should be the centers of physical progress and yoga sadhana.

Sri Aurobindo did not distinguish between man and man, he did not accept any distinction on the basis of caste, religion, economic status, or color. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

According to him, all children should be given equal opportunities for admission to schools on the basis of their abilities, and they should be given facilities for learning their own language, religion, and culture. The environment in the schools should be replete with universal brotherhood. ‘Sri Aurobindo Antarrashtriya Shiksha Kendra’ established in Sri Aurobindo Ashrama is this type of educational center. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical and Educational Thought of Sri Aurobindo Study Notes)

Sri Aurobindo Antarrashtriya Shiksha Kendra is a residential co-education institute. It provides education from infant education to higher education and research, but of its own kind; for example:

  1. Kindergarten (infant level) age 3 to 5 years, 3-year course.
  2. Avani (primary level) age 6 to 8 years, 3-years course.
  3. Proge course (upper primary level) age 9 to 11 years, 3-years course.
  4. Annaba bair law pair faxio (secondary level) age 12 to 17 years, 6-years course.
  5. Higher course (higher level) age 18 to 20 years, 3- years course.

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