BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes: presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Socialised Recitation Method of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.
Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition and importance of Socialised Recitation Method, Need of Socialised Recitation Method, objectives of Socialised Recitation Method, Advantages of Socialised Recitation Method, Disadvantages of the Socialised Recitation Method, and Types of Socialised Techniques Method. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.
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Meaning of Socialised Recitation Method
Socialised recitation is an educational programme of the school which directly aims at the socialization of the children by developing in them the traits of initiative and responsibility within a group member within group membership and in harmony with group interests. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
Training children for democracy by giving them training in democracy is the all-absorbing purpose of socialized class procedures. Co-operative enterprise is keynote is the ‘keynote’ of the method.
According to Schorling,
“The main purposes of the socialised recitation are to develop techniques useful in group work, to stimulate reflective thinking, to supplement previous knowledge, to encourage creative expression, to develop desirable social attitudes by providing practice in a large variety of socialized situations, and above all, practice in the technique of co-operative thinking.”
Need of Socialised Recitation
The traditional type of procedure of teaching does not provide for the active participation of the child in the learning-teaching process. It considers the child as a passive being.
It does not provide sufficient opportunities for the child to express himself. Students usually learn by heart the subject matter without understanding its meanings and significance. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
Ready-made knowledge is given to them. There is a lack of incentive for exercising imitative, originality, and independent thinking. There is always the possibility that the child recites correctly and yet fails to comprehend the real meaning of what he has committed temporarily to memory. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
Education for democracy is of recent origin. In the past, the social aspect was not stressed. But now it is recognized that there must be a proper social setting and through education, the child is to be prepared for social participation. Teaching as well as learning are seen in a social setting under the impact of the sociological approach.
Gandhi Ji said, “I value individual freedom but you must not forget that man is essentially a social being. He has risen to his present status by learning to adjust his individualism to the requirements of social progress.”
A child is a social animal and should be prepared for ‘social participation’. He is to be equipped with skills and abilities that would make him a better and more useful member of society. In the past, such a conception of education was not taken into consideration in the educative process. Socialized recitation is one of the techniques for developing social understanding in children.
Objectives of Socialised Recitation
(i) To make teaching real, interesting, and natural by increasing activity on the part of the pupils and by adopting the techniques of learning by doing. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
(ii) To develop social consciousness among the students by providing opportunities for them to work together of learn by doing.
(iii) To give the students training for social responsibilities.
(iv) To reduce the social distance between the teacher and the taught by minimizing the formalities.
(v) To provide opportunities to the shy pupils to become more self-confident.
(vi) To give opportunities to students to understand each other in a better way.
(vii) To assist the students to express themselves freely and develop the capacity to think clearly and in a concise way.
(viii) To assist the students to decide through collective discussions and to be benefitted from each other’s contributions and also share each other’s experiences. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
Types of socialized Technique
(1) The informal group plan.
(2) The formal group plan and this may be further divided under the following heads:
(i) The panel discussion,
(ii) The symposium,
(iii) The seminar plan,
(iv) Workshop techniques.
1. The Informal Group Plan. The teacher and the teacher talk about their experiences and problems in an informal manner. There is no ad-hoc agenda. Any member of the group may initiate a discussion. Every member of the group is at liberty to ask questions, to ask for explanation and clarification. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
2. Formal Group Techniques. Such techniques are organized on the pattern of a club, council, senate, or committee. It becomes desirable to elect or nominate office-bearers of the group.
A record of the minutes of the discussions is maintained.
Such techniques impose heavy responsibilities and they must see that every pupil is provided the opportunity to get a chance to assume leadership. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
(i) Panel discussion. The panel usually consists of four to eight persons, a chairman, and the audience. In a panel discussion, the representatives of the large group participate. The aim is to provide the features of a small group for the benefit of a large group.
A stage may be erected or a raised platform used for the panel personnel to sit. Seats may be arranged in a semicircular form to enable the audience to see and hear clearly the panel personnel. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
The discussion is opened by the chairman who explains the whole problem and coordinates the discussion and brings to close the panel discussion by summarising the proceedings. The listeners should be given an opportunity to ask questions and make contributions. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
Long speeches and debates are not allowed in a panel discussion. The members of the panel should be fully prepared for the discussion. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
(ii) Symposium. In a symposium, two or more persons prepare their papers or speeches and present them to the audience. All the speakers talk about the various phases of the same problem and thus provide enough material to think about. The audience may be allowed to take part when the speeches or papers have been read. A chairman is also selected.
(iii) The seminar. Generally, advanced students who possess information at advanced and intellectual maturity can be greatly benefited from the seminar. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
A number of students investigate a problem and report their findings.
The students may investigate problems individually or jointly. Reports are presented which are critically evaluated at the conference. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
The participants are free to ask for clarification of certain points. The teacher is the leader of the seminar. He must see that everyone gets some chance to contribute to the seminar discussion (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
(iv) The workshop. It is a recent innovation. Many techniques are adopted in a workshop. Papers may be read, speeches may be made and discussions may be held. Practical work may be provided for the participants.
Advantages of Socialised Recitation
Yoakam and Simpson give the following advantages of socialized techniques:
(i) Pupils learn to plan activities.
(ii) Common interests and purposes are discovered.
(iii) Practice in leadership is gained.
(iv) Initiative is encouraged.
(v) Independence of thought is achieved.
(vi) Training in courtesy is given.
(vii) Ability to report is developed.
(viii) Pupils learn how to take part in the discussion.
(ix) Practice is developed in passing judgment.
(x) Extensive experiences are made possible.
(xi) Self-confidence is gained.
(xii) Respect for others is developed.
(xiii) Co-operation is learnt.
(xiv) Teachers know pupils better.
(xv) Pupils have greater admiration and respect for teachers.
(xvi) Learning is more highly motivated.
Disadvantages of Socialised Recitation
There are some drawbacks also as given below :
(i) It is wasteful of time. It requires long periods of study.
(ii) It does not develop adequate mastery of the subject matter.
(iii) There is a tendency of the class to wander from the subject.
(iv) It runs the risk of futile discussion.
(v) In a socialized recitation there is always the danger that a few pupils will dominate the lesson.
Suggestions for Improving Social Studies
(i) Topics to be discussed should be interesting and at the same time educative.
(ii) Proper seating arrangements should be made.
(iii) Adequate preparation on the part of the teacher is absolutely essential. He must find out ways and means to ensure total participation by pupils. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
(iv) The atmosphere of friendship should prevail. Every participant should realize that ideas may be attacked and not people. Each child should be made to feel that his views are given due recognition.
(v) The teacher is expected to play the role of a guide-cum-counsellor-cum director-cum-contributor. It is his responsibility to see that the discussion is not off track. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
(vi) The discussion must end with some conclusions. It should give the solution of a problem or a plan of action, the formulation of a policy, the evaluation of an issue, or the acquisition of more knowledge about a topic.
(vii) Reliance should be made on the interests, experiences, and abilities of the participants and should be supplemented by factual information supplied by teachers or leaders. (BEd 2nd Year Socialised Recitation Method Study Material Notes)
(viii) Conversational tone is preferable to set speeches.
(ix) All should be patient and tolerant of others’ view-point.
(x) It should be used as a supplementary device.