BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Pedagogy of Social Science. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Social Studies Long Question Answers which are very important in the Examination of Bed Pedagogy of Social Science.
Social Studies Laboratory is one of the most Scoring parts of the BEd Examination. The most important Topics Coming in the Bed examination are Bed Physical Science Notes, Bed Notes for English medium pdf, and Bed Study Material Notes. If you are preparing for the BEd examination, BSC examination, CCC examination, BBA examination, MBA examination, MCom examination, or Bcom examination this will help you a lot. On you will find all types of Notes including CBSE, Bcom, CCC, BSC, MCom, NEILET, UPTET, and TET.
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Social Studies Laboratory
Need of Social Studies Laboratory
Subjects like sciences and handicrafts require considerable apparatus equipment. These are taught in laboratories specifically equip for them. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)
A specially equipped laboratory is needed for the social the following reasons:
- Providing a Home for Social Studies Teacher. To in studies teacher with the requisite faith in himself, and imbued with imaginative strength, he has to be provided with a home of his o vital apparatus in the social studies laboratory is the social studies himself. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)
However, the provision of a “home of his own” is necessary to develop an enthusiasm for the subject and to provide him with the best opportunities for awakening a corresponding interest in his pupils. - Creating and Maintaining an Effective Atmosphere. Being well-equipped with equipment and materials for teaching in a social studies laboratory will help in creating and maintaining a much-needed atmosphere. For example, wall displays of varied types can motivate juniors. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)
- Providing an Activity Centre. The laboratory will also provide a good activity center for the seniors.
- Making Teaching More Effective. Specialist accommodation provides greater scope for variety in teaching methods. It facilitates the use of teaching aids. The permanent display of important maps and globes, pictures and charts, and constant reference to them by the teacher will make the teaching of social studies effective, lively, and interesting.
- Providing a Quick and Ready Functional Environment. As mastery of essentials in social studies extends beyond the theoretical knowledge there should be provision for functional activities. The classroom facilities must be capable of rapid transformation into a laboratory setting. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)
As activities and the practical solution to problems characterize every unit or topic the physical equipment must provide a work room for the pupils. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes) - Saving Teaching Time. A permanent base will save a lot of time for equipment like maps, models, charts, projectors, etc., to carry round the school. Blackboard can be prepared beforehand, and the diagrams can be preserved for future use.
- Using Diverse Methodology. A social studies laboratory is highly desirable in any secondary school as the teacher may use a diverse methodology and go beyond the simple use of one textbook and a rigid curricular pattern.
Essentials of Social Studies Laboratory
- Proper Building. The social studies laboratory building should have a few basic essentials: good lighting and ventilation, adequate bookcases and other storage facilities, and tables and chairs to accommodate the students and teachers who are to work in it. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)
With a proper arrangement for ventilation and light, the wall space could be utilized for the display of the chalkboard, bulletin board, models, maps, and bookshelves. It should have the scope to serve as an audio-visual room as well. - Suitable Arrangement. The laboratory should be suitably arranged to provide an inviting and stimulating atmosphere. Unlike the bare-walled and fixed type of classroom, the arrangement of furniture and display should be informal to give an impression that something interesting is happening in the room. It should be a place where one is expected to do things, rather than asked to recite formal lessons. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)
- Necessary Furniture. The necessary items of furniture in a social studies laboratory are working tables, chairs, shelves, stands, map racks, almirahs, and blackboards. The tables should be small and flat which can be easily rearranged for group work. The general arrangement of the room should be determined by the teacher and students, for discussion, forums, group work, or viewing a film. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)
- Sufficient Equipment. A social studies laboratory should possess these equipments:
(i) Maps. Historical, economic, geographical, political, social, and pictorial maps of all the countries.
(ii) Charts. Different types of charts-Geography charts, Flow charts, Tabulation charts, and Time charts. Relationship charts need to be provided. These may be purchased from the market or prepared by the teacher or pupils or both.
(iii) Time Lines. A timeline that should run halfway along the wall, painted or made of either hardboard or cardboard. While teaching important dates and persons should be marked appropriately all along with the line.
The pictures of the important persons about whom the class is to study can be nailed to help in making the pupils familiar with the lives of great persons. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)
(iv) Time Graphs. These may be provided to show the gradual and incidental rise and fall of the dynasties, the progress of rival powers, ideas and cultures, personages, and movements. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)
(v) Models. There should be models depicting dams and projects, the solar system, the motion of the earth, changes of seasons, etc. Along with relief models in life in different parts of the world, sources of history, and great men of different kinds. Models can be prepared by the pupils under the guidance of the teacher. Ready-made models may be purchased from the market.
(vi) Slide Album. These should be there containing slides showing de architecture, sculpture, paintings, dancing, music, etc.
(vii) Flags. Flags of different nations of the world may be provided with explanatory notes.
(viii) Goods. Locally manufactured goods of cloth, pottery, wood, metal, and lacquer.
- Meteorological Instruments. These include Rain Gauge, Wind Vane, Barometer, Tube Barometer, Centigrade thermometer, Maximum and Minimum Thermometer, and Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometer.
- Survey Instruments. These include the Plane table, Spirit level. Box compass, Tripod, Poles, Flags. Chain and Arrows, Prismatic Compass, Survey, Field book, Tape Scale or Foot Rule, Compass, Divider, Protractor. Statistical climatology should be diagrammatically represented by means of the Wheel Diagram and The Bar Graph.
- Audio-Visuals Aids. These include a Tap recorder, Projector, Filestrips projector, Magic lantern, Epidiascope, etc.
- Reference Books. These books should be always the subject being taught for historical novels, dramas, pictorial books; Illustrating the life and customs of different peoples, important historical besides biographies, auto-biographies, travel stories and encyclopedias books of the peoples in different lands, etc.
- Bulletin Board. On it may be displayed relevant cutting collected by pupils from magazines and newspapers, Maps, picture newspaper reports on topics done or in progress in the classroom can on the bulletin board with a caption or study questions for pupils world showing the controversial spots of the world with suitable cuttings arouses the interest of the students and keeps them in touch current problems. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)
- Extension into the Outside World. The laboratory must be extended into the world outside, as far as the teacher and his pupils can go. This is done through visits and all kinds of community contacts. Living and frequent contact with the outside world will justify the purpose of the special laboratory for social studies. (BEd 2nd Year Social Studies Laboratory Study Material Notes)