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Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards

Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards

Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards

Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards: In this post, you will learn about Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards. In Bed, Teacher Teaching, and Technology one of the most important questions is Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards. A2zNotes.com will Provide you best Study material for Bed Teachers, Teaching, and Technology. The Chalk Board and Flannel Board is an Important Part of the Bed Examination.

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Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards
Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards

BlackBoard or Chalk Board

The blackboard is probably the most widely used visual aid. Properly used it may be of tremendous value in all kinds of teaching. You will find the blackboard a convenient and effective visual aid, one that permits contrast implies action, and helps the student in his note-taking. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards)

You can get contrast on the blackboard by using heavy and light chalk strokes. Chalk of various colors, such as green or yellow, helps you in your teaching and helps the student grasp the subject matter. The neatness and orderly arrangement of your blackboard material contribute to effective contrast.

Convenience is another advantage of the blackboard as a visual aid. You can use the blackboard to list items, the important points of your lesson, or to draw charts or illustrations for the class. You can solve problems on the blackboard. It is an excellent supplement to other teaching aids. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards)

Chalk Boards: Chalk Board is the most indispensable aid for the teacher. If used properly, it becomes the most valuable device for making instruction concrete and comprehensive.

Some of the merits of a chalkboard are:

  1. It can capture and hold the attention of students
  2. It can be used to present learning material symbolically.
  3. Abstract ideas can be presented in visual form.
  4. Chalkboard is invaluable for summarising information
  5. It affords variety in teaching, and
  6. It is economical both in terms of time and money.

A college teacher can develop the skill of using a chalkboard. Judicious use of space available on a chalkboard for presenting the material during the course of a lesson is an art. Consideration should be given to the material that can be left on one side of a board, for reference throughout a teaching period. The Centre of the chalkboard may perhaps be used for constant erasing and writing. Diagrams, figures, and maps could take up the other end of the board. The use of color chalks enables the teacher to present important materials in an attractive manner, to catch the attention of the students. A chalkboard, though a simple teaching aid has immense potential for presenting instructional material.

Types and Uses of Chalkboard

Modern chalkboards are made up of the following different types of writing surfaces.

  1. Paint Coated Pressed Wood: Hardboard or any plywood surface finished with dull paint. Special paint is available for coating any surface for use as a chalkboard. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards)
  2. Dull Finished Plastic Surface: Any suitable colored plastic sheet-P.V.C. or laminated plastic sheets may find special use. For general use, such boards may not be suitable because of the high cost, and further, the surface wears out easily. Small boards may be used and writing may be done with chinagraph pencil (different colors) or felt pens with water-soluble colors (watercolor markers). (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards)
  3. Vitreous Coated Steel Surface: Similar in construction to the tin slates available for school children, steel surfaces are available in small sizes of “2 x 3″. Large sizes are not usually made as it will also be necessary to back the surface to keep its plane by wood. A vitreous coated steel board may be used also as a magnetic board. Whiteboards are being used in other countries. Writing on the same could be done with a chinagraph pencil or felt marker with water-soluble color.
  4. Ground Glass Board: A ground glass board is an ideal board for the modern classroom. Ground glass board of a very large area can easily be prepared and fixed to the wall. The construction is easy and very little effort is necessary to write on the same. It can be made in a variety of colors. The most important aspect to be considered is that there is no coating of any material on the writing surface to wear out. The writing surface is ground glass.

There are very few substances harder than glass and chalk is perhaps one of the soft substances. The thickness of the glass plate used in preparation will depend upon the size of the board. The board should be properly fixed and the glass plate suitably backed with the plain wooden surface so that any portion will not be strained due to pressure caused by writing 1/8 glass plates for small boards of size 18″ X 18″ to 1/4″, 1/2″ or 3/4″ plates to wallboards of size 3′ x 6′ or 4′ x 8′ will be necessary.

The glass plate is transparent. The large sheet is laid on the ground preferably on sheets of old newspaper spread evenly. The top surface is ground, using a grinding material and rubbing with rotary movement by a small glass plate applying light pressure with the grinding material well moistened to the consistency of a thin watery paste. The ideal grinding material is fine carborundum (silicon carbide) or fine corundum emery powder (aluminum oxide). Fine sand can also be used, but the process will take more time.

