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BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes

BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes: a2znotes.com presents Study Material Long Question Answers based on the Latest BEd syllabus for Socialised Recitation Method of Pedagogy of Social Science. Long Question Answers are one of the major scoring ways as far as the BEd Pedagogy of Social Science Exam is concerned.

Here in this post, we are Long Questions and Answers for the Definition and importance of the Supervised Study Method, Characteristics of the Supervised Study Method, Theoretical Basis of the Supervised Study, Structure of the Supervised Study Method, Limitations of the Supervised Study Method, and Suggestions for Supervised Study. If you are preparing for BEd 2nd Year Pedagogy Social Science Examination, this can help you a lot with preparation. At a2znotes.com you can find all the study material, notes, question answers, and sample model practice papers in a single place.

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BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes

Supervised Study

Most of the teaching methods are given by naturalistic philosophy. The methods of teaching are evolved by nature and are student-centered. (BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes)

These methods provide opportunities for students to remain active in the teaching-learning process.

The play way method, Dalton-plan, Heuristic method, Observation method, Assignment, and Supervised study are students-centered teaching devices. (BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes)

These methods have the following characteristics.

(i) To provide the freedom to students to learn independently.

(ii) To facilitate the individual difference of students.

(iii) To develop reading skills and study habits.

(iv) To provide remediation for learning difficulties.

(v) To facilitate the process of assimilation i.e., to understand the content according to their own.

(vi) To make students more active i.e., student-centered teaching device.

Meaning of Supervised Study

Teaching is organized at three levels-memory understanding and reflective level (independent level) at the memory level teaching students passive listening. The teacher remains more active in classroom teaching. Herbartian approach of teaching is used which is known as thoughtless teaching, (BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes)

Morrison’s approach is used for understanding level teaching.

It includes presentation, assimilation, and organization. The assimilation employs the device of Supervised study’ so that students can understand the content according to their own. (BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes)

Therefore, the student remains more active and the teacher has to supervise the student’s learning activities. Thus, a supervised study device is used for assimilation. (BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes)

It is a device of assimilation or understanding their own style of learning,

This teaching device ‘Supervised Study’ was introduced by Marble John (1971) for Morrison’s has used in his understanding of teaching mode. He has used it for permanent change and true learning or mastery learning.

In the earlier techniques of teaching a teacher remains more active in classroom interaction while in the supervised study technique learners are more active in the teaching process, teacher’s job is to supervise the student’s activities or written work and he has to assist and guide them in the learning difficulties and problem. (BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes)

This technique is based on the principle of learning by doing.’ Each and every student’s work is to be supervised and guided by the teacher but it is difficult to do so as the class size is usually large enough. A teacher’s role in this technique is as a guide and as a friend. It also facilitates individual variation in the teaching-learning process.

This technique is used for two purposes :

(i) To provide the opportunity to do something while learning. Every student has to practice.

(ii) To supervise the activities of each and every learner. The teacher has to provide guidance for the learning difficulties.

The supervised study technique is used in various forms:

(i) Conference Plan,

(ii) Special Teacher Plan,

(iii) Division of Period Plan (review, assignment exercise, and study assignment), and

(iv) Periodical Plan.

The following things are to be taken into consideration while using this

(i) The study assignment should be according to the mental level, interest, and attitude of the learners.

(ii) Scientific books on the study of learners should be developed.

(iii) It develops self-reliance and self-confidence among the students.

(iv) It develops a democratic way of learning. The learners get freedom as well as guidance in the learning process.

(v) A teacher should be well aware of material available for self-study in the classroom.

(vi) The technique should be used to realize the objectives of teaching easily.

Characteristics of Supervised Study

The following are the main characteristics of this teaching device:

(i) It is a period of ‘assimilation’ and provides remedial the student for.

(ii) The work is students is highly individualized in the supervised study.

(iii) By this device of teaching thoroughness of content is developed.

(iv) The individual activities are emphasized by supervised study.

(v) It is used for reading skills and study habits.

(vi) It is a thoughtful teaching device.

(vii) During the supervised study, library work, laboratory work files work, and study work are properly emphasized.

(viii) In the supervised study, teacher work is secondary, just to guide or help the student. The student is more active.

(ix) This device is developed by naturalism to provide the freedom to learn and to learn by doing and experience,

(x) The focus of supervising study is to develop the mastery of the content. It is a mastery learning device.

(xi) Under this device students, involvement or self-motivation is required to work effectively.

(xii) This device is useful at a secondary and higher-secondary level while play way method is useful at nursery and primary levels,

Theoretical Basis of Supervised Study

The supervised study is based on the following principles :

(i) It involves psychological principles of individual difference

(ii) It facilitates sell activity or sell learning and adaptive learning

(iii) Teaching-learning process is student-centered. The learner’s needs are considered.

(iv) The students make use of supportive devices for understanding or toughness of content.

(v) It employs intelligent behaviors of students in the learning process under this device intelligent behavior is encouraged,

Structure of Supervised Study

The supervised study devices are used in different forms in the various subjects-laboratory work, and the fieldwork model of teaching is used at the assimilation stage or understanding level. The supervised study is a crucial device for teaching. The assimilation stage comes when students pass the presentation test. (BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes)

In this teaching device, the following things are kept in mind while using it :

(i) Individual needs of the students are taken into consideration.

(ii) The different types of teaching aids are employed e.g., laboratory work, fieldwork in completing homework,

(iii) The study material is adequately employed.

(iv) The student’s abilities and skills are taken into consideration.

(v) The device is also used for remedial purposes.

(vi) The study material is assigned according to the level of students-high, average and low.

(vii) The previous knowledge or entering behavior of the students is also considered in organizing supervised study.

(viii) The period of supervised study is also allowed.

(ix) Teacher provides the guidance for learning difficulties.

Limitations of Supervised Study

The following are the main limitation of the supervised study:

(i) In this teaching device human behavior is not taken into consideration. The mastery of content is emphasized.

(ii) Under this device psychological motivation is not adequately emphasized, self-motivation or involvement in content is used. It depends on the individual interest in learning. (BEd 2nd Year Supervised Study Method Study Material Notes)

(iii) Affective and psychomotor objectives of teaching are not adequately developed by this device of teaching.

(iv) This device can not be used for teaching primary students, as the play way is more effective.

(v) Under this device, the teacher’s role is secondary but students’ activities are directed by teachers’ guidance.

(vi) In using this device, adequate teaching aids, and supporting devices are not available in our schools.

(vii) There is a large number of students in class, therefore, a teacher can not supervise student activities.

Suggestions for Supervised Study

This device of teaching can be made effective by using suggestions :

(i) This device of teaching should be used after passing the presentation test.

(ii) There should be different forms of instruction on the same topic or content.

(iii) The programmed instructional material should be used in this device.

(iv) The provision of teaching aids and supporting material should be made available in our schools.

(v) During this device minimum guidance should be given. They should be given the freedom to the learner.

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