BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Pedagogy of Social Science. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, and Meaning of the Seminar and Seminar Presentation.
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Seminar Presentation
Seminar presentation is a type of method of collective or team learning in which all participants attempt to realize the teaching-learning objectives in the subject through the experiences acquired in seminar activities in a proper and effective manner. The following two factors are given prominence in this connection:
- First, the objectives of a seminar presentation.
- Second, the circumstances under which this task is performed.
According to the above two factors, seminar presentation takes formal or non-formal form to play a significant role in teaching-learning the subject. (BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes)
There are three steps in the process of seminar presentation:
(A) Preparation for seminar presentation.
(B) Presentation of the seminar.
(C) Follow-up work of seminar presentation. These steps are being discussed as follows:
(A) Preparation for Seminar Presentation. It is necessary for the successful organization of a seminar that appropriate preparation is done in advance. (BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes)
The students and teachers can undertake the following steps:
- Knowledge of the Subject and Objectives. It is essential that the participating students have a clear knowledge of the following:
(a) What is the subject/topic of the seminar?
(b) What is the purpose of its organization?
(c) What is its concept?
(d) What is the methodology of participation in the seminar?
(e) How can the seminar help in knowing and understanding biological sciences?
(f) What is its format?
In fact, the purpose of the organization of seminars is educational.
From this view, the organization of seminars in biological sciences has the purpose of realization of teaching-learning objectives in these subjects. (BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes)
- Selection from Syllabus. It is essential that seminar presentation does not remain a mere formality, rather it should prove to be an innovative and useful method for teaching-learning of biological sciences. So, it would be proper to make the following efforts:
(i) At first the teacher should select some suitable units, topics, departments, or parts from the syllabus in biological sciences classes.
(ii) Then he should carefully see that the selected material is suitable for being used in seminar presentations.
Some of the selected seminar topics in reference to the teaching of biological sciences are as follows:
(i) Nature and area of biological sciences.
(ii) Conservation of natural resources properly.
(iii) Identification and control of crop diseases and description of suitable pesticides.
(iv) Methods of identification of adulteration in food items.
(v) Preservation of food items from harm and their storage.
(vi) Different body systems, such as the digestive system, blood circulation system; respiratory system, nervous system, etc.
(vii) Common ailments of man, their characteristics, and precautions.
(viii) Bacteria, viruses, and other insects.
- Selection. Anyone subject or topic can be selected after a with all students to divide it into sub-topics, parts, etc. for the seminar Its benefit is that the students make their preparation according to and capabilities. For example, if we have selected adulteration it can be divided into sub-topics or parts as follows:
(1) Adulteration in grains.
(ii) Adulteration in oils.
(iii) Adulteration in condiments.
(iv) Adulteration in liquids, such as milk, oils, etc.
After the above division, the students select one of the sub-ton viewpoints of their interests and abilities. In case a student is unable teacher should help select a suitable topic for his seminar presentations. A team of 4-5 students can select a sub-topic and prepare it for collective presentation. (BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes)
- Instruction, Aid, Facilities. When the students have selected topics, the teacher has to perform the following tasks :
The teacher should provide the students with adequate time and facilities for preparation for seminar presentations on their respective topics. (BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes)
In this respect, the following tasks should be left to the students’ discretion:
(i) They can prepare in the way they desire voluntarily.
(ii) They can use the human and biological resources of the school in a way deemed fit by them.
(iii) They can seek the type of guidance and counseling from the teacher as they think fit.
Of course, the methodology for seminar presentation being adopted by the students should be intimated to the teacher. It is in view of making suitable arrangements accordingly. (BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes)
The teacher should make clear to the students that it would not be acceptable only to read out the written matter on the sub-topics. On the contrary, they would have to make their best, most suitable, and effective presentation. In this regard, they can use the following in a meaningful way:
(i) Display of transparencies.
(ii) Use of overhead projector.
(iii) Display of pictorial items.
(iv) Performance of activities.
It should be made clear to the students that when the student or students’ team has presented its views on a sub-topic, all students would take an active part in the process of collective discussion. (BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes)
Seminar Presentation
The students will present their views in the form of a seminar before everybody at the specified time on the specified sub-topic. should be kept in view in this regard:
- Specified Turn. In the seminar presentation session, the students will present their views in a specified turn or order. For it, the students will be provided opportunities for seminar presentations according to the list already made.
- No Interference in Between. The student or team should be given adequate opportunity and freedom in presenting his/its views on the seminar sub-topic as specified. He/it should not be subjected to interference.
Whatever has to be said or commented upon in the presentation should be said during the collective discussion at the end of the seminar presentation. (BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes) - Availabilities of Facilities. The students will be provided the needful facilities and teaching aids in the presentation of their sub-topic, such as:
(i) Operation of the projector.
(ii) Changing of slides.
(iii) Help in the display of transparencies.
(iv) Providing assistance in demonstration of experiments, etc.
- Recording the Proceedings. The proceedings of the seminar presentation should be recorded. Audio-video tape cassette recording is helpful for future guidance, evaluation, and reform. (BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes)
- Some Freedoms at the End of Seminar Presentation. After the seminar presentation has ended, the participating students should be provided the following freedoms:
(i) To ask questions.
(ii) To resolve any doubts.
(iii) To express their views on a specific aspect.
It is essential that the student presenting the seminar acquires sufficient proficiency in this task. In such a situation, he would be able to answer questions related to curiosity, doubts, and related topics. (BEd 2nd Year Seminar Presentation Study Material Notes)
Follow-up Work to Seminar Presentation
The arrangement of follow-up work at the end of the seminar presentation is very important. The following aspects should be paid attention to for the success of this task:
- Achievement. The achievement of the seminar presentation should be evaluated for the following:
(i) Objectives of a seminar presentation.
(ii) The level of achievement in the realization of these objectives.
- Questions and Doubts. There can be the following possibilities regarding the achievements of knowledge, honor, and skills of a specific topic by seminar presentation:
(i) Some questions may go unanswered.
(ii) Some doubts may not have been resolved.
These points will be attempted to be solved during the collective discussion.
If need be, the teacher will himself present or perform necessary demonstrations or other activities.
- Shortcomings and Inconveniences. The collective discussion should be conducted on the following topics:
(i) What are the shortcomings of the seminar presentation?
(ii) What type of difficulties were faced?
(iii) What inconveniences were confronted?
(iv) What type of achievements were acquired by the students with a view to the achievement of suitable learning experiences?
- Use of Experiences. The experiences acquired by the students from the seminar presentation programs will be used from the following if need be:
(i) From inter-class teaching-learning of the topic.
(ii) From laboratory.
(iii) From the activities to be done in the workshop.