The surface should be kept moist by sprinkling water. The entire surface is uniformly ground. The glass plate would have become translucent. Only one side of the glass plate should be ground. The back surface is painted with good quality paint of the required color. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards)

Use of Colour Chalk

On different colored chalkboards, specific color chalks could be used for maximum contrast.

  1. Green chalkboard               White or yellow chalk
  2. Grey chalkboard                 Yellow chalk
  3. Red chalkboard                 Green yellow chalk
  4. Orange chalkboard           Blue or light green
  5. Yellow chalkboard             Blue chalk
  6. Rose chalkboard               Purple dark blue
  7. Black chalkboard              Any color chalk.

On glass and plastic boards, felt pens could be used instead of chalk but special cleaning fluid should be used for wiping Barium sulfate chalk will be softer. Writings on chalkboards should be erased using a dry duster made of any type of cloth or felt.

The chalkboard should be so positioned that the surface is well lighted and the entire surface will be in full view of any pupil seated in the last row and any teacher of average height will be able to reach any portion of the board easily without any strain. A rectangular box is fitted at the bottom of the board to hold the chalk pieces and duster. Any drawing or picture developed in the presence of the pupils will be more attractive than the same drawn previously.

Use of Chalkboard

The chalkboard is an excellent supplement to other teaching aids: As a “point clincher,” the chalkboard is unequaled. The important points of a subject of the problem may be driven home with a piece of chalk and a chalkboard. The chalkboard can be used for writing assignments, spelling lists, definitions, outlines, and summaries.

Facts, ideas, and processes can often be illustrated with the help of drawings, sketches, and other visual symbols, Spelling words may be written on the board and difficult parts noted by special words may be written on the board and different parts noted by special underlining. Stick figures in proper proportions may be used while representing human forms on the chalkboard.

Some Hints for Using the Chalkboard

The chalkboard is similar to a store window display. Everyone knows that an over-crowded, dirty, and untidy store window display has little value as compared to be that is clean and neat and displays a few well-chosen items which secure the attention of the public. The following rules for using the chalkboard should definitely increase its effectiveness as a visual aid.

  1. Do not crowd the chalkboard with too much matter. A few important points make a vivid impression. Constant practice and imagination are necessary for the effective use of chalkboards.
  2. Make the material simple. Brief precise statements are more effective than long sentences.
  3. Plan your work on the chalkboard in advance. Keep the layouts in your preparation sheet for guidance.
  4. Collect everything you need for the chalkboard before the group meets. (Chalk-various colors, ruler, eraser, any necessary template, etc.) (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards)
  5. Check lighting conditions. Chalkboard glare should be avoided.
  6. Any writing on the board should be large to be visible at a distance, and neat to be easily legible. Any diagram drawn should be large; color chalks should be used only to emphasize or differentiate.
  7. Erase all unrelated material. Other work on the chalkboard distracts attention.
  8. Keep the chalkboard clean. A dirty chalkboard has the same effect as a dirty window.
  9. While writing or developing a picture, it is necessary, desirable, and essential that you should talk or narrate what is being done.
  10. Prepare complicated chalkboard layouts before the group meets. A template may be used for drawing. Templates may be made up of plywood or any laminated sheet with a fret saw. They are useful for drawing neat diagrams and when recurring patterns occur in the diagram. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards)

Chalk Holding and Stroke Technique-Practical Hints

  1. Hold the chalk between the thumb and the fingers with the non-working end of the chalk pointing to the palm of this hand. Present the chalk to the board at a low angle. The strokes must be firm, not feathery, whether they be faint or heavy is intensity. Develop the habit of slightly rotating the chalk as the stroke proceeds, and of changing to a new face of the chalkface for a new stroke or word. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards)
  2. Stand: Stand back so that the elbow is slightly bent yet the reach to the board is easy. Start by working in front of the board, you will gradually learn to work without standing directly in front as this would obstruct the views of pupils.
  3. Exercises on Straight Strokes: Start with vertical lines. Try an exercise of lines of varied intensity. Try an exercise in broken for diagonal strokes. Try an exercise in joining points. Place the chalk piece flatwise and drow some ‘mass’ strokes which are sometimes required. To draw two parallel lines close together, two pieces of chalk may be held, when making the strokes. Try a few samples of holding more than one piece of chalk.
  4. Curved Stroke: Small circles are formed by wrist work and larger ones by a combination of elbow and shoulder movement. Do not try to mold these curved strokes by bit. Try stroke exercise and then plenty of circles of different sizes. Try free curve exercises. Try exercises combining straight strokes and curved strokes. Try exercises for straight lines and circles.

