BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes
BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Meaning and Definition of Creativity
Creativity is generally meant to be the ability or faculty of creation or construction.
This creation can be of any type, old or new. But in psychology, creativity is meant that trait, ability or faculty which creates something new, for example, writing a new poem by a poet, writing an article having original thoughts and discovering new facts by a scientist, etc. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
We can explain it by an example, If a potter makes pitchers as are usually made, then this would be called his skill, but if of new size and new type, or decorates the old types with terns and drawings, then this would be called his ability of creation James Drever has defined creativity as an ability to create an original product. In words:
Creativity is essentially found in new constructions or productions. -James Drever
Crow and Crow have defined it as a mental process:
Creativity is a mental process to express the original outcomes. -Crow and Crow
Cole and Bruce have defined creativity as a joint form of a mental process action to make a new product. In their words:
Creativity is an ability and activity of man’s mind to grasp, express and appreciate the form of an original product. -Cole and Bruce
Elements or components of Creativity
Guilford has accepted only four elements or components of creativity:
- Ability to Go Beyond the Current Situation: The first element of creativity is to think further. The persons who have the ability to think “what can be” further than ‘what exists’, are armed with more measures of creativity.
- Re-explanation of Problem: According of Guilford , the persons who possess more ability to explain a problem in a new manner, they have created. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
- Adjustment: According to Guilford, the persons who have more ability to act in new circumstances, they have created more measures. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
- Changing the Thinking of Others: According to Guilford, creative persons have the ability to criticize others’ thoughts and amend them. This is also an or also an element or component of creativity.
Torence too has accepted four elements of creativity-fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. In the meanwhile, psychologists have discovered some new elements of creativity. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
At present, the faculty of creativity of an individual is found by the measurement of the following elements, so we shall discuss them here in brief:
- Sensitivity: Creative persons are sensitive, especially towards change.
- Novelty: Novelty is an important element of creativity. When a person is not attracted to novelty, he cannot create the new.
- Originality: Originality is related to novelty. Originality is meant the ability to give a new form to an object, to present a problem in a new manner or solve a problem in a new way. In the view of Torence, originality is the most important element of creativity.
- Fluency: To keep making efforts for the solution of a problem or construction of an object is called fluency. There is a flow in the thinking of creative people. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
- Flexibility: By flexibility is meant to present an object in different forms and to present several solutions to the same problem. According to Terence, the persons who have that ability possess creativity.
- Elaboration: Detailed analysis of thought on the basis of one’s experiences is called elaboration. According to Terence, there is creativity and originality in the analysis presented by a creative person.
- Self-Decision: Creative persons are self-confident and self-dependent and they take decisions independently.
- Redefinition: By redefinition is meant to present an object, activity or thought, not in its old or contemporary form, but in a novel fashion. This is an element of creativity. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
- Creative Production: The basic element of creativity is creative thinking, with which a person succeeds in creating new thought, new structure, new production etc. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
Some Other Factors Concerning Creativity
(1) Western psychologists have, on the basis of their experiments, arrived at the conclusion that creative talent is necessary for creativity, but it is not necessary that the IQ should be higher. Persons of low IQ can also be creative, and this is true.
(2) The second fact that psychologists have revealed is that a creative person must have the ability to divergent thinking, so long a person does not have originality in thinking, he cannot create something new.
(3) The rate of development of creativity in children differs at different age levels.
(4) Creativity in children depends upon their environment.
(5) Psychologists have found that creative children have unique coordination of introvert and extrovert personalities, on the whole, they are humorous. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
Nature and Characteristics of Creativity
The form and universally agreed qualities or elements of creativity are called its nature and characteristics. We can discuss them as follows:
(1) Creativity is that ability or faculty of man by which he presents newer thoughts, creates newer objects and discovers newer facts.
(2) Creativity is that ability or faculty of man by which he arrives at the original solution of a problem.
(3) A characteristic of creativity is that the new thought presented by it, new objects made by it or new facts discovered by it are useful for human life. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
(4) Creativity is innate and it is expressed and developed in a favourable environment.
(5) The ability of creativity varies in different individuals.
(6) Different individuals have different types of creativity, some have creativity in the literary field, some in the artistic field, some in the skill field, some in the scientific field, some in the artistic field, some in skill field, some in the scientific field, some in the technological field, and some have created in other fields. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
(7) The chief elements of creativity are – sensitivity, novelty, originality, fluency, flexibility, elaboration, redefinition and creativity production. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
(8) At present, creativity is measured by the measurement of the above elements.
Theories of creativity
In order to analyze the nature and process of creativity, psychologists have conducted several studies and on the bases of those studies, they have revealed some facts, which are called theories of creativity. We shall discuss a few of them here.
- Hereditary Theory: According to this theory, creativity is innate, a child gets it from the parents. Those who agree with this theory clarify that this is the reason that different persons have different types of creativity and to different degrees.
- Environment Theory: This theory was laid down by Ariete. According to this theory, creativity is not innate only, rather it can be developed in a favourable environment like other qualities. The supporters of this theory clarify that different thoughts are manifested in an open, independent and favourable environment and new activities are performed which give rise to creativity; on the contrary, creativity does not develop in a closed society.
- Level Theory of Creativity: This theory was laid down by Tayler. He has analyzed creativity in the form of five consecutive levels. According to him, a person is creative only in such quality for which he is capable. These levels are:
(i) Creativity in Expression: This is that level in which a person expresses his thoughts continuously; this is not necessary for these thoughts to be related to creativity. According to Tayler, this creativity is of the lowest level are:
(ii) Productive Creativity: At this level, a person produces something new. This product can be in the form of a thought, an activity or an object. According to Tayler, this is the second level of creativity from bottom to top.
(iii) Innoventive Creativity: At this level, a person presents an old thought, activity or object in a new form in which it attracts attention. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
(iv) Inventive Creativity: At this level, an individual propounds new thought or theory through his abstract thinking.
(v) Highest Level of Creativity: According to Tayler, a person who reaches this level creates ideal things and theories in different fields of art, literature and science etc. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
- Hemisphere Theory: This theory was laid down by Clark and Kitane. This theory is based on the fact of zoology that creativity sprouts in the right hemisphere of the brain and logic power sprouts in the left hemisphere of the brain. According to this theory, creative acts occur due to the interaction between two hemispheres of the brain in a person.
- Psychoanalytical Theory: This theory was laid down by Freud. According to this theory, creativity in an individual arises due to the expression of unfulfilled desires in the unconscious mind. He reasoned that when unfulfilled desires are sublimated, they turn toward creative acts, (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
Identification of Creative Children
Whatever is manmade in this world has been made by creative persons. So the emphasis is laid in the present times to identify creative children in order to develop their creativity. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
Through creative children can be identified by teachers in a normal way on the basis of their symptoms, yet the type of creativity (literary, artistic, skill, scientific, technological or other types) in a child can be known by the administration of creativity tests as developed by psychologists. These tests are used to measure the elements of creativity and on this basis, the type and quality of creativity are ascertained. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Creativity Study Material Notes)
As far as the traits of creative children are concerned, we have already discussed them under the elements of creativity above. The amount of creativity depends on the amount of those elements (traits).