BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Pedagogy of Social Science. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Social Studies Long Question Answers which are very important in the Examination of Bed Padelogy of Social Science.
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Relationship of Teacher
1. Teacher and his Pupils. The relation between the teacher and the pupil, in one phrase, must be that of a parent and the child, because a teacher is in locoparentis (the second parent). In forming intimate and cordial relationships with the pupils, the teacher must follow certain principles of conduct. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
Firstly, he must know the child well and discover his abilities, interest, aptitudes, likes, and dislikes. There should be no scope for misunderstanding the child. And in order to understand the child, he may have to come down to the level of the child, and he may have to mix with him. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
Secondly, he must respect the child, sympathize with his instinctive needs, and take a genuine interest in him. He must attempt to develop among the pupils an attitude of respect for confidence in, and cooperation with himself. His behavior should neither to stern and rigid so as to make himself unapproachable, nor lax and non-serious so as to create non-see the pupils. He must not rule by fear.
Our late president Zakir Hussain says, “The teacher’s task is not to dictate in faith or dominate, lie is to help and serve in understand, and shape in faith, love, and reverence-yes, reverence, for the child.” Teachers like these can be trusted in our Indian education which alone can bring about change in our society which is visible crying. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
K.G. Saiyidain remarks: “Under any authoritarian regime when the basis of the relationship is fear of one sort or the other. It is often possible to get certain routines done efficiently. But under such conditions it is often impossible, to bring into rapport the best elements in the personality of the teacher.”
Thirdly, he must be easily accessible to pupils and must bear a democratic attitude. He must shun 19th-century egotism, false dignity, and vanity. No rebukes should there be on his tongue, and no can in his hand. In the words of Vivekananda, “A true teacher is one who can immediately come down to the level of the students, and transfer his soul to the student’s soul and see through and understand through his mind.”
He must mix with the pupils and with them. There is an ancient dictum that a teacher should be prepared to accept defeat from his pupil or his son. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
Fourthly, his behavior should be exemplary. He must act as there and must do nothing himself, that he forbids the pupils to do. Hence he avoids smoking, drinking, gambling, and spitting. Rebuking quarreling and all unworthy actions. He must not be a hypocrite. His behavior has a direct influence on the pupils. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
As says Professor T.P. Nunn, “The teacher can more prevent himself from acting on his pupils by suggestion, imitation, sympathy or otherwise than he can make himself invisible in the classroom.” His personal contact must inspire in their love of knowledge It has been found that there is a good correlation between the pupils’ liking a particular subject and liking the teacher who teaches that subject.
Hence the teacher should remember that I exert abiding influence in the formation of the pupils’ character, and his or her character should be above board and beyond reproach.
Robert Browning describes an ideal teacher in the following words:
“What that had loved him so, followed him, honored him.
Lived in his mind and magnificent eye.
Learned his great language, caught his clear accents,
Made him our pattern to live and to.”
The responsibility of the teacher is still great when we know his importance to his pupils is lasting. The teacher engraves something that is everlasting. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
Daniel-Webster says,
“If we work upon marble It will perish;
If we work upon brass, Time will crumble into dust.
But if we work upon immortal souls, if we imbibe them with Principle.
With the just fear of God and love of our fellow men,
We engrave on these tablets something that will all eternity.
The Fifth principle is “justice’. Any display of favoritism on the part of the teacher is detrimental to the best interests of the pupils thus favored and may stimulate group resentment. He must be free from prejudices or any communal bias. Again, he must not attribute bad motives to all cases of misbehavior. He must rather wait and reflect, analyze properly and then deal with the situation. Rashes lead him to injustice. He must be somewhat tolerant. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
Commendation or disapproval should be directed not towards the individual but towards the act, and hence he must refrain from making personal attacks. He must be calm and judicious in difficult situations. He should neither have favorites nor enemies. All are his own pupils, his own children. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
As says Aurobindo Ghosh, “The teacher is not an instructor or task-master. He is a helper and guide. His business is to suggest and not to impose.” His behavior should, therefore, be sympathetic, friendly, and just.
The Sixth principle is ‘tact”. Tact is another word for common sense. The teacher must handle the pupils tactfully. He must make judicious use of praise and blame. He must sometimes pat them and sometimes pull their ears. He may be intimately acquainted with the family of every one of the pupils, but he should not reveal that in the classroom.
He should not discuss pupils in the presence of others. That will not help pupils’ morale. He should be wise enough to be un-susceptible to flattery by the pupils. He should be objective and refrain from flattery. He must know when and how to exercise his authority. He must come up to their expectations. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
All these points are matters of common sense, and he is expected to deal with even the most difficult situations through common sense and tact. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
2. His Relations with his Colleagues. In this connection, a questions Crow and Crow is reproduced below:
“What young people and their parents do not always understand is the fact teaching is a strenuous activity which demands a degree of emotional control and an understanding of human nature that cannot be appreciated unless one actually participates in the teaching situations.”
“Too often an unusually brilliant teacher appears to be unable to recognize the learning difficulties of pupils whose mental abilities are considerably less than his own.”