Try exercises for free curve strokes. Pay special attention to proportion and to the quality of line work.

  1. Writing: The qualities required in blackboard writing are legibility and speed and beauty in this order. In developing legibility consider the following aspects: (a) style, (b) letter shape, (c) size, and (d) spacing. Speed is essential for good coordination of blackboard work and oral exposition but not at the price of legibility. “Little and often” is a good rule when compiling blackboard work. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards)
  2. Printing on Board with Chalk: Though printing is slower than writing it embodies a great clarity and aesthetic appeal. Keep it, therefore, for conventional usage, for heading, and for emphasis. Develop a simple style of good form for notices, it larger or more ornate letter is required. Try an exercise about 4 tall with the thickness stores added after each letter is formed. The advantages of this style are quickness and simplicity. Sharpen the chalk to a chisel point and try exercises for single stroke shapes and for another form of large lettering. The same effect can be obtained by using a piece of chalk 3/8″ flatwise for letters about 4″ tall. Try double lettering by holding two pieces of chalk. Teachers in the artistic trades should develop the technique of chalk lettering to a higher level. It is convenient to sharpen the chalk.


The flannel board teaching aid has become more important in recent years. It is no longer the small green felt-covered board on which teachers would place various “cut-outs” such as pictures, words, or numbers in the Kindergarten class and lower elementary grades. Today it has become a dynamic teaching tool, used by an increasing number of alert educators and industrial representatives.

The flannel board still is a stationary or portable surface covered with a rough flannel-like cloth, usually grey, black, or dark blue in color. Various objects such as pictures, magazine or newspaper “cut-outs,” and “flannel-like” backing are placed on the board as the presentation is developed by the instructor. The objects placed on the board adhere to it, without the use of thumbtacks or scotch tape. This makes it possible to construct and develop an idea step-by-step in a very dramatic and impressive manner.

Another outstanding feature of the flannel board presentation is its flexibility. The flannel board presentation may be designed around any size board, depending upon the amount of material to be covered and the time allotted for the presentation. After the presentation has been developed it may be shortened or lengthened, depending on the nature of the group or the purpose of the meeting. New materials may be added and outdated material deleted. Color may be used to attract and focus attention. In fact, entire sections of the presentation may be revised in order to provide a more effective lesson.

A Flannel board is a wonderful aid in the hands of an English teacher who can use his imagination. It is a rectangular wooden reply board on which a piece of flannel is pasted. It is easy is construct and very cheap. It is light and portable and thus can easily be used in the classroom. This aid is used where there is a need of presenting things in small pieces or very quick re-arrangement of smaller units is described, e.g., the difference of words in order to change the meaning. It is used for sticking paper strips on it. These paper strips are specially designed for teaching English. Pictures can easily be shifted and removed An English classroom should also have a small flannel board beside a chalkboard and some charts.

Uses of Flannel Board

A flannel board can be used for (i) Preparatory reading, (ii) Vocabulary and Structure drills, and (iii) Storytelling. In order to teach various items, the students cut out letters, words, and sentences and then paste them on the board.

  1. For teaching, preparatory reading flashcards can be displayed on the flannel board. Students can be asked to match sentences or word cards with picture cards.
  2. For teaching vocabulary and spelling, the pupils prepare cut-outs of the letters of the alphabet. These cut-outs are then distributed among the pupils. The teacher speaks a word and the pupils have appropriate letters some to the flannel board and build up the word. The rest of the pupils look on, and in case the word has been incorrectly spelled, they point out the error, and make the necessary correction either by changing the position or certain words or by substituting the correct one. For teaching structures, the pupils build up sentences from words. The teacher can have two, three or more columns of two types: fixed and variable columns or columns.
  3. The flannel board is very useful in storytelling. The pupils build up the story step by step by pasting the appropriate pictures on the flannel board as the teacher narrates it. Life and movement are given to the story by changing the position of pictures on the flannel board. (Bed 2nd Year What do you mean by Chalk Board and Flannel boards)

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