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BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes: A2zNotes Presents study material Long Question Answer Notes by the Latest BEd Syllabus for Philosophical and Socialogical Perspective of Education. A Collection of Question-Answers compiled and Edited by A2zNotes Well Experienced Authors Based on Latest Two-Years BEd Curriculum. Here in this post, we will provide you with Long Questions and Answers for the Definition, and Meaning of Sociology in Education and Society, the Scope of Sociology, the Relationship between Sociology and Education, and the Impact of Sociology on Education.

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BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes

Meaning and Definition of Sociology

Sociology is a new discipline. In its etymological meaning, it signifies the science of society. The word ‘sociology’ has been derived from the union of the Latin word ‘socius’ and the Greek word ‘logos’, which mean society and science respectively. Thus, the meaning of the word ‘sociology’ is the science of society. Sociologists have different opinions about society. so sociology too has been defined by them in different forms. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

The word ‘society is in use from very ancient times for specific groups of people, such as Indian society, Brahman society, Vaishya society, Jain society, literate society and Rich society. etc. The study of this practical aspect of society started with the development of civilization. The ancient treatises Vedas have discussed the social life of man in detail.

They have discussed the duties of the husband towards the wife, of a wife towards the husband, of parents towards the son, of sone towards parents, of teacher towards pupils, of pupils towards teachers, of one person of society towards another, of the king towards the subject, of subjects towards the king, and so on. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

Manu in his treatise Manusmarti has elaborated upon the Varna system as based on karma or profession and has disbursed its significance. He has determined the duties of individuals, state and society for one another and has played a great role in systematizing the Indian society. It can be considered to be the first treatise of Indian sociology.

According to the father of sociology, Comte, different components of society are scientifically studied in sociology. Gidding, Summer and Ward are other sociologists who hold this view. Sociology is the science in which society is systematically studied.

In the words of Giddings:

Sociology is the systematic description and explanation of society viewed as a whole. –Giddings

Maclver and Page have laid more emphasis on social relationships in place of society.

In their words,

Sociology is about social relationships, the network of relationships, we call society. –Maclver and Page

Some sociologists consider the study of social interactions as necessary in place of social relationships. Ginsberg, Simmel and Augburn are important among them. Gillen and Gillen have defined sociology with this fact in view. In their words:

Sociology in its broadest sense may be said to be the study of interactions arising from the association of living beings. -Gillen and Gillen

Max Weber has emphasized the study of social actions in place of interactions. According to his opinion. it is necessary to understand social interactions in order to understand social relationships, and because social interactions are constructed by social actions, so the basis of the study of sociology is social actions. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

In his own words: –

Sociology is the science which attempts the interpretative understanding of social action.

Scope and Subject-Matter of Sociology

By scope and subject matter of a discipline are meant to two different extents. Scope implies the extent to which the study should be or can be carried out in that discipline. and subject matter is that real extent up to which its study has been carried out so far.

As far as the scope of sociology is concerned, it is very wide; it includes the study of all social relationships, activities, interactions and outcomes. Besides this extensiveness, only general forms of social relationships, activities, interactions and outcomes are studied and not their specific form. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

For example, sociology studies the form of state and the relationships, activities and interactions between state and citizens and the outcomes of these activities; but it does not study political thought and theories.

In the same way, the social form of religion and religious institutions are studied, but the principles of different religions are not studied. So sociology is called general social science, while other social sciences are known by their specific names, such as theology, political science, economics, etc. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

In this regard, Maclver has clarified that as a sociologist. we are interested in social relationships, not because they are economic, political or religious, but because they are social also. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

As far as the subject matter of sociology is concerned, this discipline is in the process of development and it is developing in the form of such a discipline in which scientific study of society or social relationships is made, the outcomes of these activities are also studied and the causal factors of social control and social change are also studied. We can present the subject matter of sociology ill the following order:

  1. The scientific study of society or social relationships.
  2. Study of basic social groups (family, caste, species and religious, economic, political, educational, recreational and welfare institutions). (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)
  3. Study of social interactions (love, hatred, cooperation, struggle). –
  4. Study of causal factors of social control (culture, religion, traditional customs, folk customs, morality, belief, faith, values, law and power, etc.) (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)
  5. Study of causal factors of social change (natural and cultural).

Relationship between Sociology and Education

Sociology studies society and social groups. This study includes the interactions between living component individuals of society and their outcomes. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

It is made out in it that how an individual influences his group and how the group influences an individual. Along with it, other social factors determine individual behaviour, such as society’s civilization and culture. etc. are also studied. Education is also such a social process by which man’s behaviour is subjected to change. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

So, it is included under the scope of sociology, and because both of them are concerned with human behaviour, so they are deeply related to each other. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

What change has to be effected in man’s behaviour, depends on the philosophy, structure, civilization and culture and religious, political and economic condition of the society, and all these are studied under sociology in an integrated form. Thus, sociology is the basis of determining the form of education. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

On the other hand, education is the basis of the development of man. The scientific study of society is not possible in the absence of education, and in such a situation, the question of the development of sociology does not arise. Thus, education is the basis for the development of any discipline of knowledge. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

Impact of Sociology on Education

As far as the relationship between sociology and education is concerned, it started at the beginning of the twentieth century in the form of the scientific study of the influence of group life on education and the influence of education on group life. It started the origin of a new branch of sociology by the name of educational sociology.

This study brought forward several facts and on their basis, all of the concepts of education, and its aims. curriculum and teaching methods etc. were affected.

We discuss them in brief.

1. Sociology and Concept of Education: Sociologists have clarified that education is a social process which develops by the participation of individuals in social consciousness. According to western educational sociologist, Ottaway, the whole process of education is the interaction between individuals and social groups which is determined by certain aims for individual development.

Sociologists have also clarified that education is a dynamic and progressive process, it helps individuals and society in their development. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

2. Sociology and Aims of Education: The aims of education of society basically depend on its philosophy of life, yet the structure of the society and its religious, political and economic conditions also play a fundamental role in determining its aims.

Sociologists emphasize the fact that education should fulfil the immediate needs of society, and because of society. is changeable, its needs also undergo a change, so the aims of education too should undergo a change accordingly.

From the viewpoint of sociologists, there cannot be any definite aims of education; education should only affect the development of social efficiency. (BEd 2nd Year Sociology in Education and Society Study Material Notes)

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