BEd 2nd Year Philosophical Thought of Tagore Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Philosophical Thought of Tagore Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Philosophical and Socialogical Perspective of Education. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition and Meaning of the Philosophical Thought of Tagore, Metaphysics of Vishvabodh Darshan, Epistemology and Logic of Vishvabodh Darshan, Axiology & Ethics of Vishvabodh Darshan.
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Philosophical Thought of Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore was born in a cultured, prosperous, and established family in Calcutta (Kolkata) on 6 May 1861. His father, Debendranath Tagore was a scholar, art lover, religious, social worker, patriot, and saintly man. Prosperity, simple life, and high thinking were the qualities of this family. Rabindranath Tagore was greatly influenced by all this. Gurudev had read the Vedas and Upanishads in his childhood. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical Thought of Tagore Study Material Notes)
The metaphysics of the Upanishads had a profound influence on him. Later it became the basis of his life. Gurudeva has not propounded any new philosophy, nor he has applied his energy in the analysis of any philosophy, but as a speaker, writer, and poet, the thoughts he has displayed, give a clear picture of his philosophical thought.
Gurudev was a breeder of Upanishadic philosophy. He saw Upanishadic philosophy from a humanistic viewpoint. He considered the existence of God in all beings of the universe and on this basis, emphasized creating the feeling of the union in all beings of the world. Some scholars term the philosophical thought of Gurudev as Vishwabodh Darshan
Some scholars commit the mistake of analyzing the philosophical thought of Gurudev in the context of western philosophy. Gurudev believed in the soul and God, so some scholars consider him to be an idealist. Gurudev considered this material world as true and real, so some scholars consider him to be a realist. Gurudev loved nature, he considered it to be simple, pure, and joyful, so some scholars consider him to be a naturalist. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical Thought of Tagore Study Material Notes)
Gurudev emphasized the practical aspect of human life, so some scholars consider him to be a pragmatist. In this context, we have to submit that Gurudev was much influenced by the Upanishads and he tried to look at the Upanishadic philosophy with a humanistic attitude; his philosophical thought is fully Indian, and it has no concern with eastern philosophies. We shall present the metaphysics, epistemology, logic, axiology, and ethics of Gurudev’s philosophical thought.
Metaphysics of Vishvabodh Darshan
Gurudev considered this universe as the manifestation of God’s personality. According to him, this God-made world is as true as God Himself. He has accepted God in both forms—Nirankara (formless) and Sakara (with form). According to him, He is Nirankari as a creator and is Sakara in the form of the universe (nature). Gurudev experienced God as every particle of nature.
Gurudev has accepted the soul in three forms according to the Upanishads. In its first form, it inclines man toward self-defense; in its second form, it inclines man toward the discovery of knowledge and attainment of infinite realization, and in its third form it inclines man towards understanding its infinite form. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical Thought of Tagore Study Material Notes)
According to Gurudev, these three functions are the natural qualities of the soul. Gurudev considered self-realization as the ultimate aim of human life. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical Thought of Tagore Study Material Notes)
Gurudev considered man to be a being having a soul and said that the ultimate aim of human life is the attainment of self-realization. He has divided human life into two aspects—physical and spiritual. In the physical aspect, he has included his own body, his natural environment, his family, and his social, cultural, economic, and political life; and in the spiritual aspect, he has included his soul.
Gurudev had clear views about the development of man that physical means are needed for his physical development, and social service and prem yoga sadhana are needed for his spiritual development. He clarified that love for mankind can make man experience Ekatmabhava (unity of soul). (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical Thought of Tagore Study Material Notes)
Epistemology and Logic of Vishvabodh Darshan
The greatest feature of our Indian philosophy is attracting significance to both the physical and spiritual aspects of man. In this context, the following sutta from the Ishopanishad is worth mentioning :
सात : अन्धं तमः प्रविशन्ति ये अविद्यामुपासता
.. ततो भूय इव ते तमो य उ विद्यायां रतः।।
that is, the people who worship only avidya (ignorance), that is, the world, enter the darkness, and the people who are busy in only Brahma vidya (spiritual knowledge), they enter even more darkness.)
Gurudev too favored this opinion. He attached equal significance to both physical and spiritual knowledge. He called the knowledge of the physical world useful knowledge and the knowledge of the spiritual world pure knowledge. In his view, the feeling of unity in all living beings and non-living things of the world is the ultimate truth and its experience is the ultimate aim of human life.
Regarding the means of attainment of knowledge, Gurudev has clarified that the knowledge of physical objects and activities is got through physical means (senses), and the knowledge of spiritual elements (soul and God) is got through abstract means (yoga). Of the abstract means, he has accepted the significance of prem yoga. He clarified that for the knowledge of the spiritual element, the easiest way is the prem marga (path of love), love alone makes us sensitive towards mankind, it makes us experience the feeling of unity and help us in attaining self-realization or God. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical Thought of Tagore Study Material Notes)
Axiology and Ethics of Vishvabodh Darshan
Gurudev considered man as the total sum of physical and spiritual powers and laid emphasis on the development of both of them. For it, he emphasized making man a good man, a man who is healthy by the body, pure at heart and sensitive, who has a love for mankind, and who loves every particle of nature. He considered love as a universal value and wanted to make it the basis of thought and conduct of man. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical Thought of Tagore Study Material Notes)
He argued that love is that feeling which makes man sensitive to another man and inclines man towards human service. He believed that love can also make physical life happy and can help attain spiritual wholeness.
This is the reason that all programs of Gurudev-village service, social service, national service, and international understanding were based on love. He reasoned that in the absence of love even the feeling for human service cannot be aroused. Gurudev considered human service as God’s service. (BEd 2nd Year Philosophical Thought of Tagore Study Material Notes)