BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Principles of Hidden Curriculum of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, Meaning, and importance of Principles of Hidden Curriculum, Scope of Hidden Curriculum in Education. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.
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Principles of Hidden Curriculum
The hidden curriculum should be based on the following principles:
(i) It should be clearly understood that according to the best, educational thought “the curriculum does not include only the academic subjects traditionally taught in the school but it includes the totality of experiences that a pupil receives through the manifold activities that go in the school, in the classroom, library, laboratory, workshop playground, and in numerous informal contract between teachers and pupils.” It should be objective-centered. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
(ii) There should be enough variety and flexibility in the curriculum to allow for individual differences and adaptation to individual needs and interests. my attempt to impose on the student, a subject for which they have neither ay liking nor interest, will be unproductive and ungainful. There are, of course, certain broad areas of knowledge skill, and appreciation with which all children must co in the curriculum. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
(iii) The curriculum must be vitally and organically related to community life, interpreting for the child is salient-significant activity. In order to be effective and socially useful, it must be dynamic in nature and be suited to the needs and exigencies of new circumstances. Now, when the country is free and independent, it must reflect our new democratic ideology, of a secular welfare state, which has opened equal opportunities for all its citizens. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
Our curriculum in secondary schools must prepare the youths of tomorrow with a sense of robust citizenship so that they make the best of their educational opportunities. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
The curriculum framed must be capable of adaptation to local needs and life situations of students. Today, when the whole words are also closely knit together it must foster in them intercalation understanding.
(iv) The curriculum should not be narrow but broad-based in its scope and should be designed to train the students not only for work but. leisure social and aesthetic. Sportive activities should be introduced to realize this objective.
It should also provide them with pursuits and afford them better and more wholesome opportunities for the creative utilization of their leisure. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
(v) Our curriculum must present knowledge in an integrated way unified and correlated with the other branches of knowledge. Its number is an isolated and uncoordinated watertight subject.
Different subjects should be interrelated and within each subject, the content should be envisaged as far as possible as, “bread fields.” Units of teaching should be correlated better and functionally with the life and environment of pupils rather than with narrow bits of information. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
(vi) At the high school stage, there is still another criterion that will have to be observed. At the end of this stage, many students leave school to enter life. So our curriculum must make provision for vocational and technical courses of study. Courses on technical, industrial, and agricultural bias should be introduced. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
Along with this, a reasonable amount of general education should be given to make the students more informed and cultured. The opening of the multi-purpose schools now provides for the certain core subject as well as certain optional subjects catering to the aptitudes and capacities of children. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
(vii) For the successful functioning of democracy, it is essential that people acquire social efficiency and they learn to live co-operatively, contributing their mite to the welfare and betterment of the society of which they are integral pails. The curriculum, through its varied educational programs, must afford our children concrete opportunities to live their DVC democratically so that they learn to subordinate their personal interests to the overall good of the community.
Scope of Hidden Curriculum in Education
The hidden curriculum is, therefore, very comprehensive in its scope. It touches all aspects of the life of the pupils—the needs and interests of pupils, environ which should be educationally congenial to them; ways and manner in which their interests can be handled and warmed up, and the procedures and app which cause effective learning among them, the social efficiency individuals and how they fit in with the community around. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
It is related to the individual as a member of society. It embodies educational philosophy, the values that it aims to achieve, the propose wants to realize and the specific goals that it wants to achieve. The emp. on the child. In the total education of the child, all the subjects like geography, science, and language are but tools. They are the means and the children must not be made to fit into the such study.
In planning education curriculum development is an important necessary activity. It has the following uses:
- Realization of Education Objectives. An organization of education based on the curriculum. The curriculum development is done in view to realize the objectives of education. Thus the curriculum is the means for achieving the educational objectives.
- Proper Use of Time and Energy. It provides guidelines to the teacher as well as to students. What a teacher has to teach and while the students have to learn. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
- Acquisition of knowledge. The curriculum is the mean for acquiring knowledge. Actually, human knowledge is one but is divided into subjects from the convenience and organization point of view. Thus, the curriculum the different subjects.
- Determining the Structure of the Content. Every subject content has its wide structure which is to be taught from the lower level to the higher level. Thus the main task of curriculum development is to determine the structure of content, for a particular stage of teaching. Thus, the curriculum of different subjects is designed from the primary level to the university level.
- Development of Personality. The curriculum is also important and significant for the personality development of the student. The curriculum is designed which helps in developing the good qualities of the students. It helps develop the physical, social, and moral qualities of the learners. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
- Preparation of Text-Books. The curriculum provides the guidelines mi bases for preparing textbooks for the use of students and subject teachers. the curriculum is changed or modified, the textbooks are also changed. A good textbook has a wide coverage of the curriculum content of a subject. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
- Conducting Examination. Our education is examination centered. The students have forces to obtain good marks in the examination. Thus, examinations are prepared as per the curriculum of the subject, senility students also see the content for the examination. Thus, the curriculum is the basis of teaching learning and testing.
- Organizing Teaching Learning Situations. The teaching-learning situations are organized in view of the curriculum. Teaching work is also assigned with to help of the curriculum. (BEd 2nd Year Principles of Hidden Curriculum Study Material Notes)
- The decision about Instructional Methods. The instructional methods are selected and used in view of the curriculum. The same content is taught from memory to the reflective level. It may be teacher-centered or learner-centered instruction.
- Development of Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude. The nature of the curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, skills, attitude, and creative ability. It also helps in developing leadership qualities.