BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence
BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence: In this post, we will learn about BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence? In Bed 2nd Year there is one of the most important questions comes from Growing up as a Learner. BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence? Teaching is a social and professional activity. It is a process of development. Teaching is a system of actions that induce learning through interpersonal relationships. and all the rest you will study in this Blog.
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Emotional Development in Adolescence
In order to understand and nature of adolescent emotional behaviour is very important and also very difficult to take into account the fact that the feelings, he has in response to what happens in the world about him are thus influenced by the inner state of the adolescent. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
The emotional behaviours are known as anger, fear, hostility, vindictiveness, pleasure, love affection, laughing and humour.
Meaning and Definitions of Emotions
The world emotion has been derived from and Latin word “to move out”. Emotion may be defined as the stirred-up condition of the organism involving an internal and external change in the body. An emotion is a disturbed state of an organism: an emotion includes visceral changes due to increased activity of situation.” autonomic nervous system and an emotion originate within the psychological situation.” (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
It is expressed in love, fear, anger, laughter and rears etc., It involves, feelings of jubilation or depression and the impulse to action and awareness of perception. Basically, human beings are creatures of feelings or emotions.
Our emotions control our behaviour. Emotion in the organism is a dynamic internal adjustment that operates for the satisfaction and welfare of the individual. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
Adolescents and Emotions
Emotions emerge in the infancy stage but during adolescence, the period is heightened. emotionality. There are various reasons for the emotionality of adolescents. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
Emotions have both types of effects on their life career.
Emotions provide the strength of the child for performing heroic deeds and sacrificed their lives for the cause of the nation as well as for their society. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
Adolescence is marked by heightened emotionality. The history of the world is full of the heroic deeds of adolescents when many adolescents sacrificed their lives at the alter of freedom of the country. Heightened emotionality is evident from nail-biting tension, conflicts quarrels with parent sibling and classmates etc.
The following are the main cause of emotionality in adolescents:
- Needs of Adolescent
- Social expectations
- Difficulty in adjustment to the opposite sex
- Religious conflicts
- School Conditions
- Conflicts with Family Members
- Vocational problems.
1. Needs of Adolescents: The needs of adolescents are different from childhood because they need exhibitions which require money to have a new style of dress and other bodybuilding requirements. They become emotionally disturbed when they fail to meet these requirements and recreational demands. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
2. Social Expectations: When the child becomes an adolescent, society and parents expect him to think and act like an adult for which he is not physically and into his status in a social setting and failure to meet social expectations results in emotional disturbances and failure to met social expectations results in emotional disturbances and failure to adjust to a new environment.
Adolescent because of the shift in roles has to make new adjustment in a different social situation. He has to leave his accustomed patterns of childhood. He has to learn in a short period of new adjustment.
3. Difficulty in Adjustment of Opposite Sex: We observe that in later childhood, there is little interaction between boys and girls. In adolescence, there is attraction toward the member of the opposite sex but the adolescent is not able to understand the correct social behaviour, or how to make friendships with the members of the opposite sex. These problems create emotional tensions in him. He has to meet a new social situation which disturbs him.
4. Religious Conflicts: Every child is trained in a special set of religious beliefs and values. The child without questioning the authenticity of the teachings of his parents obeys them but with the advancing age, he critically examines the beliefs and starts questioning the teaching of his parents. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
This leads to conflicts in his mind.
The Indian society is divided into serval sub-groups, each following its own religious beliefs. One caste hates the other. The adolescent is very sensitive to the feelings of hatred, partiality and nepotism in society.
There is a great gulf between the value and teaching preached by the school and their actual practice in society. The adolescent is disturbed by all these actions. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
5. School Conditions: School failures cause heightened emotionality so much 80 that many adolescents commit suicide, leave home and sometimes give up education. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
6. Conflicts with Family Members: Adolescents come in conflict with their friends and family members who fail to understand them. Too strict discipline, restriction on movement and lack of understanding of their interests or point of view are the chief sources of emotional disturbance. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
7. Vocational Problems: The most pressing problem for Indian adolescents is their future vocation after schooling. When he finds many adults roaming on the road without any means of livelihood, he is disturbed and permanent anxiety develops in his mind. Particularly those adolescents, who come from poor families and are supporters of their families, are more disturbed.
