BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Pedagogy of Social Science. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Social Studies Long Question Answers which are very important in the Examination of Bed Pedagogy of Social Science.
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Social Science Club
In school/colleges, co-curricular activities have their own important co-curricular activities that help the child to go ahead and provide power for personality development. (BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes)
In the area of Social Studies, Social Clubs’ most natural means by which he gets a chance to show suppress unconscious talents. These clubs develop the spirit of and citizenship. With the help of these clubs, a number of educational objectives can be achieved. (BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes)
Objectives of Social Science Clubs
(1) Development of social leadership.
(ii) To develop affection towards national life and try to improve it.
(iii) Making the students perfect in scientific jobs and developing their self-confidence.
(iv) Developing a positive outlook towards social occupations.
(v) To help the students to find a solution to their problems related to Biology.
(vi) Social Studies identifying the needs and problems and finding their solutions.
(vi) Teaching the studies by identifying the needs and problems and finding their solutions.
(viii) Allow the students the use of their intelligence in different situations.
(ix) To help children develop good character, useful citizenship, and a correct spirit of patriotism.
(x) To help children develop feelings of mutual courtesy.
(xi) To familiarize the students with modern social students developments which are affecting human life.
(xii) To perform studies in connection with the basic principles of social studies.
(xiii) To give rise to the feeling of discovery and development.
(xiv) To develop the interest of students in Social Studies and make proper use of vacation.
(xv) To organize and arrange Social Studies fairs, exhibitions, tours dramas, games films, etc.
(xvi) To collaborate with other Social Studies clubs.
Organisation Social Science Clubs
To establish a Social Studies club, it is important to fix objectives, and how they will be achieved i.e., methods to achieve the set objectives. The list of the expenditure involved and other job accomplishments should be given to the headmaster of the school for his permission and co-operation. (BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes)
Besides the headmaster, all students of Social Studies and other students with having interest and love for Social Studies should also cooperate. At the time of establishment, the meeting should be told and its importance highlighted. A constitution of this organization should be formulated. (BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes)
The constitution should have the entrance of the following:
(1) Name of Institution,
(2) Objectives,
(3) Scope,
(4) Membership,
(5) Office-bearers,
(6) Treasury,
(7) Meeting time and place,
(8) Activities.
Given below is a draft of the constitution of the Social Studies Club to guide the teacher of Social Studies.
- Name of Institution. Social Studies Club.
- Area of Work. (i) School, (ii) Community.
- Objectives. Besides the objectives given earlier the following objectives can be included:
(i) To prepare community-related plans and execute them.
(ii) To impart knowledge of new discoveries in Social Studies to the community and to explain their importance to them.
(iii) To provide leadership to students in the following subject: Give a speech. To write essays on subjects related to Social Studies. To keep an account of new publications of Social Studies. (BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes)
(iv) To publish different bulletins and magazines related to Social Studies.
(v) To conduct workshops and seminars on problems related to Social Studies.
- Membership. In this, the teachers should think over as to which students can be members of the club who can co-operate in achieving suitable objectives like:
(i) Active Members. All students of Social Studies.
(ii) General Members. Those students who are studying other subjects related to social studies (like History, Civics, Geography, Sociology, Economics, etc. (BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes)
(iii) Honorary Members. Ex. Student of Social Studies and of other students of other Social Science subjects.
(iv) Life Members. All those people who are related to Social Studio and have a great interest in Social Studies can pay a nominal fee of Rs. 50 or Rs. 100/- and become life members. (BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes)
(v) Office Bearers. The office bearers of the club can be the following-
Patron, Teacher Advisors.
(1) Chairman, (2) Vice Chairman, (3) Secretary, (4) Vice Secretary in Treasurer, (6) Editor, (7) Recorder
Under the office bearer’s act everything like on which post, what person, how he can be elected, and what all will be his responsibilities should be clearly written. (BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes)
- Executive. In this all office bearers, class representatives, all Social Studies, vocational heads, and members.
- Treasury. There should be clear-cut instructions as to where the money for the various jobs of the club will be obtained, how and how much will be collected fee, and where and how the money will be kept.
- Meeting of the Club and Venue. In the constitution, it should be clearly mentioned who can call a meeting, the venue and time of the meeting, and how many members should be present. (BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes)
- Activities. Mainly the following types of activities can be organized by the club:
(i) Tours.
(ii) Fairs and Exhibition.
(iii) Collection of Pictures, Models, etc., inserted with Social Studies.
(iv) Museum.
(v) Conduct meetings.
(vi) Going around the country.
(vii) Debate, oration, and essay competitions.
(viii) To have a Bulletin Board and make proper use of this.
(ix) To prepare a description of Scholars of Social-Studies subjects life and work and putting up their photographs.
(x) Publish Magazine.
(xi) Organising speech programs, lectures, etc.
For proper management of these activities Geography circle and History. the circle should be made and these clubs can work according to Economy circle, Sociology circle, Civics circle. (BEd 2nd Year Social Science Club Study Material Notes)