The teacher should be tolerant and cooperative. As teaching in a school is a cooperative enterprise, a teacher’s attitude towards other members of staff should be that of a member of the same family. His attitude should be one of ‘live and help live ‘. He should be obliging and cooperative in all his dealings with them and should refrain from speaking ill of a few teachers.
He should avoid backbiting and unnecessary interference in the tasks assigned to others. He should e teaching the ability of others, regardless of the difference. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
A desire for self-aggrandizement is to be deplored. All teachers must work towards a common end, and place the welfare of the pupils ahead of all other considerations. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
Differences in the staff due to certain factors. Firstly, there are instances in which ambition, jealousy, or recognition of personal inferiority cause a teacher or belittle the achievement of his fellows and to exhibit an uncooperative attitude. The teacher may pull each other’s legs and criticize each other’s actions vehemently before others or before the headmaster.
Secondly, a teacher out of frustration may criticize the school system in which he works. The display of such an undesirable attitude creates problems for him and for others. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
Thirdly, there might be differences and professional disagree the elder group of teachers (who consider themselves, veterans. group) (who are critical of their elders as the latter are of the young people). The older teachers need not fear criticism for their young co-workers, beginning teachers should have an attitude of respect towards their old.
Hence the teacher’s attitude towards his co-workers should cooperative and objective. But friendship should not be brought into the school hours to the extent of interfering with the normal routine should not exchange notes on personal matters with his colleagues, or Indulge in long conversations, wasting the time of the No untoward behavior should be shown towards colleagues in the presence of the pupils. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
Pupils who become aware of teacher antagonism tend to use these to their own advantage. They carry tales to one teacher against another. This should be discouraged. A closely-knit and friendly faculty are a sure means of developing school loyalty and general friendliness among pupils. Rifts in the staff have a detrimental effect on the school discipline.
3. Teacher’s Attitudes towards Superiors. The teacher must work with his superiors (his headmaster or the inspecting officer) in a spirit of friend and understanding cooperation, loyal and obedient to them, and must give them fullest cooperation.
Antagonism between the teacher and the headmaster is not an uncommon observation. The causes of this antagonism are twofold:
Firstly, the supervisor or the headmaster himself may be responsible for creating an unhealthy reaction in the minds of his subordinates through his deliberate partiality and prejudices and due to his attitude towards the many details of the school management. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
The basis (Political or otherwise) upon which the headmaster obtained his position may work as a cause of resentment among, the staff in such cases, the supervisor should modify his behavior so as to w the hearts of the staff members.
The staff members also must know some bread of vision and tolerance in accommodating their supervisor to some degree. The approach to each other must be from both sides. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
Secondly, the teacher himself may tend to be individualistic, and into he may feel irritated over petty matters when he is asked to do a particular job in a particular way that he does not like. He may not be able to appreciate the decision of the headmaster and may hold quite opposite views. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
In both cases, the teacher should try to have a perfect understanding supervisor. He should not entertain any secret hostility and should anything dishonoring the headmaster. Even in the staff meeting, he may express a difference of opinion but once the decisions have been arrived at, binding to carry out these decisions. In no case should be cooperation. He should be at his back and call, ready to carry out orders with a willing heart. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
4. Teachers and Parents. In the interest of pupils, a teacher should have an intimate relationship with the parents. He may know the pupil better if he knows his parents and his family background. Hence the teacher should take all the measures of contacting the parents such as visits to homes, sending progress reports, inviting parents to school functions, and finally organizing a parent-teacher association. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
It is the duty of the teacher to educate the parents also. For this purpose, he should arrange special lectures, cinema shows, exhibitions, etc. in the school and the parents should be invited. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
The parents may have their own special problems which they want to communicate to the teachers. It is only when there are free and frequent connections between rents and the teacher that all the problems concerning the child can be solved. Teachers need to get co-operation in the discharge of their duties. Parents can adopt a philanthropic attitude and give material help.
It has been observed that the parent are sometimes unnecessarily critical of the teachers. The teacher should use his restraint and show tolerance. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
It is convinced the parent through reasoning and other modes of persuasion, to pay him back in some coin. The teacher also should not be unmindful of the financial, professional, and other problems of the parents.
For instance, he can help the parents in the solution of the following problems:
(i) mid-day meals,
(ii) procuring stationery and books at concessional rates.
(iii) arranging conveyance for coming and going to the school,
(iv) providing medical and
(v) bestowing stipends and scholarships to the needs, and
(vi) providing special coaching.
5. Teacher and Community. The school springs from the community and works for the enrichment of the community. The teacher should re-establish this forgotten relationship between the two. The community, if invited to take interest in all that the school strives to achieve, is sure to look to the needs and requirements of the school. The teacher should not entertain the wrong notion teacher, is a resource local postmaster, of such society therefore, establish the fullest contact with the community political organizations which have a cultural and social aim. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
Often the teacher’s social relations are confined to their own professional group, and this isolates them from other professions. In the present-day democratic setup, social cohesion is necessary for mutual understanding and mutual welfare.
Hence a teacher should join not only a profession, or organization but also should take as much interest in the community as a doctor or an engineer or a businessman takes. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)
It is only through social interaction that he will be able to find for himself a status and respected place. Isolation will turn him to be an outcast. (BEd 2nd Year Relationship of Teacher Study Material Notes)