Nature of Emotions of Adolescents
The emotions which have been enumerated in the above paras emerge from the stage of infancy but these are heightened at the stage of adolescence. The intensity and form of expression of emotions change among adolescents. They have the capacity to suppress and control their emotions. When the emotions are suppressed by the adolescent, these may cause new symptoms.
Symptoms: Excessive nail biting, thumb sucking, biting the lips. Scratching the nose; pulling or twisting the hair, scratching the head; picking the face, touching the face with the hand, learning the face on the hands and rocking legs etc.
The use of other mechanisms such as aggression, inattention, shyness, withdrawal and hyperactivity, also indicate emotional disturbance. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
The teacher can identify with these abnormal actions and behaviours in adolescents in his class. They need individual guidance and some time counselling to release their tensions and satisfy their needs and requirements.
These abnormal symptoms are caused by emotions because they are no simple emotions but have the following characteristics:
- The complexity of Emotions,
- Development of Abstract-emotion,
- Emotional feelings are widened,
- Expansions of emotions,
- The reality of emotional experiences
- Level of Aspiration,
- Tendency or aloneness,
- External feelings,
- Increased compassion,
- Bearing of Tensions,
- Capacity for sharing emotions and
- Development of ego.
1. Complexity of Emotions: By the age, a child reaches adolescence, he experiences a number of emotional upheavals and storms. His emotional development becomes complex by the experiences he gets in his environment. We can not understand an adolescent by the overt emotional expression, but we have to fathom deep to understand him. The adolescent learns to conceal his true emotional experience. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
2. Development of Abstract-Emotion: Generally children show emotional expression in relation to concrete objects but adolescents can express their emotional feelings in relation to objects which are abstract or which are not present in concrete form.
3. Emotional Feelings are Widened: As the child grows he starts taking account of the past and imagines of future and thus we can expect him to become more patient and able to tolerate delay. He gets pleasure from what the expects in future.
The sphere of his social relations increases. He starts appreciating elder and younger people. Sometimes he is emotionally attached to a hero of his choice who may be a historical figure, politician, heroine or hero or other leaders according to whose principles he wants to shape his life. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
4. Expansions of Emotions: Emotional development begins to form in the home environment of the infant and during adolescence, it is expanded be and the home and neighbourhood. These loyalties are identified with peers and leaders of various fields.
5. The reality in Emotional Experiences: Now the child enters the period of reality). An adolescent can perceive and appreciate people around him. He recognizes the weakness and strengths of one’s character.
6. Level of Aspiration: Adolescence is the period of life when one has high Bohopes and aspirations for his future life. Some adolescents work realistically to achieve their expectations and others do little to realize their hopes, they remain in illusion, and in the world of daydreams and flights of fancy which make them unrealistic.
7. The tendency of Aloneness: Adolescents develop a feeling of aloneness. Sometimes they like to remain alone in their home.
8. External Feelings: The adolescent leans to externalize his feelings in a variety of situations and external environments, in which he moves in. He can project his feeling to others. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
9. Increased Compassion: Compassion means to enter his own feelings and appreciating the feeling of others. Compassion is the single quality which enables a man to achieve the highest peak and the deepest reach in his search for self-fulfilment. Compassion means the following feelings. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
It denotes an ability to enter into kinship with the feeling and impulses involved in any sort of emotional experience whether it be joy or sorrow. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
10. Bearing of Tensions: Adolescents develop competencies to bear the tensions in different social situations. The emphasis if on self-control. The adolescents feel a kind of inner freedom, freedom to feel and experience, in an intimate personal way.
11. Capacity for Sharing Emotions: The adolescents develop a concern about the feeling of others and an increased capacity for sharing emotional experiences with others. (BEd 2nd Year What do you mean by Emotional Development of Adolescence)
In childhood, children are not able to control their emotions.
Sharing of emotional experiences reaches its fullest development when an adolescent is able to relate himself to another person in such a way that the satisfaction of the person is just as important as his own. It means he is to love his neighbours as much as himself.
12. Development of Ego: It is the most important reason to heighten emotionality in adolescence. The ego is developed among adolescents which raises their level of aspirations or exceptions. If their ego is at a stack, it amounts to tension in them. It provides strength in adolescence which help them for performing heroic deeps or herculean tasks.